redredred · M
That label isn’t real. It lists over a half pound of sugar in just under a liter of liquid. Plus the calorie values dont add up. Besides the 263 gms of sugar there’s a missing 70 gms of carbs.
The “drink” is a nutritional mess and I’ve never seen one for sale anywhere in the US but it might be a local product. If it’s real it it ought to be a homemade glucose tolerance test.
The “drink” is a nutritional mess and I’ve never seen one for sale anywhere in the US but it might be a local product. If it’s real it it ought to be a homemade glucose tolerance test.
Thrust · 56-60, M
3x the daily saturated fat? Even though it looks like a heart stopper I have a hard time believing that
MrFinch · 61-69, M
And we wonder why there is an obesity epidemic? This is disgusting.
View 7 more replies »
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@helenS Green beans were my favorite veggie from the time I was able to sit in a high chair and eat them with my fingers. I was working in the garden at the age of 2 and a half years old picking all the green beans on our farm, which were many. We canned what we didn’t eat fresh and it was a lot. Sometimes I’d pick a round metal bathtub full during the heaviest harvests. I would also sit in the screened in porch and snap them. I just loved them for some reason. I still do.
helenS · 36-40, F
@cherokeepatti I grow green beans in my garden (bush beans), and I salt them heavily, and keep them in big stone jars, so I can eat them in winter. It's the traditional way. 😋
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Oh but just imagine!! 🤤
Lol, but seriously. 32 ounces? That thing is huge. And yeah, 2600 calories in a drink? That's excessive even for this chocoholic. Instant diabetes in a cup.
Lol, but seriously. 32 ounces? That thing is huge. And yeah, 2600 calories in a drink? That's excessive even for this chocoholic. Instant diabetes in a cup.
helenS · 36-40, F
@sarabee1995 Yes – I used a converter to find out 32oz is almost 1 liter. And it wouldn't be offered if people didn't order it. It's excessive.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@helenS Yup, for sure.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Over quarter of a kilo of sugar 😬
helenS · 36-40, F
@SunshineGirl I understand there's a special diet for patients who can't take solids. There's also a special high calorie diet for cancer patients.
I would assume that Oreo Shake in the picture is consumed by ordinary people, together with a double whopper (w/ cheese of course) and XXL French fries.
I wonder how those guys will get back to their cars... no, wait, it's a drive-through.
I would assume that Oreo Shake in the picture is consumed by ordinary people, together with a double whopper (w/ cheese of course) and XXL French fries.
I wonder how those guys will get back to their cars... no, wait, it's a drive-through.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Hmmmm... I have a sweet tooth! I have never seen that concoction but I expect I have eaten similar.
It would help if the label used consistent units, by quoting the serving in grammes as well, not fluid ounces.
I tried to find the equivalent but was unable to do so, but it may not mean much anyway, because this is a mixture of many ingredients each with its own density.
Nevertheless it is rather surprising to see that the makers admit giving you more than twice as much as the recommended daily serving of all fats, and three times of saturated fats; but not revealing that for sugar.
Those doses are presumably for adults, so worse for children.
I'm interested in your Na / NaCl comparison. Certainly 4.5g of salt seems a sizeable overdose given that the Oreo's sodium part is three-quarters of the recommended daily maximum; but I don't know what or how much the chlorine component does apart from using the metal to make an important electrolyte.
Just to add to the advertisers' muddle, European food labelling has to use kJ (kiloJoules) not "calories" - though they can give "kilocalories" as well. The Joule is of course the recognised unit of energy, but is the Oreo "calorie" some US unit no-one else uses? It was used in the UK in the past, but somehow 1 calorie now = 1000 calories in the world of food manufacturing.
For example,
The tiny print on an Aldi pack of "Scottish Porage Oats" ("Packed in the UK" so have a pinch of salt for the actual country of manufacture!) gives 618kJ / 147kcal per 40g used to make one serving of porage.
I must admit I measure one serving by half a mug of dry oats to one and a half of milk and water. I don't weigh them. 40g = 1.4 oz., though.
Aldi also tells us the "reference intake" of potential energy for an average adult is 400kJ (0.4MJ!) or 2000 kcal.
Aha! So from the two labels and your quoted values, the processed-foods trade does think 1cal = 1000cal! (An exclamation, not the factorial sign.) Must make sense to someone, I suppose....
Oh yes - Salt: One 40g dry-weight of these oats used to make one porage serving will give you <0.01g.
Ignoring some porage-lovers' optionally adding salt to the made cereal (and probably to anything else too), this rather shows up that Oreo salted-chocolate dessert.
Skimmed milk: ~1g salt / 1 litre. (From the label on a bottle in my fridge).
For the record, I honestly cannot recall when I last added any salt to any food other than as specified in a recipe. When I buy fish-and-chips I accept the offered vinegar but decline the salt.
We do need Sodium and Potassium salts but only ~65g NaCl by Oreo's own figures.
Eat a reasonably good diet, and you do not need a salt-cellar on the table; and no amount of pretentious waffle about sea-salt in fancy pebble form makes nutritional sense.
It would help if the label used consistent units, by quoting the serving in grammes as well, not fluid ounces.
