MyNameIsHurl yes, you’re absolutely right. You need to be honest with yourself about your health. If you are not looking and feeling younger than you are, it’s probably not worth the risk. I was 49 and whilst pregnant I somehow never considered the risk to me. My concern was solely for the baby. In retrospect, I took a massive risk which now fills me with dread. It was a miracle that he went to term, was big, I was induced and I delivered him naturally (not by choice. I didn’t ask for an epidural in time and it was never suggested). I also had a delivery previously by caesarean.
If you have ever been induced and they need to give you a higher dose because your not progressing quickly enough, you’ll know what I mean when I say that those contractions are so incredibly hard, painful and quick succession. Nothing like a when in natural labour).
When I now think about all the risks I took, I’m extremely lucky to have come out the other end with a happy outcome.
But I’m also an example of that it can be done. But you need to be fit and healthy enough for the task, not your age!