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marriedplus3 · 31-35, M
Good he shouldn’t release them if he chooses not to. They probably reveal he’s paid no taxes similar to Amazon. And why would Trump give Democrats a loaded bombshell like that. Could you imagine the commercials bashing him for paying nothing in taxes and helping the Rich. His Tax returns would not influence my vote in 2020. I will be proudly voting for and supporting president Trump
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 "Nazi Germany called itself socialist so therefore it was socialist because it was in the name." -You
So therefore because North Korea calls itself a democratic republic, it must be a democratic republic because it's in the name.

You said it, not me.

Since you can't define socialism beyond your wish list your definition is nonsense.
I JUST DEFINED socialism for you. I just fucking did that. It's three comments up. Did you read it?

The nazis were socialists and you are so historically illiterate you don't even know how or why they were right in saying they were socialist.
So the Nazis, despite having adopted a grand total of zero socialist policies, were still somehow magically socialist?

Huh, that's odd, last time you told me the Nazis were liberals. Liberals and socialists hate each other. So which is it?

Again, you said it, not me.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick Actually the nazis kept all the socialist ideals including speeding up Darwin's evolution.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Did you read the definition of socialism that I gave you, at your request? A socialist economy is post-capitalist and has no private ownership of business. So you're telling me Nazi Germany had no private business ownership and the entire means of production was owned by the workers? You actually believe that?

Since when was Darwinism at all relevant to socialism? You just made that up right now. Socialism does not involve anything related to Charles Darwin or his theories. Like I told you earlier, the definitions of words don't change based on your opinions and what you want those words to mean.

booboo · M
how about releasing the tax returns of all the members in congress that have become multi millionares while "serving" ... 🤔
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@booboo agreed
Viper · M
@booboo I totally agree they should do that too!

Maybe your tax records while in public office should be public too. For all of them, not just the rich either.
JT123 · M
@booboo Exactly! Start with Pelosi
Oh, if it wasn't his tax returns, they'd be punishing the president for the colour of his socks!
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@EugenieLaBorgia Or maybe his hair!
@TeresaRudolph71 That's next! I hope to God they don't start on his cuff-links or tie!!
rachelsj · 22-25, F
Another phishing expedition since the last one failed
JT123 · M
If Obama could seal his college records, Trump can seal his taxes! Democrats need to get on to doing something for the country and quit their 2016 election loss Tantrum!
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@JT123 The 2016 election loss could have, and should have, been a huge turning point for the Democratic Party. The party leadership was presented with a clinic in what they were doing wrong and how they could course correct in order to win subsequent elections, and in big ways. Instead, they've chosen to double down on their shitty corporatism, centrism, elitism, and so on. It's endlessly frustrating because the solutions to their problems are staring them in the face and they won't give it the time of day.
JT123 · M
@SW-User Yes and he deserves the same privileges as Obama!
@JT123 Okay 🤷🏾‍♂️.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
There is no law that compels him to release them. Nor should he. His taxes are done professionally every year by tax lawyers and accountants in cooperation and compliance with the IRS.
Carla · 61-69, F
@hippyjoe1955 sell one unit on monday for x. Sell a second on wednesday for x times four, to a russian. Money laundering is the first thing that would come to be suspected, and investigated. That would be true for trump, edna or joe, if it came to light.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Carla It happens all the time. You need to get out more.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 "And yet people do it all the time" doesn't mean you should let it happen. People jack cars here all the time. Should that be acceptable?
redredred · M
How is his income anybody's business? If the IRS accepted the filing, there is no problem with it. If they release his, should every member of congress and the supreme court release theirs?
he's not required to and has submitted his finanacial statement from what I understand
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@approachingmyexpirationdate Well, no, he's not required to, but there's been pressure on him to do so because he's suspected of bank fraud. Records recovered from his late father, Fred Trump, have all but confirmed suspicions of tax evasion and intentional undervaluing.

The time to do this would have been when he first announced his run for president. But the opposition party decided to wait until months after he got elected, and THEN demand he release his tax information, which is really silly and stupid. It's like if you think someone might have stolen something from you but you say nothing and then a year later you say hey man I think you may have stolen that thing from me, can I search your house?
There is no law that says he has to release them publicly.