I tried to find the equivalent but was unable to do so, but it may not mean much anyway, because this is a mixture of many ingredients each with its own density.
Nevertheless it is rather surprising to see that the makers admit giving you more than twice as much as the recommended daily serving of all fats, and three times of saturated fats; but not revealing that for sugar.
Those doses are presumably for adults, so worse for children.
I'm interested in your Na / NaCl comparison. Certainly 4.5g of salt seems a sizeable overdose given that the Oreo's sodium part is three-quarters of the recommended daily maximum; but I don't know what or how much the chlorine component does apart from using the metal to make an important electrolyte.
Just to add to the advertisers' muddle, European food labelling has to use kJ (kiloJoules) not "calories" - though they can give "kilocalories" as well. The Joule is of course the recognised unit of energy, but is the Oreo "calorie" some US unit no-one else uses? It was used in the UK in the past, but somehow 1 calorie now = 1000 calories in the world of food manufacturing.
For example,
The tiny print on an Aldi pack of "Scottish Porage Oats" ("Packed in the UK" so have a pinch of salt for the actual country of manufacture!) gives 618kJ / 147kcal per 40g used to make one serving of porage.
I must admit I measure one serving by half a mug of dry oats to one and a half of milk and water. I don't weigh them. 40g = 1.4 oz., though.
Aldi also tells us the "reference intake" of potential energy for an average adult is 400kJ (0.4MJ!) or 2000 kcal.
Aha! So from the two labels and your quoted values, the processed-foods trade does think 1cal = 1000cal! (An exclamation, not the factorial sign.) Must make sense to someone, I suppose....
Oh yes - Salt: One 40g dry-weight of these oats used to make one porage serving will give you <0.01g.
Ignoring some porage-lovers' optionally adding salt to the made cereal (and probably to anything else too), this rather shows up that Oreo salted-chocolate dessert.
Skimmed milk: ~1g salt / 1 litre. (From the label on a bottle in my fridge).
For the record, I honestly cannot recall when I last added any salt to any food other than as specified in a recipe. When I buy fish-and-chips I accept the offered vinegar but decline the salt.
We do need Sodium and Potassium salts but only ~65g NaCl by Oreo's own figures.
Eat a reasonably good diet, and you do not need a salt-cellar on the table; and no amount of pretentious waffle about sea-salt in fancy pebble form makes nutritional sense.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
This American will stay away from it.
One thing I noticed in Europe, is that even American soft drinks like Coca Cola and Sprite are less sweet than they are here.
One thing I noticed in Europe, is that even American soft drinks like Coca Cola and Sprite are less sweet than they are here.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@DrWatson I heard that in the Philippines that the soft drinks are way sweeter than American ones.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Neoerectus · M
Sugar, salt, and fat for "bliss points" in 'food.'
Basic canned tomato soup is now sweetened here in the states. Just get a can of tomatoes and season it...
I have avoided the middle food isles in grocery stores for years. Junk. Maybe some canned veg's in a pinch, but they get sweetened as well!
Basic canned tomato soup is now sweetened here in the states. Just get a can of tomatoes and season it...
I have avoided the middle food isles in grocery stores for years. Junk. Maybe some canned veg's in a pinch, but they get sweetened as well!
helenS · 36-40, F
Basic canned tomato soup is now sweetened here in the states
I don't get it. I don't get it. 😐
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Basic canned tomato soup is now sweetened here in the states.
Everything seems to be sweetened and salted to death. It's crazy. My day-to-day cooking is based on fresh, basic ingredients -- meat, potatoes, fresh vegetables, rice, etc. -- but even then I know the "meat" is treated in ways I can't avoid, as with the vegetables, and probably the rice too. And as pure as that statement might make me sound, there are still processed foods in my diet. I keep them to a minimum, but they're there.So if I drink this in a day, i cannot eat anymore until the next day.
helenS · 36-40, F
@BloviatingBuffoon No this won't be possible 😏
It's just to show the calorie density in that milk shake.
It's just to show the calorie density in that milk shake.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@BloviatingBuffoon What a waste of calories eh? I would rather eat than have one drink.
I agree. My tummy is getting a bit sensitive with sweets and cream these days@JimboSaturn
Madmonk · M

TexChik · F
34 carbs is my highest daily intake. This thing has 10 days worth of carbs
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
13 grams of fiber is wild! That is 50% of the daily recommended total. Most of the calories are from fat! The math is interesting, suggesting lots of protein.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
... and it contains almost 5g of salt, so you will be thirsty after drinking it, and maybe you'll order another!
This is not surprising at all, for the very reason you give. There is salt in just about all processed foods; in fact I should probably remove the "just about" from that statement. It's a drug to make us want more of something, and the more is certainly not a tall glass of water.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Those are DELICIOUS 👅
helenS · 36-40, F
@Snuffy1957 Ok I'll check that out, thank you! 🌷
helenS · 36-40, F
@Snuffy1957 Wow what a looong list of common groups!
