We had a yoga instructor invited to our United Methodist church. She prayed to God and after her prayer I said “In Jesus name”. Quite a few people were getting the creeps about her prayer and thanked me afterwards.
I think not , because Yoga is an body excerise so we can't attached with any specific religion . But i not believe in Yoga much i think our routine exercise is much better than Yoga . Meditation is good for health and there no any single or specific way to do that . Do whatever you like and do that easily
Yoga derives from ancient Indian spiritual practices and an explicitly religious element of Hinduism (although yogic practices are also common to Buddhism and Jainism.
I don't really. But it was not allowed to take place in a hall owned by the Church that was used for activities - activities completely unrelated to the Church or Christianity. Yoga can be secular or it can be spiritual. You can be Christian and do yoga or have other Eastern beliefs - especially if you're in to more than just doing the asanas.
As for yoga or no yoga, I say yoga! What about you and what do you think? Feel free to reply in a PM if you want.
@Fauxmyope2 I think when it came to the postures she knew what she was doing. I think it was natural for her to lean in proselytizing but the Christian church was not the place to do it.