There IS a law saying that Congress can get them from the IRS and the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury Secretary are refusing to obey the law, although the House is "playing nice" and has given the administration more time to comply.
@MistyCee Well, Trump did accuse Obama of the same thing, and everyone took Trump's side. Sounds pretty hypocritical if you ask me.
@SW-User It would hardly suprise me to see instances of Trump being hypocritical.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
We could unseal obamas records by repealing his executive order...
@MasterLee This post is about Trump, not Obama lol.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SW-User oh of course. So when pence is serving you will forget about trump.
JT123 · M
@MasterLee I guess it's ok after you're not president. So we'll wait until the next president and say "You can't see Trump's taxes, he's not president anymore" Problem solved
Because he's obviously hiding something 🙄. I mean, the man won't even show his high school grades from decades ago that no one would even give a damn about. You just know something is up.
@MasterLee My hypocrisy? You Trump worshippers are all the same LOL...depending on a single man to make America great again as if he's God or something 🤣. You can go ahead and kiss his old man feet for all I really care 🤣.
@SW-User LOL!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SW-User Only you worship him
Carla · 61-69, F
Trump is no longer a private citizen. He absolutely should show his returns.
His refusal to do so is out of fear. He doesnt want the public to know his worth and he doesnt want congress to delve deeper into his financial misdeeds. It makes a difference where a president gets his money. Even the appearance of financial entanglement with foriegn adversaries is suspect.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Carla The IRS can't without Trump's permission.
Carla · 61-69, F
@hippyjoe1955 we shall see.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Carla lol
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Another American keeping his privacy
He doesn't have to release it and the libtards are too stupid to understand tax files so amazing like his
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Who knows but he must be innocent, there's no way the man America made their president could be a fraudster. He's Donald Trump, the most honest man on the planet. Funny how he accused Obama of hiding something when he didn't show his tax returns, now he's doing the same. No hypocrisy there though! 🤣👍
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@JovialPlutonian I have pretty mixed feelings about Obama and I lean more towards disliking him, but I have to admit, he had some shining moments. Among them was when he appeared on Snapchat during the "Snap confessions" craze. Normally, older politicians trying to appeal to Millennial and Gen Z voters by doing "young people things" makes me cringe (example A: Hillary Clinton's "Pokemon Go to the polls") but Obama fucking nailed with "Hi everyone, it's president Obama here and my Snap confession is..." before leaning into the camera and whispering "...I was born in Hawaii."
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@BlueMetalChick what's funny is I bet the republican hypocrites gave Obama shit for not showing his but will defend Trump for doing the same. Well they already are lol based on this post
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@JovialPlutonian Republicans loved when Ted Cruz attacked Beto O'Rourke for not using his real name. Despite that Ted Cruz was born Raphael Eduardo Cruz.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
He was NEVER going to!!!
Makes you wonder why.... lol
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Several things. Yet nothing that can be done about it in a Democratic House and a republican Senate. Really should be an Amendment made requiring it of all elected officials. Yet both sides would go screaming their heads of against it.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Would you show everyone your tax returns to everyone if you were asked to? Do you think the rest of us should? What happened to the right to privacy? Anyway, I think we have more important things to worry about. I feel that this is a distraction.
Viper · M
He's scared of something, what that is, who knows.

Could be that he's not making the big profits as he's claiming (and a couple of his kids have gotten slaps on the wrist for making false statements/lies that could influence investors).

Or simply he's doing a great job of limiting his taxes, which could piss people off, especially if he's making a lot more, and paying a lot less.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Viper the liberals cannot control him. That is fear on the libs. Not trump.
Viper · M
@MasterLee That's true, but you're just using it to avoid the other issue, which my point was also true.

Both sides have been non-stop ranting on what the other is doing, because they can't control it, and that has been fear on both sides.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Viper oh ok.
Whatabout Yeahbut The secret life of trump. Everyone is being mean and unfair and just trying to make him look bad. 😢
JT123 · M
@softspokenman The dems are desperate because they haven't got a single candidate with a prayer of beating Trump next year!
Oh yeah it must be that. @JT123
KioCo · M
Why feed the trolls? We all know that the top earners take every opirtunity to cut the amount of taxes they pay so it's to be expected that he did the same. And if that's true then only a fool would willingly place himself into that kind of a position. It's all about politics....
(Scenario, it hasn't happened and I hope it that it never does.)
If the IRS finds that a POTUS, *or any other elected official,* any POTUS, evaded, lied, cheated, on their taxes, do We the people have the right to know that ? I think that we do. *They work for us we don't work for them.*
xixgun · M
This would have been a non issue if Trump had listened to my Tweet to him when I told him, "When asked for your tax returns, tell them they're right on top of Obama's birth certificate and Hillary's server."
Did he ever?
tenente · 100+, M
you talk a lot about trump 🤔 i think you're obsessed
@tenente You must have me confused with the "Baby Trump" guy LOL. I rarely post about Trump.

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