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GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Maybe but I know some really old fools 😂
Carissimi · F
The brain is not fully developed until age 25. Add to this life experiences and your observations of people and the world, over time, and you understand why your perceptions change. Of course, it helps to have critical thinking skills, and to think for yourself, otherwise you join the sheep.
cycleman · 61-69, M
We are all not the same. Some improve some lose some stay the same till later on.
nonsensiclesnail · F
life experiences do change the way we see our world. Knowledge on too of the knowledge you already have. Brain development too, up to your late 20s? I think but I'm not certain.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
not exactly, just things can be more understandable the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on time around. I would say when you get super old you get more senile though
Wiseacre · F
As we get older? At ur age?😂
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Not necessarily...
Fluffybull · F
The more we experience, the more we understand and the more insight we have into situations. Hopefully. Otherwise people are just dumbasses however old they become 😆😉
bijouxbroussard · F
It may be true about some things and some people. But enigmas remain.
And alas, the clueless abound. 😳
And alas, the clueless abound. 😳