OK. This gets a little complicated. There are three types of people. Those who just want to be left alone, those who want to tell you what you cant do to other people. And those who want to set out rules for how other people live.. That last type are vexations to the spirit and should not be tolerated in polite society for any reason..😷
@AbbeyRhode I think someone might have said it already. They already closed adding any new comments. 😂 That’s Reddit for you. They have to control their opposition this way.
Politicians Dodgy cops Chart music over the last 20 years Newspaper Barons Social media owners Cold callers 99% of television programming Computer/phone updates Poor quality care providers Employers who don't pay a fair wage
Mob mentality
I lose my respect for people quickly who participate in ripping a person apart on here ...especially with no real merit to what is being said .
@Nimbus 😆i can answer that question far as you and ned go nimby it is all things scouser and liverpool football club. 🤔is it the clubs success the reason you and ned are green as the irish national teams shirt and why the fans of the second best team in manchester have no respect for the best team on merseyside🎣got my rod ready nimby to reel you in when you see this lol
hypocrites people who preach one thing and do the other people who can't take what they dish out people who whine about others whining, especially on social media sites where nobody forces them to read anything they don't want to people who harshly criticize others but never accomplished anything significant themselves people who kick someone who is already lying on the ground
sheep, people who copy what the other person does, because they think its seen as the popular thing, they're incapable of thinking for themselves, sheeple are the most pathetic people in existence.
Lazy people Narcissists Generational welfare recipients The vast majority of politicians Quitters Religious zealots Karens The parents of ill mannered children “Floppers” in football (soccer) The far right of the Republican Party The extreme left of the Democratic Party
I’d better stop… 🤣
Pedophiles. Animal abusers… ppl who get off on being c’nts.
All the people on this post showing no respect to others lol
People telling me wtf to do all the time. Like there's only one correct way. They mock you for having feelings. Who are these mannequins and why won't they shut up?
@Fullmetal So may we assume that you're still standing on the bottom rung of the corporate ladder but mistakingly thinking you're on an escalator and wondering why you aren't moving yet as everyone else passes you and waves to you on their way up?
@Fullmetal ...which confirms my suspicion that you got left behind on the bottom rung as evidenced by your attitude, as everyone else around you kissed ass and elevated themselves to the top. Got it! Thanks for confirming that one to me!
That old f**k in the mirror - he mimics everything I do
When we have no respect for someone, it is actually ourselves whom we don't respect, not them! Every person we meet becomes our self-image the moment we see them, meaning they reflect back to us what we don't like about ourselves or absolutely hate about ourselves, because we recognize the same damn thing in them. They can also reflect back to us what we love about ourselves, which is why we can be attracted to complete strangers!