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Coralmist · 41-45, F
@SW-User lol Np..🤗
quitwhendone · M
@SW-User I hope she had to clean it up.

So many possible answers to this question. I've had an embarrassing life. lol. But here's one that stands out:
One time when I was showing my friend and his girlfriend something on my computer, I clicked on the wrong thing and all these downloaded porn images were all over the screen. I pretended like nothing was happening and continued talking about something else while I figured out how to get rid of it and did, within a few seconds. Neither of them said anything about it. I still can't really think about it; I'm just like "that did NOT happen". Oh but it did. 😓
One time when I was showing my friend and his girlfriend something on my computer, I clicked on the wrong thing and all these downloaded porn images were all over the screen. I pretended like nothing was happening and continued talking about something else while I figured out how to get rid of it and did, within a few seconds. Neither of them said anything about it. I still can't really think about it; I'm just like "that did NOT happen". Oh but it did. 😓
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Biffed · 31-35, M
i used a normal fork instead of a lobster fork once... never again😩😩
Coralmist · 41-45, F
I once was taking out some notebooks in art class, we were four student to a table..and a pad in my bag came flying out on the table 😳🙁 I was mortified. My friend made a face like omg! And the kid next to me was just looking straight ahead, no idea if he saw ,🙈😫
quitwhendone · M
Too many to name. And I don't want to relive the incidents.
pride49 · 31-35, M
As a kid I got caught checking out a counselors boner I guess