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Louve · 26-30, F
Président bof c'est pas très bon après vache ki ri bof aussi

Elessar · 26-30, M
(Images only for illustrative purposes only)

2x mozzarelle di bufala from a local farm

ricotta di bufala from the same local farm

Commercial grade
Grana Padano (36 months)

Asiago D.O.P



Gorgonzola w/ Mascarpone
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@Elessar 😋
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Gouda, Kashkaval, Niva, Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, some other hard cheese that looks like Parmesan but isn't that good
Elessar · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover Cheese are already different in different regions of the same country, let alone between countries 😜 and it's probably one reason why I love it so much, there's so much variety
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Elessar Every block is different. 🥴 All those cheeses in the fridge and I'd like some Eidam or Emmenthal now. 😶
Elessar · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover Don't tell me, I know already that by 1am or some weird hour like that I'll be craving for some too 😅
French President Charles De Gaulle once famously asked "How can anyone govern a nation that has two hundred and forty-six different kinds of cheese?"

Based on that statement, my middle school son & I once went to the local big supermarket and counted the different varieties of cheddar. Different shapes or sizes didn't count, but different add-ins did - cheddar with sage, cheddar with jalapeno, etc. Different companies count; also mild, sharp, extra sharp, etc all count.

I don't remember the exact number, but we came up with well over 30 kinds of cheddar in one supermarket in the northeast. Besed on that, I'm guessing that the US produces over 246 different varieties of cheddar. Does that make us easier to govern or more difficult??

BTW, France has somewhere near 400 named cheeses now; far more if you count local varieties as different.


Sharp white cheddar, mild orange cheddar, sharp orange cheddar, extra sharp Tillamook cheddar (a few of the cheddars are shredded), whole milk mozzarella, mild chevre (it says mild goat on the label but we know) 12 month aged Gouda, Parmigiano Reggiano.

P.S. We're all out of Bree - thanks for bringing that to my attention!!
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
I once ate Comté, it was incredibly delicious.
@basilfawlty89 definitely not...
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@basilfawlty89 Stop spreading violence against the potatoes 🥔😡
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@BittersweetPotato step being delicious then!

Gouda, Red Leicester, Wensleydale, Brie, Parmesan
@SW-User Wensleydale! Do you know the story of how Wallace & Gromit saved the Wensleydale creamery?
@ElwoodBlues Yes, cracking cheese 😀
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Pepper Jack and Parmesan. And shredded Mozzarella for homemade pizza. I usually have Medium Cheddar but I'm out right now.
Canuckle · 51-55, M
5 - old medium shredded those cows shaped in triangles and some cheese whiz. Lol
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@rodionromanovitch] 🤔 one at this moment strong cheddar
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Feta, cheddar, gouda
Lilymoon · F
Cheddar and parmesan
None of these.

redredred · M
Cheddar, pepper jack, provolone, Muenster, langres, goat cheese, Reggiano Parmesan, mozzarella,Brie and bleu
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@redredred I think we have a winner.
redredred · M
@RodionRomanovitch my cardiologist will be impressed but not positively
meggie · F
Extra mature cheese, parmesan, mozzarella, Stilton and Brie.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@meggie mmmmm , Stilton ..... been a long time since I had that.
meggie · F
@RodionRomanovitch left over from Christmas. I don't actually like it but my guests do.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Have a shredded cheese mix that has seven different types by itself! 😁
sciguy18 · M
Mozzarella, Parmesan, Fontina, Swiss and Venezuelan Beaver...
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@sciguy18 Venezuelan Beaver 🤔
Swiss, Parmesan, gorgonzola,bleu,sharp cheddar, mozzarella,Feta.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
cheddar, brie, parmesan, cheese slices, havarti, mozzarella
Zero....but why no Caerphilly?🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Can't get that here. 🙁
sciguy18 · M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales No Teifi Cumin or Brefu Bach?
Cheddar, Colby, Parmesan, Mozzarella, Oaxaca.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard I had to check Oaxaca , it sounds Basque.
@RodionRomanovitch It’s Mexican, used in a lot of Mexican dishes.
Starsandfire · 31-35, F
I feel fancy when I have cheddar and mozzarella in there 😅 I worked in a delicatessen back in the day though, so I have tried lots of different cheeses. I’m a fan of the Cornish Yarg which is wrapped in nettles.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
Cheese is rotten to begin with, no?
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@YMITheWayIM So is beer. So is wine. Doesn't seem to deter many drinkers!
Iwillwait · M

Unless the frozen pizza counts.
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
At least 5 or 6, I think.
BigBulge · 41-45, M
One, a smokey cheddar
Extra nature cheddar. Stilton. Feta. Haloumi. Kefalotiri. Cream cheese.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@V00doo mmm feta
Provolone and cheddar.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@markansas Is a life without cheese still a life worth living ?
@RodionRomanovitch Cost this time putting money elsewhere. love cheese.. feta scrambled with eggs and tomamtos . colby just as it is. blue again with eggs. ect. i cook from scratch when i can.
Cheddar, feta, red Leicester, cream cheese, parmesan, brie and cheese twisters 😅
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
why so many?
Right now, cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, colby, cream cheese.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard Better late than never I guess. 😉
@RodionRomanovitch This had just appeared in my feed.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
At the the moment not too many.
Cheddar, Gouda, cottage cheese and feta.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Old cheddar, mozzarella, Gouda, Parmesan (dried), Parmesan Petals, Cottage Cheese and Monterrey Jack

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