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Do you hate your HOA? (Home Owners Association)...Try this.

DeluxedEdition26-30, F
Am I reading this correctly. Did you just say installing it in your own neighborhood 馃馃

How does that old saying about cutting off your nose in spite go lmao 馃槀
As much as I despise HOA's and love the concept, it would be impossible to build. Right next door, of course! 馃榿
ChipmunkErnie70-79, M
Thank the lawd, we don't have an HOA -- just an overly intrusive municipal government.
Some things are good to know.
MrAboo36-40, M
Brilliant!!! 馃ぃ
Jake96656-60, M
Nice to know
Muthafukajones46-50, M
I like this 馃槇
Fukfacewillie51-55, M
Lol, if only I liked bats.
LordShadowfire46-50, M
I bookmarked this.

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