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My neighbor is making me uncomfortable again. How would you handle this?

He does things for me and will not let me pay him. He is bringing me firewood and his going to cut up some of my trees that have fallen for firewood. He will not take pay for it. He is a married man and has never once made a pass at me. I tell him to let me pay him and he refuses.
Freefun74 · 46-50, M Best Comment
I do work for neighbors and friends and refuse pay. It’s my way of contributing to the good. I go to work for money. The rest is spreading love
Freefun74 · 46-50, M
Yeah. Just get past that mind state. I’m sure it makes him feel good to help you. He’s getting satisfaction out of it
@Freefun74 That is what he says too.
@SW-User kind of sad, don't you think?

Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
Maybe he is a good, kind neighbor.
Hell, I'm a dick, and I'll lend a hand when and where I can. Maybe he is likeminded.
Maybe he is concerened with tree growth, and fire hazards. Fireplaces and even moderatly wooded areas can be a hazard.
@Groofydorkgerdo I hope he is just nice.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
[@SmilesnotLove] Why not just ask the guy? He seems nice enough.
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@GreensCornbreadYams I have a feeling there is no love in that house. She seems like she is gone way to much. HE seems lonely.
@SW-User @GreensCornbreadYams so what, maybe he is lonely, maybe he is looking for company. Do we always have to suspect an ulterior motive? It's a sad world indeed.
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drtt943 ·
Some people are like that. Good neighbor.
drtt943 ·
Take him some cookies. Or a pie
@drtt943 He said I could bake him a cake. I do not know how to bake cakes.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@SW-User Googlenit miss.
Tellya what, I get my wife to bake a cheese cake, just come to Cali to pick it up.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Maybe he's 'old school'.
Take care of your neighbours; if you're off to get something, ask if they want some too, if you're off to get something for free get extra for others....etc.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Well if he's not trying to 'corner you' on your own and his wife is well aware of who you are it's unlikely to be anything untoward.
I get, totally, the feeling of suspicion. The worry that maybe this is leading up to something......
But that kind of thinking can seriously mess with your mind ! Isolate you from everybody ! Make you fearful of good folk !!

For what it's worth. I live on an estate with maybe 30 houses on it.
Most are elderly folk. Some couples but most singles. And i'm aware that they might view me as 'not one of them'. Lol. Since i'm only early 50's !
But i do favours for folk all the time ! Fix things here and there; get folk their shopping if the weathers bad and they can't get out; Catch the odd spider or mouse if i'm asked.
No thought in my mind other than being useful. Helpful even.
Maybe he feels the same way ☺
@Picklebobble2 ohh, you are so sweet to do that. I did not realizes there were still good men out there. Thank you for letting me know both you and him.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User My pleasure ☺
By keeping your place’s value up and the trees out of the yard he gains two fold. #1 he can sell his place for more, #2 he won’t break his neck when he walks through your yard at night to peep on you.
@bigdaddy283 lol, that I never thought of. lol.
Giana · 70-79, F
Bake him a pie or something...there are ways to reciprocate that don't cost much.
@Giana He said I could bake him a cake but I don't bake.
Giana · 70-79, F
@SW-User You could learn...a cake mix is easy...or buy one
@Giana I am going to buy him a nice one. I told him I can't cook. And when I say that I mean it.
Maybe he is trying to be nice, or you might remind him of someone.
@VeronicaJane He seems to be very nice. He says helping others makes him feel good.
@SmilesOfLove maybe it is as simple as that :-)
Just accept his kindness.
@IsaTheBella I have too. He will not take no for an answer. He just drove up in my yard and started unloading wood today.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Maybe he has a firewood fetish... 😏
@Spokeskitties75 lol, he goes nothing out of me.
Boing chicka bow wow
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I had to look that up. lol. I do not think he will get that from me. lol

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