Mrsbetweenfatandfit i respect your opinion,however,humbly disagree. As a father of two kids (who has been very involved in their lives from conception untill now) and coming from a very large family (over 40 cousins) with tons of doctors,teachers in the family (including my own mom and dad) and my self studying child developmental Psychology. I have witnessed the miracles of breastfed babies as well kids raised on bottles (formula)...there is sure a difference. Among twins.
The long term effect i mentioned is the health benifits a child has in their first 6 months specially and then those last life time having a better base than a formula.
Formula is important for those babies who unfortunately can not have mothers milk for various reasons. I will not discount,however,a formula can not be superior to mothers milk,it will always be inferior as compared to mothers milk.
Same is for bond,in early first few months from birth boob has an amazing bond between mother and child.
One can observe that. I have seen it time over time. I do agree that a life time bond does not form just by the boob alone,with all the factors you mention play a part.