A few things here. Pedophilia (attraction to pre pubescent) wasn't the accepted societal norm. Hebephilia(pubescent) wasn't uncommon but generally distastful. Ephebophilia( sexually mature teens) was the norm. Ancient Greece is often noted for the practice of Pederasty, yet numerous historical accounts show this practice was controversial and not entirely accepted as appropriate in the culture. It didn't even last that long before being outlawed in most Greek city states and cultrures with execution becoming a common punishment for the practice.
Pedophilia and hebephilia are near universally accepted in psychology as disorders, there's no evolutionary or natural reasoning that would promote sexual attraction to sexually immature. Ephebophilia however is not considered a disorder, it's psychologically deemed normal because for sexual purposes, the person is a sexually mature adult. just a justifiably bad practice in modern times.
All aside it doesn't really matter. Yes in days past when life expentancies and the path to ones adult life were much shorter and mental adulthood required much less preparation. The practice of early parenthood and sexuality made some justifiable sense. However we don't live in those times. Life and adulthood is exponetially more complex now then it was then. We don't enter our adult lives anytime near near our sexual maturity in today's modern world. Our morality needs and should reflect that. We are cerebral species. We have a far advanced ability to advance mental concepts and shape our world through our intellect. That's part of our nature too, it only logically equated to us being obligated and able to adapt our society structure to reflect our mam made advancements to our societal structure. The fact is in the advancments in technology, socio-economics, and philosphy means that our mental maturity takes longer to develope than it did in days past. I totally reject this arguement( though likely unintentional) for justifying pedophilia and hebephilia as "normal". It's not.
Also you are using religious books as your source for proof. Which are man made concepts as well that have a history of being used to create and justify man-made power structures and hierarchies. They are not good or reliable sources for determining our instinctual evolutionary nature . They are only useful for understanding civilisation power structures.