rckt148 · 61-69, M
I don't have that problem
everyone is quiet cause they are stuffing their faces and they ask for seconds
Even my 2 grandsons with special needs who are very picky eaters at home
chow down at Papaws
I have been cooking and raising kids most of my life
I should be good at both by now LOL
everyone is quiet cause they are stuffing their faces and they ask for seconds
Even my 2 grandsons with special needs who are very picky eaters at home
chow down at Papaws
I have been cooking and raising kids most of my life
I should be good at both by now LOL
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oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
I'm not convinced on nuking everything but if it works for them fantastic.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@oodlesofnoodles Well I am not trying to sell you on it
but I can tell you ,,any thing most people can cook so can she
but in a fraction of the time ..she blows my mind ,I am not easy to impress
I have a bunch of microwave cook books ,I guess she was the only one who used them ,
I am telling you ,,she can cook ,,but her man likes to cook for her
She raises 5 kids ,2 of them Autistic ,1 has seizures, and she is a nurse ,she and her older Sister take's care of the mentally challenged in their homes .
So I don't know many who would want to wear her shoes
The special needs kids aren't hers ,but she loves her man enough to raise them
and he don't mind cooking ,,,He gets the better end of the deal I assure you
Their Mom did a number on those kids ,,now they are self reliant
not veggies pointing and whimpering for someone to wait on them
my Daughter has the tough job ,her man agrees ,and like her cooking ,
she surprises people ,cooking and with the kids
A bunch of us make fun of her about the microwave ,but I can't do with it what she does ,I guess she just has the nack ,,Dads still king of the smoker
No you can't nuke a turkey and get it to taste like mine ,but hers is good .
but I can tell you ,,any thing most people can cook so can she
but in a fraction of the time ..she blows my mind ,I am not easy to impress
I have a bunch of microwave cook books ,I guess she was the only one who used them ,
I am telling you ,,she can cook ,,but her man likes to cook for her
She raises 5 kids ,2 of them Autistic ,1 has seizures, and she is a nurse ,she and her older Sister take's care of the mentally challenged in their homes .
So I don't know many who would want to wear her shoes
The special needs kids aren't hers ,but she loves her man enough to raise them
and he don't mind cooking ,,,He gets the better end of the deal I assure you
Their Mom did a number on those kids ,,now they are self reliant
not veggies pointing and whimpering for someone to wait on them
my Daughter has the tough job ,her man agrees ,and like her cooking ,
she surprises people ,cooking and with the kids
A bunch of us make fun of her about the microwave ,but I can't do with it what she does ,I guess she just has the nack ,,Dads still king of the smoker
No you can't nuke a turkey and get it to taste like mine ,but hers is good .
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
I'm not sure what to say to that, taking care of special needs like that takes a special kind of person. I applaud anyone that takes on that kind of responsibility as not many people have the patience required to do so.

My son doesn't like it on regular basis ... I just burned something again. I miss my grandma...
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
Not necessarily, I've eaten things before that were cooked well, I just didn't like them. Like ham. I hate ham. People might cook it great but I'm still not gonna like it cos I think ham is gross. It's not their fault, they did the cooking right, I just don't like it.
Ellen · 46-50, F
@BlueMetalChick Exactly. Like Lima beans or something.
4meAndyou · F
My cooking was insulted once...quite purposely...by my former sister in law. I made a massive casserole of Lobster Mac and Cheese. I adapted the recipe from something I had in a restaurant, and it was awesome. She told me it was a good way to ruin good lobster. It was so rude. If I am a guest in someone's house, and I don't like what they have cooked, I fill up on salad and bread and then I say something polite, like, "Gee, my eyes were bigger than my stomach" and if there are dogs I take my plate out to the kitchen and try to feed the bad food to the dogs.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou there is no excuse to be blatantly rude to someone like that, sounds like no matter what you cooked she was going to say something like that.
4meAndyou · F
@oodlesofnoodles You know, she was usually so funny, and was the life of the party...but she had no manners. None of that family had good manners.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@4meAndyou Manners are essential in my opinion, I don't see any excuse to not have good manners.
As long as theres oodles of noodles!
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@TryingtoLava I could take that response in more than one way....lol
If youre bein pervy
NCCindy · 36-40, F
I love what I cook. More for me.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
"Many people have eaten my cooking and gone on to lead normal lives."
bijouxbroussard · F
@Thevy29 I have a placque on my kitchen wall that says that. 😅

oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@SW-User my opinion only, not everyone is going to like what you cook all the time unfortunately that's life. Not everyone is going to have the same tastes as you or the same likes and dislikes as you, that's life. IF we all liked the same things life would be a boring existence.

@oodlesofnoodles That is good to know when people are like that because I do not have to associate with rude people.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@SW-User why is it rude if someone has a different taste and expresses it in a constructive way?
maybecrazyTom · 31-35, M
that would be called constructive critism and im all for it.
I know when my cooking is good or bad so..
LyricalOne · F
I'd be a little hurt, yes.
Ellen · 46-50, F
No. I wouldn't at all.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Depends on the manner in which they don't like it. If they can be an adult about it and politely say so, that's all good. When they're a petulant child about it, though, it's pretty damn insulting. Surefire way to never get invited to a party I'm throwing again.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@UndeadPrivateer well said, there is a right way to express it.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
@oodlesofnoodles Indeed. The big key in my book is just avoiding the childish "eeewwwwww"/"that's gross" response or picking pieces out of food with a disgusted look like they're poison. Some leeway on this is given for literal children(key word being some, children gotta learn manners too), but it's a definite red flag for any and all adults.
bijouxbroussard · F
My feelings would be a little hurt, I admit. But I’d still rather know.
oodlesofnoodles · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard I agree