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Worst food you have eaten?

Someone told me (and whoever was listening) that they had eaten this black scorpion in Thailand.
Why, I have no idea. He got the gasps he was hoping for. Different strokes for different folks, I guess, or cultures.
So .. why do some of our tourists still think British food is bad??
There's always McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut.

Jellied Eels ... (in case you're wondering)
British people shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen

Worst food I had was the leftover of my favorite food being served to me for 7 days straight. By the 7th day I could hear my liver screaming
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@Nanori It's not the same for everyone British. I love cooking and would never eat leftovers seven days straight!

馃槀 I鈥檓 British and can cook good food!
Worst was flying back to the states from Korea. They served sea bass and i made me so sick plus was horrible.
cherokeepatti61-69, F
The only British food I had was on British Airways and to me it was good. Didn鈥檛 expect spicy food but everything was good regardless of the meal. Airline food on American airplanes is generally disgusting.
Ducky31-35, F
Deep-fried tarantula on a stick and I wasn't even drunk.
@Ducky i saw them deep frying the tarantula and the local kids crunching them up.
@Ducky mo
2brandon218-21, M
@Ducky maybe Pedro would like to meet tarantula on a stick, after all, he is jalape帽o on a stick.
sarahcupcake36-40, F
馃ぎ ewwwww Jemima that is totally gross..!!

The worst thing I had was tripe in France.... my mother ordered it by mistake..!!
Glassysky22-25, M
British food is depressing, its likr medieval food tbh
@Glassysky no its fab
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@Glassysky Where do you eat???
Queendragonfly31-35, F
Maggots in old food
Has happened twice
LordShadowfire46-50, M
@Queendragonfly I have to ask. What does a maggot taste like?
Queendragonfly31-35, F
@LordShadowfire I didn't really know I ate them so no clue
Ngl my own cooking. 馃槀
In my defense, I was young.

But that one, woah!
badminton61-69, MVIP


A guy ate a slug for a dare once and ended up paralysed.
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@Fairydust I'm not surprised - I suppose people think they might be like eating French snails or escargo - totally different. UGH..

Slug pellet was in it.
SunshineGirl36-40, F
Eels are delicious . . I can live without the jelly though!

My Polish grandmother used to pickle root vegetables and serve them years later when completely unrecognisable.
@SunshineGirl ha! pickled vegetables are a regular side dish in my country
SunshineGirl36-40, F
@Nanori Poles like to preserve food or hide it in the ground to prevent Napoleon/Bismark/Stalin/Hitler from stealing it. I don't think Napoleon would have been very interested in my nanna's pickles though 馃ズ
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@SunshineGirl l like pickled herring.
Canned pork brains.

@Ducky It was a party dare, but I held it down.
LordShadowfire46-50, M
@Ducky So, can we talk, or is it just going to go like the other six gazillion times?
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@Azlotto Ewww ....
cherokeepatti61-69, F
Beef stomach in Morocco, stopped eating it when I bit down on a piece of grit. I can鈥檛 stand that sound on my teeth.
Cornflakes and water. Also Raisin bran even with milk it's disgusting
FreestyleArt31-35, M
Mayo sandwich. No Offense but mayo is disgusting to me
@FreestyleArt no beautiful
That pizza place in college that also specialized in Chinese food.
Starcrossed41-45, F
Lutefisk, Black pudding.
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@Starcrossed I have never heard of Lutefisk. Oh black pudding - no. Pig's blood .. grooo.
Musicman61-69, M
Somewhere between sushi and eggplant. 馃あ
fanuc201351-55, F
I had some really bad cheese in Venice!
JimboSaturn51-55, M
These individual frozen dinners; total garbage
Tyson's Chicken
Oysters 馃Κ
Anchovies 馃ぎ
Jemimapuddleduck31-35, F
@PeterParker Now I DO like that!
LordShadowfire46-50, M
Worst as in most bizarre, or worst as in actually bad tasting? Because mine is kind of both. I was at Hot Topic one day, and I noticed they had bags of cooked crickets in various flavors. I bought a bag of barbecue flavored crickets.

Only I didn't.

What I bought was a bag of flavorless crunchy bugs covered in barbecue flavored powder to cover the fact that apparently crickets have no taste whatsoever.
SandWitch26-30, F
East Indian food when I was in Columbo Sri Lanka for 8 weeks on business.

Everything in the upscale restaurant was laced with hot curried spice that was SO hot and so vile tasting, that you couldn't actually taste the underlying food itself.

At first I thought I had just mis-read the 'spicy' items on the menu and mis-ordered. After telling the waitress to 'hold the hot sauce' the next time I was in, she told me that it's mandatory to serve it on every menu item. This was because the restaurant had no food refrigeration and the reason for the 'spicy hot currie sauce' was to mask the smell of the rotten chicken so you could get it down your throat. Her words not mine.

I've never been able to eat East Indian cuisine ever since, even when I'm passing through UK where Indian restaurants are very prominent.
SandWitch26-30, F
Exactly a suitcase full... basically a large backpack full as I dragged my wheeled suitcase behind me through the airports. Nothing was safe to eat in India unless of course you were born and raised in India and had acquired natural immunity to the bacteria in their food supplies.

But I'm from Sweden and I brought most of my backpack food from UK or from Frankfurt or Zurich when I knew I'd be going back to my temporary home base in Colombo Sri Lanka for a week.
cherokeepatti61-69, F
@SandWitch it is good that you were able to do that. There was a lady on EP who took a 2-year contract in China to teach English. She was always complaining about how most of the food was polluted that was sold in public markets, especially meat. Said the safest place to buy it was at large supermarkets but she had no car and would have to pay good money to take a taxi there and back. From what she said she was going to have to break the contract and return to Canada because it got to a point where she couldn鈥檛 stand it.
SandWitch26-30, F
Yeah, I mean I'm totally with her on leaving town over that. China is no different than India in that regard. I was in Colombo Sri Lanka which is a major city for the region. Sri Lanka use to be called Ceylon at the southern tip of India. There were 5-star hotels on the inside of the hotel property, but abject poverty just outside the hotel gates.

I resorted to eating only in the hotel, but even then the water bottles were recycled on the premises, which means the hotel staff refilled the water bottles from a water tap that did not dispense purified water.

Even brushing my teeth in the morning was impossible. I had to use Heineken beer from a bottle and I don't even drink alcohol! Imported beer from Germany was the only safe fluid one could put in their mouth because the water supply in India is contaminated. I would buy a dozen bottles of imported beer from the hotel bar and take them up to my room, but they wouldn't give me a bottle opener to take with me!

I had to phone my father at home in Sweden to ask him how the hell I get a bottle cap off a bottle of beer! He taught me a trick over the phone where I rested the edge of the cap along the edge of a square counter top and then hit the top of the bottle with my fist! Sure enough, the cap popped off!

So I asked him how comes he knows so much about beer? He told me that he learned it from my mom when he took her out on their first date! He said she was an expert at popping bottle caps off beer bottles on a fence posts! He later confessed to lying to me, but it made a good story at the time!
tenente100+, M
i once tried making crispy chicken wings by adding baking soda to the dry rub. i added too much baking soda and the wings tasted like ammonia 馃槤
cherokeepatti61-69, F
@tenente i have thought of doing that. Will take note of not adding too much baking soda. I have marinated steak with baking soda to make Chinese food to tenderize it. Didn鈥檛 add too much though.
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