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I'm not a Fan of Gin

In college, my dormmates invited me to drink, just one shot of Gin and my world spiraled.
I had itchy rashes and vomited hard. From that day on, I swore never to taste even a bit of gin.

Fast forward to the present, I think I recovered. I bought this gin because I liked the bottle.🤭

I mixed it with grape juice and I was knocked out after 2 goblets.
I slept through the alarm and missed work!

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Sounds like gin is not your drink. I’ve never liked it myself, but my late husband’s favorite drink was Tanqueray and grapefruit juice—yuck ! I never understood that. 😅
jackson55 · M
@bijouxbroussard I’ll take your word for it.
jackson55 · M
@bijouxbroussard Ever had a Mint Julip ?
@jackson55 Yes, but not in awhile. 😊
KatyO83 · 41-45, F
Mothers ruin - that's a nickname for it in UK. I was mostly vodka and wine drinker but gin always gave me terrible headaches and dreams.
@KatyO83 sorry to hear about the gin....I like vodka too, smirnoff is my favorite.
AdaXI · T
@KatyO83 @1sakuradoll08 Yeah I don't know why ordinary gin seems to utterly smash me way more than vodka does😄

Hehe the mothers ruin reference is really old goes back to a time when people drank gin in the big cities because the drinking water was so full of bacteria it could kiII you.
You’re probably allergic to juniper. My wife can’t drink gin for the same reason. Since the juniper in gin is infused rather than distilled, most of it is present. You could try non-juniper gin like Hendricks (infused with cucumbers) but in my opinion, that stuff is vile.
@LeopoldBloom thanks for the tip!
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I don't really know why people bother with intoxicants at all. God do they like being high. It's not like I've never had a drink and don't know what it's like. I drank some when I turned 21, it made me puke, I got bored with it and haven't drank since. It just wasn't that much fun. I can see if people just like a drink now and then. Maybe it's relaxing or something. But that's not what happens. Instead we get the near worship of alcohol and other drugs. If it's not one intoxicant they're swilling it's another. Alcohol is packaged in the fanciest glass bottles you could imagine, like glass shrines. Jails fill up, most murders are committed when the killer was intoxicated. Accidents, fights, illness and death. Governments bemoan the drunkenness and drugged state of their populations. Things like fentanyl lay waste. Bizarre bumper stickers pop up like "fuck fentanyl". Did the fentanyl somehow jump them in a ally at night and go up their nose or up their ass or something to kill them? Addiction to intoxicant's is hardly rare. It's rampant , it's referred to as an "epidemic" or some other such term. When looked at objectively I have to just shake my head. How does a creature exist with such a bizarre problem? To inject or drink or otherwise introduce some substance or other until the thing wastes away and dies? There are piles of used needles and shit everywhere. At times I want to just laugh at how absurd it is.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I tried Gin a long time ago and it’s one of those beverages my body cannot tolerate.
@TheShanachie sorry to hear that.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Ooooh I love gin!! Martinis are my fave, but I also like Gin and tonic. 🥰
@DearAmbellina2113 good for you!
AdaXI · T
I like Gordon's Pink Gin...
But yeah not a big fan of the ordinary stuff.
@AdaXI we, women can't resist pink, can we?!
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
I love Beefeaters Gin. With Tonic and a twist of lime
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I simply do not like the taste of gin. I never buy it or order it.
@DrWatson Same here.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
I recommend no more gin.
@badminton yeah but I need to consume the contents of the bottle. not even half yet.
metaldog · 51-55, F
I can't do gin without Cinzano
@metaldog mama's girl😊
metaldog · 51-55, F
@1sakuradoll08 errr I happen to be a very girly girl
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@metaldog sorry, my bad!
I really need new glassess
Strongtea · 22-25, M
It would do the same to me, I get drunk so easily!!!
dale74 · M
Quality versus quantity in college they probably had the cheapest stuff possible and as we know anything that's too cheap is normally not good. Everything has three quantifiers good fast and cheap. Trick is you can only pick two
@dale74 Yeah, I could remember that they offered me a shot of that cheap gin that made my world crazy. Now I can buy something hefty that can make me sleep like a baby without any adverse reaction physically.
dale74 · M
@1sakuradoll08 one of my favorite drinks is gin and 7UP or Sprite. Typically my favorite is tanqueray
cecile · F
i never liked it when i was younger but i do now
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
The best gin!! Lol
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
@KingPierus I have. I fact you can light it up and it will burn.
bowman81 · M
I always thought Gin tasted like Vaseline Petroleum Jelly...yuck! I am not a fan.
Nor vodka for me - BUT! - have you ever tasted Newfie screetch??

Bang5luts · M
Problem solved.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I never tasted Gin.
come2gether · 46-50, M
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@ShenaniganFoodie don't make me salivate!
these all look sumptuous!
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