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It feels like it just happened yesterday.

It has been two years since my mom passed away. I can still remember begging her to wait for me to come home. But it was too late. She was already gone when I got home. It feels like it just happened yesterday. I always try to call the phone number she had when she was alive. But I know, it isn't working anymore. I am mad and angry at myself for not being able to save her. We just didn't have the money to save her. I didn't know what else I could have done.

Sometimes, I think and wish that one day, I hope I wont wake up anymore. It is also difficult to try to cope and get over my mom's death because I could not talk to anybody about how I feel, as my husband is emotionally unavailable. It hurts so bad. It feels like someone is stabbing my heart all over again and again. 💙😢

#Respect post#
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I'm here if you need to talk, okay? Hugs

tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
Thank you much.💙🙏@LadyGrace
My heart breaks for you. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Please don't blame yourself. When we're sick, like your beloved mom, our bodies sometimes want to do more than they are able, but they are just too tired to go on. My deepest, sincerest condolences. ❤️🤗 I believe Jesus is keeping your mom in His arms and loving care, till you can reunite again. I pray this one, feeble, humble offering of thought, love, and care, shall give you hope and the strength to go on, and heal.
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
@LadyGrace Thank you so
much. Other people just care about the technicalities of the post. They don't actually care about how to respect someone who is grieving.
But thank you for the prayer, I hope it will give me strength. 💙🙏
This is for you. ❤️🤗
Mikla · 61-69, F
Oh my....I am so very sorry about your loss. The pain seeps in your words! It's difficult losing a parent; even if the parent is sick and we are expecting the worst, still never are we ready. Please know (I believe this with all my heart) people can "chose" when they pass, within limits of course. Possibly your mom didn't want you to be there when it happened? Again, so very sorry! :)
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
We were chatting through video call, that was the last time I saw her. @Mikla
LadyJ · F
I'm so sorry for your loss..i know your pain because of losing my own mom a few years ago..i also felt angry for a long time..but i can also imagine your mom wouldn't want you to be angry or hurt, she would want you to go out there and give life your best shot!..they never truly leave us remember that 💖💖
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
Thank you so much. I will try hard to have less anger. It's just very frustrating to not being able to talk to anybody about it. @LadyJ
LadyJ · F
@tryingtobeOK I understand..message me anytime i totally get the emotional rollercoaster you are on right now..sending much love 🤗💖
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
Thank you. Some people here just wanna cause chaos and bothering with the technicalities of the post. So upsetting that someone can't even respect the post.

I greatly appreciate this kind comment. I will send you a PM.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@tryingtobeok] 😞 i am really to know this yes how you feel is far from unusual . we lost dad eight years ago next wednesday . it hurts badly though your world has just gone . you need someone to talk too if the grief is too much either a family member good friend or a professional counciller. sorry how do you mean your husband is emotionally unavailable
Confined · 56-60, M
Sorry for your loss. Talk out loud to her. She can still hear you.
LostOrchid · F
I am sorry and hope you heal soon 😓💔
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
Thank you. I am trying.😌@LostOrchid
LostOrchid · F
@tryingtobeOK 🤗💗
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Hoping for your healing in this New Year. Much love. 🙂
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am really sorry for your loss 💖
swirlie · F

I remember when a friend of mine was in her 'end of life journey' and her telling me in all seriousness, that she didn't want me or anyone else in the room when she was ready to part ways with life. After much discussion and failed negotiations to the contrary, what suddenly occurred to me was that one's death can be exceedingly personal to the one who is leaving which had never occurred to me before.

What came out of it was that she did not want me to witness her spirit as it was leaving her physical body, mainly because she knew that she would no longer have control of her body and considered that to be a very un-dignifying experience for me to witness as well as subject her to if I were in her presence when she died.

I have since had several discussions with others who 'almost made it' in the nick of time, but showed up only a few minutes after their loved one had already passed.

I've since come to understand that coincidence has nothing to do with 'not getting there in time', as evidenced to the contrary when a dying person is somehow able to wait until their whole family has gathered around their bedside, only to then pass within minutes of the last one arriving. That too is not a coincidence.

You therefore have to ask yourself that if you begged your mom to wait until you arrived home, was it your own needs that were not met, or was it your mother's own needs that she alone put ahead of her daughter's needs when she decided to leave her lifetime before you got to her side?
tryingtobeOK · 36-40, F
@swirlie Who knows "who"? I remember begging her to wait for me. But my mom was on a dying bed , deliriously saying those things. You are more focus on technicalities of things. When someone is delirious, dying on a death bed, you can't force them what to say. You should not message at all if you are not KIND enough to respect my post. You actually made me more upset.
LadyJ · F
@swirlie Are you f**king serious?? She is grieving and missing her mom and you want to question every detail of what she's saying?..this is not your story it's hers.. so you need back off trying to antagonize her...walk your own walk and leave this girl alone
LadyJ · F
@tryingtobeOK don't explain yourself to her..she's a fool!...she has no clue about grief and the real world...shut her down and block her if you need to

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