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What's the most difficult class you've ever had in school?

Bulma26-30, F
Chemistry, by far
thatguy9922-25, M
@Bulma Chem was horrendous. Probably my 3rd hardest class I'll say
Bulma26-30, F
@thatguy99 In college I took a biology course and the professor was a chemistry major, and he never let you forget it 馃槶
thatguy9922-25, M
@Bulma Good think I'm not a STEM major hehe. My worst class of all time (so far) was college level statistics. Holy shit that was hard
DeWayfarer61-69, M
University physics. Mainly because I was concurrently taking Calculus II. I really needed calculus II for that physics class. :(
thatguy9922-25, M
@DeWayfarer now that's a yikes
Rutterman46-50, M
Anatomy & Physiology because of the mass of material we had to learn and memorize.
thatguy9922-25, M
@Rutterman Never taken anatomy (never will have to), but I've had many friends and my brother ALL complain about how much stuff you gotta remember.
Rutterman46-50, M
@thatguy99 I think it's difficult for most people for that reason.
thatguy9922-25, M
@Rutterman I'm good at memorization. I suck at number application...math, chemistry, physics, accounting, etc.
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Success26-30, F
Bible studies. We weren't allowed to speak out. That would cause expulsion.
thatguy9922-25, M
@Success Mine was college statistics. The teacher was a BITCH. I also had one of my funniest moments in her class ;)
Econometrics using a computer program
thatguy9922-25, M
@BeefySenpie sounds obnoxious
@thatguy99 I assure you I didn't design the class format
Physics. I'm a word nerd, not a math/science person.
thatguy9922-25, M
@SW-User physics does suck
thatguy9922-25, M
@4meAndyou Never taken it. Never will have to.
@thatguy99 Math is not my strong suit, but I thought for some reason that I would be able to understand accounting. I didn't. I hired a tutor who was recommended as the professors absolute best the professor...and SHE was unable to figure out my homework.
thatguy9922-25, M
@4meAndyou That's rough. I HATE math, too. It sucks
Industrial PLC programming
thatguy9922-25, M
@chrisCA Econ wasn't horrible for me
Gelartsyyy22-25, F
thatguy9922-25, M
@Gelartsyyy Yeah I wasn't the biggest fan of computer classes
Axeroberts56-60, M
thatguy9922-25, M
@Axeroberts I refuse to ever take that class 馃槀
royalblue119331-35, M
thatguy9922-25, M
@royalblue1193 Amen to that
yokainohoshi26-30, F
I'm taking organic chemistry 2 this semester. That is a hell in itself, but I'm still trying my best.
Calculus/Trigonometry and AP Chemistry. Lol god those were the worst and kicked my ass!馃槀
imo2116941-45, F
imo2116941-45, F
@thatguy99 boring
thatguy9922-25, M
@imo21169 Nah that's math
imo2116941-45, F
@thatguy99 what is math馃き
GardenSage36-40, M
English with Mrs Adams.... so hard all class.....
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thatguy9922-25, M
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MougyWolf36-40, M
thatguy9922-25, M
@MougyWolf 馃
PirateMonkeyCabinet36-40, M
Math. Might have been different if we had better teachers back then.
thatguy9922-25, M
@PirateMonkeyCabinet Yeah, math sucks

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