Carissimi · F
I work out from 4-5 days per week, depending on if I’m doing a split weight routine or total body. 3-4 cardio workouts, including HIIT, and 2 weight training workouts, plus I throw in core/abs, and a bit of yoga somewhere in the week.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Every day. I try to at least do 30-40 minutes of cardio with an average heart rate above 140bpm. You’ve got to keep active when you’re older. That’s the morning.
At night, every other night, I’ll do either free weights, resistance bands, hit the heavy bag or have a Kali/JKD/Wing Chun lesson.
At night, every other night, I’ll do either free weights, resistance bands, hit the heavy bag or have a Kali/JKD/Wing Chun lesson.
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Adogslife · 61-69, M
@Hem1ock Ty. It’s not a big deal. You just have to get your mind right.
In December I told my friends at work that I was going to lose 30lbs so I could fight lighter with better footwork. They didn’t think it was possible.
Today I weighed in 32.2lbs lighter at my target weight of 195.
In December I told my friends at work that I was going to lose 30lbs so I could fight lighter with better footwork. They didn’t think it was possible.
Today I weighed in 32.2lbs lighter at my target weight of 195.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
10 years ago I was running 25 miles, Biking 100 miles, and swimming 2-3 miles a week. Went to the gym 3-4 times a week. Then one day my sinus node in my heart started sending out erratic electrical signals to the other parts of my heart creating my heart to beat out of rhythm.........
MntoNc · 36-40, M
That picture is hilarious.
But i have been going almost every day for strength training for the past couple weeks. One day upper body, next day lower body. Kinda hard to sustain lol
But i have been going almost every day for strength training for the past couple weeks. One day upper body, next day lower body. Kinda hard to sustain lol
Hem1ock · 26-30, M
@MntoNc well, I’m not too far into my weightlifting journey, but I found a decent routine online that was discussed with positive reviews elsewhere. I mainly use dumbbells at my house for my strength workouts. But I’m sure you can find a similar plan online for the gym. In fact, I’d recommend it, so you don’t over or under work certain muscle groups. And dude, just stick to it. You’ll notice your gains before anyone else, and even that takes time. Your closest family/friends will notice next. Then you’ll have very noticeable gains. But those only come after a lot of people give up. Less than a month is too early to see results from most long-term routines.

I don't exercise nearly enough. I go for a bike ride a couple times a week and I will visit a gym every now and then, but not on any regular schedule. I'd like to step it up.
Hem1ock · 26-30, M
@SW-User let’s do it. I’m trying to step my cardio game up.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
All I get is cardio and all my cardio is biking to and from work every day.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
3-4 days a week in the gym. Other stuff outside it hobby wise
Wiseacre · F
Daily...and sauna, which is also a workout.
DreamyCrush · F
Sunday and Wednesday
Once every few months

I try to aim for 4-6 days of exercise a week. Sometimes I’m a bit strapped for time but I still try to get in an hour half. Sometimes is weights, body weight exercises, or certain cardiovascular exercises.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
6 days a week
Shayama · F

yeah hiit and jogging is enough for me but I did tell everyone im going to the gym to start lifting some weights though idk how I’ll actually do it as the whole environment makes me feel like im in the truman show lmao
caccoon · 36-40
Just twice a week at the moment, but I want to workout 4 times a week. It feels goooooooooooooood.
DDonde · 31-35, M
Not as much as I should but at least I use my body at work.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Everyday I bike 150km

Yeah 5 times a week. I do a push pull split.
I do some cardio excercise after, on some of the days.
I do some cardio excercise after, on some of the days.

@Hem1ock Nice. I'm getting back into proper training soon too.
Ive only been doing judo recently but Im gonna move to a city and start doing muay thai again, and MMA
Ive only been doing judo recently but Im gonna move to a city and start doing muay thai again, and MMA
Hem1ock · 26-30, M
@SW-User absolutely based.
Carissimi · F
Push/pull is my favorite weight routine. 🖐 @SW-User
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empanadas · 31-35, M