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Have you ever been framed/wrongfully accused of something?

How did you get out of the situation?
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I posted a story reply on here but it disappeared.

I was once accused of a burglary of a doctor's office which I had not done. It was complicated but it worked out OK for me. Basically, the people who framed me made a mistake in their plans by not noting that I had changed an appointment time with the doctor. It messed up their scheme and there was no way they could even begin to pull it off. I got lucky. But it was a scary situation.

My mother was behind it. She wanted the doctor to act like a spy on me and report everything to her (like everybody else I knew did). He refused. She knew that the way to get both of us in trouble was to make it look like I had broken into his office and his patient files; a serious breach in patient confidentiality would ruin his career. And get me either sentenced to prison or put into a mental hospital for quite a while.
Nanori · F
Many times, I never cared, just watched the accusations and the situation get worse. ☺️
only by my little brother.
Beauiam · 41-45, M
@stound siblings the worst about that!
JBird · F
Yes, twice by my abusive and sadist father for really weird things I would never do. I was his scape goat that he likes to pick on from time to time. I didn't get out, he beat me up all the time.
@JBird Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry 😔.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@JBird Wish my mother wasn't gone so I could introduce him to her. He sounds like her male equivalent. Do you know why he wanted to get you convicted for crimes you hadn't done?
JBird · F
@greenmountaingal I don't know. He didn't like me ever since I was born, maybe because I am more closer to my mother than him. But I wasn't the most hated one when my brother was diagnosed with autism and my sister started to fall back in her studies. He began to abuse them more along with my mother and I stopped him. When his abusive become unbearable, my mother divorced him and took all of us away from him.
Yes, more than once. I'm better at just leaving rather than trying to explain my way out of something. I find if someone is convinced I did something, there's usually no way of convincing them otherwise. It's an exercise in futility. So why even bother?
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Yes I did. And it was at Christian camp. All I can say is I went to camp believing in religion and came back atheist.
indyjoe · 56-60, M
By my younger adopted 'brother' , my ex-wife, and even my own mother...
Yes. A neighbor with whom we were very friendly accused us of a) torturing her retarded adult son and b) extorting money from her. It was awful.

What can you do? I gave the Sheriff a list of names of people who had seen us all together - for years.

Turned out she was paranoid schizophrenic and the Sheriff was satisfied but I am sure there are people who still believe it.
@MarmeeMarch Dafuq? 😝
@Mamapolo2016 yea - numb nuts sent me a (hashtag - me too) for some reason It means sexual violence. Better ask him if he's ok.
@MarmeeMarch I think I'm well out of this one.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Yes. I didn't get out of it... I had Saturday detention... Breakfast Club style.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@MarkPaul Sounds terrible. I found the Breakfast Club movie depressing.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@greenmountaingal It was traumatizing. And... it wasn't even my fault.
I confronted them and then ended up distancing myself from them for not believing me, I didn't really need people like that
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@SW-User So what do you think of Nunlover & Would You Do Him
@JohnOinger I don't think he is my type...
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@SW-User So what do you think of Travis Fimmel & Would You Do Him
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@SW-User cant wait for this answee
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I didn't, you just learn to play the game

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