losing sux for sure .........🙃
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KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
Change the game? Change the rules? Cheat?!
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@SwanNual just ignore him for a while. Don't eagerly answer texts, be unavailable. Men like to chase although they say they don't. Be indifferent towards him. It's supply and demand. If he sees you as readily available then the supply is high so he doesn't need to have a high feeling of demand. Think about diamonds. There's loads, they're a common stone but the price is high because the people who own them hold most of them off the market. Make yourself less available, more indifferent. If that doesn't work then nothing will. But if he does then show interest do not jump at it. You've got alot of back peddling to do to go from the woman he rejected to the woman he's chasing after.
However I can't be bothered with all that so ideally just move on and get someone else is my actual opinion.
However I can't be bothered with all that so ideally just move on and get someone else is my actual opinion.
SwanNual · 31-35, F
@KaiserSolze It’s over haha
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@SwanNual that's the attitude!

Sometimes, it's not all about winning.
SwanNual · 31-35, F
@SW-User Is it not?

It's how you play the game
summersun · 36-40, F
This is one of the reasons why I don't like competing with others instead, I always try to compete with myself. When you compete with others you can't really stop from comparing yourself with them and when you fare better, you end up being proud or sometimes even arrogant about it. If it's the other way, you feel bad about yourself and discourage. I just don't think that would be fair for me who also did my best.
User41 · 36-40, M
Sometimes losing IS winning. In the long run. No I’m not frustrated by it. I make my peace with it and move on older wiser an less likely to bite of more than I can chew or go into something so ill prepared.
That’s the secret to success in anything. You need to fail constructively.
That’s the secret to success in anything. You need to fail constructively.
Tracos · 51-55, M
Why would you want to win?
If you play your own game you can't lose
If you play your own game you can't lose
Tracos · 51-55, M
Well.... T least your own rules....
...and your own win criteria
...and your own win criteria
Cowboybob · M
Why can’t you win?