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Today He's 3

Where did the time go?
Everyone warned me how fast you'd grow
But how was I to really know?!

You've grown taller and wider
With a head full of hair
To think of life with out you, I wouldn't dare!

You've gone from a precious little newborn
To a big toddler who's spirit could never be torn
You sure keep Mommy and Daddy worn

But you could never know how much we love you
And we can't believe your no longer 2!

Happy birthday my sweet and strong Brennen!

happy bday my little dude....i know mom is so proud of you and you mean the world to her...and your mom is a great mom...trust me...i know 🤗
smiler2012 · 56-60
@cheyster 🤔yes you are right time and tide waits for no man sadly they years do go too fast i grant you that
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@smiler2012 sadly, they go by faster as you age!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@samueltyler2 🤔very much so
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Happy birthday Brennen!
Happy Birthday 🎂. My nephew is 3 on Tuesday but seems like he’s 5.
saintsong · 41-45, F
Happy Birthday young man! He's sooo cute!
pikminboy · 26-30, M
happy bday !! :-)
What a cutie Happy birthday little dude
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Aww happy birthday to Brennen
NCCindy · 36-40, F
Adorable little guy
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
So darn cute?
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
Happy Birthday Brennen!
Montanaman · M
Happy Birthday to the little guy!🤗🤗🎂🎉🥳🎊🎁🎈💖😇
Hes sooo cute!!!!
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