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Houdini · 56-60, M
I’m not going to tell you
@Houdini We understood it bro even if u don't tell

DrWatson · 70-79, M
I buy more books than I will ever read.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Do you have worms? Book worms I mean..@DrWatson
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@pennynoodles There are two in my household -- my wife and myself!
MissMoon · 26-30, F
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
@MissMoon Haha. Well I'll take them off your hands when they get...ripe.
MissMoon · 26-30, F
@SouthernBoxer Never! 😖
SouthernBoxer · 31-35, M
@MissMoon Haha, alriiiight. They are mighty cute, anyhoo.
Kerrmit84 · 41-45, M
Water, being on it or in it!
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I guessed that!@Kerrmit84
4meAndyou · F
Family trees. Even trees that are not mine. I just don't understand how people could not FIND the missing information on those trees. It drives me nuts.
@4meAndyou It's not free and I know the stuff that's important. And some of them live in Poland blah blah blah ...ETC.
SW-User wife is really on my case about how many I have... LOL...
... that, and embarrassing and funny stories in chat... LOL
going stir crazy.....Can’t do any of the things I like.I will be in the nuthouse by the time this ends....
homespun2 · 70-79, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales yes and i wont be far behind you.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales Today I went for a walk in the woods. By the time I was done, I felt a lot calmer.
@DrWatson yes!
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Any genre in particular?@Longpatrol
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Scifi and fantasy@pennynoodles
StevexStephie · 70-79
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@StevexStephie I don't believe you. She said 'a tiny bit'. That seems most unlikely!


Nina xx
StevexStephie · 70-79
You are right! 'tiny bit' is facetious! It's really a ton! @ninalanyon
MrPoppins · M
There are these seeds I have been munching on. I do not even know its name. Someone gifted me those some time ago. And I cant seem to stop munching on them!
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You may find that you flower in the spring lolol@SW-User
@pennynoodles 🤣 Not a entirely bad thought!
Peaches · F
Things we can't see,👀 The unknown.👽️😲👻
Peaches · F
@pennynoodles YES! I'm reading "Paranormal Parasites" and what they do to us without our knowledge, 👽️especially while we're asleep...😱
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Gulp.....scratch scratch@Peaches
Peaches · F
@pennynoodles LOL!🤣
MrCheeky · 41-45, M
Washing my hands... I'm a little bit OCD when it comes to having clean hands! 😂
nem16 · 36-40, M
@MrCheeky That aswell.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Nothing wrong with a bit of personal hygiene @MrCheeky
Houdini · 56-60, M
Getting tied up. And until I get what I need out of it I probably always will be
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Fair enough. @Houdini
Houdini · 56-60, M
And going out love going out lol @pennynoodles
IBHappy · F
Lol.... just a TINY bit. You are definitely a boob man.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Good job I'm not or I'd never get anything done. @Mk8155
Just surviving, but I think I'm getting away from that now.
nahright09 · 41-45, M's a problem!
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Running out of space?@nahright09
nahright09 · 41-45, M
@pennynoodles just about !!!
MrPoppins · M
Spoonfulls of sugar.
MrPoppins · M
@pennynoodles .... psst...lots of answers unhearted....👇👇👇
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
MrPoppins · M
@pennynoodles ...still unhearted...👆👆👆 😾
SavingPrivateHannah · 51-55, F
cleaning house and redecorating.
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
I get really wrapped up in stories/plots and the universes that contain them from time to time. It's almost like exploring someone's mind since someone had to dream it all up and write/draw it.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
A bit of escapism then. @5thApprentice
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
@pennynoodles Not entirely, I just find concepts and ideas fascinating.
nem16 · 36-40, M
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
All or something in particular?@nem16
nem16 · 36-40, M
@pennynoodles Football is my fave,but I watch alot of them.
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
StevexStephie · 70-79
Oh yesss! And sharing those adventures and feelings with other gurls!
plasticpants02 · 70-79, M
@StevexStephie mmmmm yes sometimes that too
patkaren1717 · 41-45, M
My Cross Dressing.
StevexStephie · 70-79
Same with me! Oh, yesss! @patkaren1717
koekoek · 36-40, M
Any project I start. I have to find out everything I can about it.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I'm a bit like that with Google. I hear something that interests me and I simply have to Google it to find out more. @bijouxbroussard
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
With you on that one. @AbbySvenz
Krishh · 46-50, M
getting ready for my wedding.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
We know that we are very lucky. @nevergiveup
@pennynoodles My 4 kids have all taken to her which was a worry. She is good with the grandkids as she was a teacher so she loves to play and help them
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
That's good. @nevergiveup
@JenniferM yours or your partners?
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
more than a tiny bit obsessed lol
My hobbies at home... and telling certain stories online, because of anonymity. Lol.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Yes. Anything goes and no-one really knows. @SW-User
@pennynoodles True... true.
Well. I'm on SW way too often...
@pennynoodles There is... I've left a few times... but keep coming back.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You don't have to leave, just spend less time on here...simples...
@pennynoodles Dang. That's well put!
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pennynoodles · 56-60, F
When you do it that often, perhaps you don't get a rash..... (so a friend told me) 😜@Wol62
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@pennynoodles LOL...hahahahahahahahahhaha, I got you!
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@pennynoodles Well he will as seems like that is all he does!
... and I sometimes enjoy sharing my most embarrassing moment story... in IM. Gals in particular laugh hard.
Handbags, t-shirts graphic especially.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Do you collect them?@Wtrcolour
Some of the shirts but not hand bags.
Now-Taiwanese and South Korean baseball .live on twitter and you tube most days.
mumtime · 51-55, F
Line of Duty. Cant wait until tomorrow
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I've been watching that too. @mumtime
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
Carrie Underwood, sweetie...

On Planet Cass, she's my bestie!

Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
OCD , so anything that needs cleaning
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
You sound useful@Wishingwellguy
HumanEarth · F
What am I tiny bit obsessed with. Oh My Lord

I'm weird. I'm a ham radio junkie, that is crazy about old American cars and I been obsessed with women's clothing since the 1980s.

Yeah, see I told you from the beginning I was weird and (see the super short video) I'm actually very interesting person if people
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
@HumanEarth You're not weird, you are just you.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
SW of course! And several other things.
Sublearner · 31-35, F
Feathers and how many different ones.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Guitar playing and music theory.
Mrjingleswilly · 51-55, M
Can you guess? 😂
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Mrjingleswilly · 51-55, M
Houdini · 56-60, M
I can’t think of anything hahahahaha
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bartender · 36-40, M
Living life on the wild side
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
It can be good......until it goes wrong. @Moosepantspatty
Moosepantspatty · 31-35, M
@pennynoodles I had that once, until it went bad.
Nowadays it’s sushi and coke zero
Houdini · 56-60, M
Getting tied up. Until it happens lol
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
One day it may go wrong.....@Houdini
Houdini · 56-60, M
Yes it probably will @pennynoodles

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