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Tell me about the worst teacher you ever had in school.

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I am going to say one of my first-grade teachers. (I went to school in Missouri for one semester and Oklahoma the second semester) This teacher had a student, a girl, who was in her first-grade class for 3 straight years. The girl came from a very poor family, her father was a farm worker. She acted like she was scared of running water and she wore the same dress every single day of the school year, it would get darker by the week. I figured out she didn’t have any running water inside the home because when we were told to line up to wash our hands before we went to the cafeteria to eat she was scared to put her hands under the stream of water. I got to standing behind her and I would push her elbows and tell her to wash her hands and she eventually learned to do that. Also because she smelled bad the other kids would make fun of her for it, the teacher never corrected them for it. And the teacher also didn’t go out of her way to make sure Janet learned anything. She didn’t know her numbers, her ABCs, how to read or write anything. I think she had malnutrition because every day she brought a lunch that was white bread with peanut butter in it. Nothing else but a carton of milk she got in the cafeteria. The girl mostly stayed to herself and didn’t talk to anyone. when the teacher told us we could bring snacks to eat in the afternoon I went home and told my aunt & uncle. My uncle already knew about Janet because my older sister was in the same class as her the year before. He asked me if everyone would be bringing snacks to school. I told him probably not Janet because all she ever ate for lunch was a peanut butter sandwich. He looked at me and said if anyone doesn’t bring snacks to eat then you can’t eat snacks in front of them unless you share with the ones who don’t have snacks. So I got my aunt to give me a double portion of snacks so I could bring them to share with Janet and i gave her half every day. The only time she ever got anything but a peanut butter sandwich was the Thanksgiving lunch and Christmas lunch which was a turkey dinner they served in the cafeteria and then the teacher spent the money & paid for it. I believe that’s the only thing that entire year I saw the teacher do for the girl. We moved away in January and returned for the next school year. Janet was promoted to second grade even though she had learned nothing during the 3 years of first grade. I started bringing my tablet and a pencil to recess and would teach Janet her numbers, the alphabet, and how to write simple words. She was very capable of learning if she had just a little bit of interaction with someone instead of being ignored. Probably her malnutrition contributed to her being slow, her mouth gapped open most of the time and her eyes didn’t sparkle. She had a little sister that started first grade that year and that little girl was a live wire in comparison, her eyes sparkled and she was always smiling. I think her mother favored her a lot over Janet.
@cherokeepatti bless you.i was a janet,almost.always afraid.the nuns scared me,my parents peace.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SOUTHERNSTAR2035 That girl needed help, she needed someone to talk to her parents and offer help to get the girl showered at least once a week and some changes of clothing and her clothes laundered once a week too. And some food help such as a free lunch (they didn’t have it back then that i know of) and maybe offered some nutritious protein snacks and fruits. And someone who could volunteer to help teach her like at a library after school and take her home afterwards I think she was very capable of learning if she had some help. I hate to think of wasted potential in neglected children in those situations. I’m thinking the family was isolated away from society too the way she acted around running water and some other things.
When i was eight someone told my teacher i swore which i didn't but she believed them, then tried to stuff soap in my mouth. I kept forcing her hands away so she stood me in front of the class, forced the soap in then put masking tape over my mouth. I was choking on my own vomit and everyone was laughing at me. I was having a huge panic attack and thought i was dying. I ended up passing out and paramedics were called and i was taken to hospital. The teacher was transferred to another school... presumably to do it to someone else. I have struggled with anything over my mouth since.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@SW-User I hope she died a miserable death.
@Fukfacewillie I agree, she shouldn't have been allowed to be in charge of children.
ZashaKitty · 26-30, F
In primary school I had a teacher for two years in year 3 and 4 who would always be so over the top angry she would yell and scream for the littlest things like someone not knowing the answer to a question. She at one time grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me over to the blackboard and pushed me into it to make me write on the board certain things.
She wouldnt let anyone use a bathroom. There were a few kids who had a accident here or there because of it and yeah she was the worst.
We all used to say she was identical to the Principal in that Matilda movie.

