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The number, size, and decibel of the fireworks going off in my neighborhood means the economy must be doing pretty good...

That or people really hit their credit cards. This ain't the cheap stuff they are exploding!
Piper · 61-69, F
Same here, for a few hours now.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
I’m not sure if you live in a redneck area but it’s so hypocritical for them to complain about the economy, but then they go out and buy thousand dollars worth of fireworks and set them off all night.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Just lucky you can buy fireworks. Here in most of Australia they're illegal to buy and use without special licenses. Been that way for around 30 yrs.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@zonavar68 they are illegal here as well without special agricultural licenses. But since the law is state by state, some folks can go over a state line or in other states you can sign an affidavit claiming you are taking them across state lines. And it's generally not followed up on, so people just get away with it.
smiler2012 · 56-60
[@vicdraco] 🤔are you american by any chance i guess too celebrate your independence day money goes out of the window and becomes not important
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@smiler2012 yeah. Around here they do it for new year's too
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
It’s been a constant barrage since about 8:30 or so. Last night lasted past midnight so not expecting to fall asleep anytime soon.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Fortunately, it is usually low key in our neighborhood.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@DrWatson it has been kind of low key since covid. But this year everyone seems to be back in the full swing of it.
Most people hate fireworks.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@Roundandroundwego not around anywhere I've ever lived. I was always the odd one for not caring about them too much.
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔.....Maybe it's homemade stuff.........
NinaTina · 26-30, F
Same here
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