Yes I put the hot water in before the milk... People say it burns the milk but I don't understand that logic, either way the hot water and milk are going together. The hot water first ensures that whatever you've got in there is fully dissolved.

I always end up hitting the "stop" button before it's fully done because I'm impatient, so I usually end up with slightly crunchy bread.
Anyways, I used to eat mac & cheese mixed with a bunch of ketchup when I was a kid. When I'm in binge mode I like to eat sandwiches with nutella and potato chips. Sometimes I get in moods where I'll eat nothing but carrots with mustard for a day or two. I don't think any of those are that weird though. I dunno.
Anyways, I used to eat mac & cheese mixed with a bunch of ketchup when I was a kid. When I'm in binge mode I like to eat sandwiches with nutella and potato chips. Sometimes I get in moods where I'll eat nothing but carrots with mustard for a day or two. I don't think any of those are that weird though. I dunno.

Your entire family needs a hobby. Tell them to feck off and mind their own business, you can eat your toast the way you like it.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
hey, one time i used to make hot chocolate then toast bread, put butter on it then when all done, dip it all together.
now there's recipes of it.
but that among other things i did growing up, i thought i wouldn't make it to my adulthood.
i cut out the preparations.... doesn't matter when your element is denied.
now there's recipes of it.
but that among other things i did growing up, i thought i wouldn't make it to my adulthood.
i cut out the preparations.... doesn't matter when your element is denied.
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
You can toast your toast to whichever degree you wish, as long as it tastes good to you. perhaps they just don't like you standing in the way of them doing stuff in the kitchen while you wait for "toast perfection".
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
it's your toast . my brother gets on me bout my cooking and baking . use some of Moms recipes and dishes she made . just change things now and then to make more healthy . :-)
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
I like spaghetti tacos, I think many do but no one in my family does.
I say toast it enough so the butter able to melt.
I say toast it enough so the butter able to melt.
LuckyGuy001 · 22-25, M
I do the same thing.
But I eat potato chips with ketchup. It’s weird yet really delicious
But I eat potato chips with ketchup. It’s weird yet really delicious
RebornPhoenix · F
I like peanut butter, tomato and onion sandwiches lol
NCCindy · 36-40, F
I put ketchup on some of my vegetables.
antisocialbutterfly · 26-30, F
Lol I eat my toast the same way
4meAndyou · F
Tell your family you would be happy to toast your toast on the sticks that are up their wazoos. No..don't...but you can think about it. 😉

At least your toaster works, mine just sucks.