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Seems like a perfect match to Me😍
Seems like a perfect match to Me😍
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Would just be over ¾s of mine. I'm supposed to eat 3,000 calories. I'm still under weight.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Snuffy1957 I was a member of the "I Think Flat-Chested Girls are Sexy as Hell" SW group before the group was merged into a "Flat Chested" super-group.
32A size, in case you're interested. 😏
32A size, in case you're interested. 😏
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@helenS very high metabolism. Always been that way ever since my teens. BMI though is 18. Been as low as 16, a couple of years ago.
LamontCranston · M
Well, a lot of calcium, which is good. 😁And the protein too!
But this American would never touch it.
But this American would never touch it.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Whoa…that’s disgustingly sweet. More calories than most should have in a day and not near enough nutrition such as protein etc.
redredred · M
I’ve never seen one of those.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
that makes me sick just looking at it.... i have basically cut all ice cream from my diet, unless it Gelato, or the occasional sundae-cup

My American mind doesn't understand this either
helenS · 36-40, F
@SW-User Another interesting aspect is the increase of American shopping cart size. They were really small in the 1950s (sort of a shopping basket on wheels), and today, a ton of grocery will fit into one cart. I learned some time ago that some big carts are motorized now, in the US?
Klt3sHottie · 46-50, F
Yeah... It's hard not eating something that looks that yummy and gooey. I'm on my own calorie intake diet. And let me tell you. Temptation like that is really hard to pass up.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Klt3sHottie "Temptation" is exactly the appropriate word! These things are made to lead people into temptation, and it's sometimes very hard to resist... my irresistible temptation: potato chips ("crisps"). I love them and it's hard to say "No" to them.
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
I would never drink that 300 carbs is a daily average for most people .
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
@helenS Thanks i do try Ill bet your healthy also.
helenS · 36-40, F
@olderuncle944 I'm officially underweight (BMI-wise), but that's an absurdity because I feel perfectly fine, and I'm faster than anyone else here...
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
@helenS acording to my bmi im 10lbs above what it should be for my age, if your fit and feel good thats perfect .
fun4us2b · M
Gross -
32 OZ is a bit ridiculous but it is amazing how many calories they packed into that thing....plenty of Calcium and Iron too !!!
Interesting - might be fake. On the BR website 16oz is 720 Calories....
32 OZ is a bit ridiculous but it is amazing how many calories they packed into that thing....plenty of Calcium and Iron too !!!
Interesting - might be fake. On the BR website 16oz is 720 Calories....
Elessar · 26-30, M
That's like my daily intake of calories. They have it with a single drink??
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
And 250% of your daily allowance of colouring and preservatives..😷
helenS · 36-40, F
@whowasthatmaskedman ... but only 8% of your daily vitamin C...
being · 36-40, F
But it's so big we can share, half and half:) just for a Sunday...:)
The Land of More than Plenty!
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Do you get free health insurance on a loyalty deal?
Convivial · 26-30, F
Obesity rules...
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Who counts calories? ;)
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Its what we do here
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Wow! That's crazy!
Atlotto · M
WOW! ...That is not for me. I very seldom eat sweets.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
That looks gross actually
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Same people worried about their health being mask bullies are sucking those things down.
bijouxbroussard · F
Geez, that would put me in a coma. 😱
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Oh yes. We eat a lot here. Some of it is healthy. Some of it is not. 🍔
OliRos · 22-25, F
Holy shit!
Or do I mean wholly shit?
Or do I mean wholly shit?
WhereMySoul · FVIP
That why their all fat 😐
OogieBoogie · F
That's like 2 days worth of calories , And a weeks worth of sugar !
Shit 👀
Shit 👀
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@OogieBoogie These overdoses are deliberate, to make such foods addictive.
You used to hear complaints that the "own-brand" or own-contract foods available in some supermarkets were somehow of "lower-quality" to the long-established "big name" brands, simply for a slightly different taste. The truth is that the own-brands have considerably less sugar and salt than the Big-Name makers add to enhance their products' sweetness and flavour artificially, to boost sales.
You used to hear complaints that the "own-brand" or own-contract foods available in some supermarkets were somehow of "lower-quality" to the long-established "big name" brands, simply for a slightly different taste. The truth is that the own-brands have considerably less sugar and salt than the Big-Name makers add to enhance their products' sweetness and flavour artificially, to boost sales.
OogieBoogie · F
@ArishMell these types of food should come with large red tag warnings like cigarettes do.
Its poor man's cocaine.
It's poison.
Delicious poison ....but so is any drug that gives you a high
This is inflammation in a cup .☹️
Its poor man's cocaine.
It's poison.
Delicious poison ....but so is any drug that gives you a high
This is inflammation in a cup .☹️
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@OogieBoogie Indeed! They do at least have to list the ingredients and those values, but in the end it it is still for us to judge for ourselves what we buy and how often.
I have a sweet tooth so do like desserts probably similar to that Oreo but I do try to limit them, and to eat a vaguely-sensible diet.
I have a sweet tooth so do like desserts probably similar to that Oreo but I do try to limit them, and to eat a vaguely-sensible diet.
Morvoren · F
Holy shit.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Heilige Scheiße!😶
helenS · 36-40, F
@supersnipe Fettmachender Dreck.
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