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When was the last time you had to be assertive?

Be pushy, or stand up for yourself?
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Kuronekko · 41-45, F Best Comment
An older lady I work with was laying into another co worker because she was struggling financially and having to claim benefits. She went on about how people who claim benefits are whats wrong with the country. I told her she was completely insensitive and shouldn't judge when she doesn't know whats happening in other people's lives. She later apologised.
@Kuronekko You are a great person. 😆
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HeWhoWalks39 · 36-40, M
Again to my Mom... Thats why I'm getting this job and getting out of here I CANT STAND anyone trying to control me... There's a difference in being concerned and being controlling and she oversteps my boundaries and don't care... But that's ok I'ma get that apartment if I have to work 7 days a week till I get it..
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HeWhoWalks39 · 36-40, M
@Coralmist Well atleast SOMEONE can relate.... I mean YEAH my mom puts a roof over my head but it comes at a cost too.. and I'm over it... I hope your situation gets better soon Hun.. I'm working on mine starting tomorrow when I start the job ❤❤❤❤❤
on wednesday, i was reading with a girl in the afterschool program. she wanted me to remember something, so she suddenly grabbed a marker and was going to write all up my arm! 🤣 i was so surprised! i jerked my arm away from her, and was like no! that's not ok!
Lol…… doing battle with customer service reps from Walmart’s grocery delivery service. They effed up my order and I told them what I wanted done about it.
Every day. I have boyfriend that I have to argue with constantly just to make him see a normal perspective and be respectful .
WandererTony · 56-60, M
I have to do it all the time.
People take you for granted the moment you try to be nice and polite.
So i have little choice.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
I so much want to say when I was last constipated 💩....but I can't remember when that was.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Every single day.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
@Muthafukajones To who most recent were you assertive and what was the reason?
pdockal · 56-60, M
Almost every day
pdockal · 56-60, M

usually customer service
or people @ fire scenes that are civilians who are in the way because they need to see
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pdockal · 56-60, M

MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
When my master thesis partner dropped out
It's multiple times a day. Kinda sick of it.
whenever its required 😇
Just last week at the laundromat, the owner got rid of about eight carts or so, leaving only three, one guy tried taking the one I had RIGHT WHEN the buzzer to my washer went off, like he was waiting for it to, he tried getting in my face, I told him while I was using a portable assisted oxygen machine that I wasn't too disabled to put him on the ground if he tried anything, and I apparently had a look on my face and in my eyes that made him back off quickly.
Tumbleweed · F
When I had to show my entire ass over my son in law & his friends leaving a mess in my vehicle.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP

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