I am not a "coffee snob" but neither do I want to be short-changed by paying a lot of money for a load of froth, choolate powder and opaque porcelain hiding the cup being barely half full of the beverage.
Nor am I taken in by pseudo-Italian names and the general "It is American so must be sophisticated or fashionable" argument. Note the "or": the two adjectives are not synonyms!
Plain coffee is not even "American", "~o" or not. Coffee drinking predates the USA by centuries.
So chains like the Mactuckycostalottabucks shower, do not attract me. I use independent cafes instead and have about four favourites in my nearest town - though probably drink more tea than coffee.
("Costa", or "Costalotta" as I call it from motorway services experience, was originally British. It started in London but when it expanded, Macdonalds bought it. Its products are probably no worse than any other major chain's, but no better either.)