I am able to lucid dream, but I don't know how to make it happen, it just does when it does. It's something I kind of enjoy sometimes don't, but interesting nonetheless. And what good is a brain, if we don't poke at it?
I have lucid dreamed before, but very seldom, and I can't control when it happens. I would like to do it more, but it seems it's happening is not up to me.
I learned to induce REM. Once a person becomes good at doing that. Lucid dreaming is second nature. I trace the alphabet from a to z with my eyes closed by moving my eyes as the shape of the letters. Then switch to tracing from 0 to 420 in the same way (research shows the average person falls asleep after 7 minutes uninterrupted); all else equal. Then do the alphabet z to a and from 420 to 0 in the same way. Once you get accustomed to doing this you will be able to lucid dream easily. Have fun.
Also ill play sudoku for a while as im falling asleep. Creating a routine while falling asleep lets your subconscious become aware you are asleep. Then youll gain control of your dreams bc youve trained yourself to know you are asleep. Then let your imagination run wild.