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Have you ever sent a Valentine's Day card as a joke?

Some years ago I sent one to my brother, anonymously, as he was single and was without a girlfriend at the time. I thought it would be a laugh ... Wrong! He took it so seriously and genuinely believed there was someone out there who fancied him. My biggest mistake was eventually owning up to it because it was getting pathetic. Was he pissed off! Didn't see the funny side at all. Never again. 🤭

For all those who took umbrage at this post my dearest brother and I are great friends too and it didn't take him long to see the funny side and laugh about it. He appreciated the "pay back" as he tricks me often! 🙂
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
No that's cruel.
Zoranna · F
@DearAmbellina2113 Yes, it was cruel to tell him it was me. Should have kept my mouth shut. 😉
bookerdana · M
I think he took the whole thing a tad Super seriously..if someone is truly interested they''ll find a way to show you ....just by their actions,not a third grade style anonymous card💟
Oh well,live and learn..happy valentines day💜
Zoranna · F
@bookerdana He did at first, but then saw the funny side. Exactly, if there had been someone really interested in him he would have KNOWN it.
Thank you, you too. 💖
Noreaster · F
You're heart was in the right place ❤️
Zoranna · F
@Noreaster It was and we did laugh about it later.
Oh dear shame on you lol 😉
Did he recover ok?
Zoranna · F
@Cutiepi23 Yes, he laughed about it soon after. He's always playing tricks on me, that just evened the score board ... for a while. He got his revenge ... frequently. 😂
@Zoranna haha glad you never traumatised him 🤣
Zoranna · F
@Cutiepi23 Far from it! He's got a good sense of humour.
Peaches · F
HA!😁I'm glad he saw the humor in it later on. I've done similar things that I thought would be funny,😕but flew like a fart in church instead!😯😄
Peaches · F
@Zoranna Yes, siblings always pull pranks on each other.😉I can't believe how serious some took that you were plotting to kill him or something?!😒
Zoranna · F
@Peaches I know, totally ridiculous! I think part of the problem is, apart from having no sense of humour, is that they take themselves too damned seriously and should lighten up at least a little bit. It was enlightening in a way though: who to stay away from. 😉
Peaches · F
@Zoranna 👍🏼No kidding!
SweetMae · 70-79, F
No, but my sister did that to me.
That's too funny :-)
I’m surprised so many people are tripping. I could see him being briefly disappointed, but it wasn’t the end of the world. Just a Valentine card, sheesh.
A friend with several brothers told me they sent her fiance a sympathy card the day before their wedding ! She said they would’ve killed him if he’d taken it to heart and hadn’t shown up at the church ! 😅
@Crazychick Probably comes from the paranoia some drugs cause. Similar to asking someone “Are you high ?” when they say something outrageous.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard I haven't heard that in that context either. Most drug-related slang terms are old now.
@Crazychick Probably why you didn’t get the reference. Fortunately, the comments weren’t addressed to you. The person to whom they were addressed understood the context, so I’m satisfied.
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
That is sooooooo mean!!............... I'd still fucking do it though. ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ👍️
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
@Crazychick Uh, nuh.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@bearinthehalfwayhouse You are a troll and I've a good mind to block you.
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
@Crazychick Alright, do it. No skin off my sack tbh. ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ/
Crazychick · 36-40, F
No, that's mean and despicable. The obvious reason why he didn't see the funny side is because there isn't one. End of story.
Candice · 46-50, F
Maybe a spanking over his knee may have been appropriate for a naughty sister
Zoranna · F
@Candice Not in this family it's f'ng not!🤨
That's not a "joke" at all - it just fucks with someone's feelings... which is cruel.
Zoranna · F
@HootyTheNightOwl Oh lighten up people! 🙄
@Zoranna Hopefully, someone will do the same thing to you one day and we will see how "funny" you find it then.
Zoranna · F
@HootyTheNightOwl It HAS happened to me, 2 years in a row I received an anonymous card. I laughed when I found out who had sent them. Aussies obviously have different sense of humour than a lot on here and DON'T TAKE THINGS SO DAMNED SERIOUSLY. 🙄

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