She eventually got fired a bit after I left the school so i heard
Pfuzylogic · M
I hope she got fired!
The job of a teacher is to build a person not tear them down otherwise you make people that hate learning.
I had a biology teacher in high school who didn't even seem to know the material. She had us do busy work all day and her tests were taken from the textbook website, so I could look at the answers ahead of time and get a guaranteed 100%. That class was an absolute joke and I have no idea how she managed to be a teacher there for so many years.
@SW-User I think I had the same biology teacher.
Docdon23 · M
In college, i started as a math major. My first college math teacher was this brilliant man who was too shy and nervous to ever look at his class, to address us. he never explained anything--he was brilliant, but he turned me off to math. That became a great thing because I found a new passion to study about, and became a teacher myself--but not of math. To me a good teacher makes human connections with their students, cares about them listens to them, helps them. I always did that and do that.
GunFinger · F
I had teachers in 4th year highschool who just went by our textbooks. I wish I homeschooled if only I knew the teachers were like that.
High school. A woman who had all these fun projects for us to do, but every single day (my class with her was in the morning) she would keep going on about what awful, disgusting people we were and how ungrateful and the reason she was retiring after that year because she was finally sick of all of us. She was like that from day one. So none of us in that class had ever even met her, but she blamed us for making her job miserable. She set the tone for every day.
exexec · 61-69, C
My chemistry professor in engineering school did not try to teach. He assigned sections of the text book each week, but did not lecture on chemistry. He gave no tests. Chem lab was separate, and we got a separate grade for lab. Our grade for the class was our grade on a departmental final exam (90%) and our lab grade (10%). Fortunately, I had a great high school chemistry teacher, so I managed use what she taught me to get a B in the course. The professor was fired
I had a Trigonometry teacher in high school. If I worked the night before and was tired, I would doze off in his class. He decided it was a good idea to rub and clap the erasers together over my head. But I woke up and grabbed an eraser. I proceeded to wing it across the room and hit his head. He then invited me to meet him in the parking lot after school. Nothing transpired. But I think now how I could have ruined him. Without landing a blow.
My first grade teacher slapped me across my face for being a smart ass
QueenOfTheNerds · 41-45, F
My high school history teacher. He was the football coach, and that was clearly his passion. Being a small school system, he was the only history teacher, so I had him more than one year. Every single day, his class consisted of opening the book, reading a few sections and answering the questions at the end. He sat behind his desk the entire time.
I had a biology teacher who pronouced sperm as spoyme.
GunFinger · F
There was a teacher who locked us out if we were late, a teacher who yelled, cried and walked out when she couldn't control the class and a teacher who you think flirted but that was just how he was. They had their own chatacteristics. Some we wished never existed.
Canuckle · 51-55, M
My shop teacher because unfortunately he was going through a divorce, depressed, and shouldn’t have been supervising us. We would discharge the fire extinguishers and pick on this one kid. It got really bad. He threw more than one chalk brush at us in the class.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@strawberrymiolkshake] 🤔 my time at school was where teachers ruled the roost and where at the most horrible . i think i had some horrendous ones but when i first started school was the worst i think without a shadow of a doubt
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Probably the neuroscience professor who couldn’t understand why I could see some things, but not others or the anthropology professor who told me my disability accommodations were special treatment
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I honestly couldn't single out a worst one. A bunch of mediocre ones for sure, and a hand-full of superlative ones I will be forever grateful to. None I would characterize as bad or terrible.
I had a English class with a substitute who became out permanent teacher that year .. Her name was Mrs Martinez.I wasn’t in a joking mood that morning cause I didn’t eat breakfast and I had lost my wallet somewhere in gym. I got into a verbal altercation with her and from that day forward she made my life hell, no bathroom breaks and she always snapped at me. luckily this was in February so I only dealt with Her for 3 months. now I see her at Walmart and Target and she is very nice to me lol. so I let it go ..
[@yikesMilitantIrishShepherd] the nuns slapped at me alot.stern old bags.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@SOUTHERNSTAR2035 Oh, now that you mentioned nuns, I may have candidates for worst teachers. Except I didn't go to Catholic schools so they technically weren't teachers. We just had them for "religious instruction" for an hour once a week. The recitation of dogma and the refusal to have any questioning of dogma was an education -- but not what they intended. It insulted our intelligence. Come to think of it, perhaps they were good educators; just not in the subjects they thought they were teaching.
@dancingtongue oh,you got it.they forced their faith on me.they frowned on the bible,but only a family bible to record births etc,
my dad gave me 3 things in this life.his name,his religion and a hard time.
Sunshinekiss · 51-55, F
Substitute teacher in middle school that spent the entire period telling us that because we were minorities we were wasting our time in school.

All the girls are going to get pregnant to live off welfare and the boys will be drug dealers. Those were his exact words.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@Sunshinekiss Trying to make sure his prophecies were self-fulfilling in all likelihood. Doing his part to kill off any hope. 😰
Sunshinekiss · 51-55, F
@dancingtongue he shouldn't have been allowed in a classroom.

But over 30 years late I still remember his words. 🙁
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Oh man, that would be a professor I had in college, one of the most outwardly racist POSs I ever met. He actually told us how much he didn't care for us white kids right at the beginning. It was shocking. And the college backed him. He would say things like "Ever notice that Black History Month is the shortest on the calendar?" But this was not a history class. It got old. It made us all uncomfortable. It was not a healthy learning environment.

He told us straight up that no one could go to the bathroom during a test. If we did, he would ASSUME we had notes or some way of cheating hidden in there. Turns out I had to one day...I fucking DARED him to fail me over that. He didn't.

I ended up filing a complaint with the college, which went nowhere. I was pissed.

Herein lies the challenge: there are always going to be people who don't get it, and you can't get hung up over them. Sense and reason must prevail. There's always someone who is going to irrationally dislike you for your skin color, where you're from, nationality, how much you have, etc. It's not easy, but you tune it out like noise.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@uncalled4 You're right: it's not a healthy learning environment if race, gender, or social status of either teacher or students plays a role.
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vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
A woman the taught 5th grade, her name was Slane
GBPackersFan · 41-45, M
Her name was Ms. Baltz she was fat and old and did I mention she was fat? God she hated me! She dumped my school desk over once because it was a mess and I got to do detention many times because of misbehaving in class.

Wonder what ever happened to her?? … not really 🖕lol
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
my german teacher always spend the first 15 minutes of a lesson complaining about people who were 30 seconds late and wasting his time...
Really mean gym class teacher in 3rd grade. She was never in a good mood. Would take it out on kids.
AirForce687 · 36-40, M
i was a prefect at school and had a teacher once who got in trouble with the police....
OnePatheticClown · 51-55, M
Programing 101...the damn guy never believed I actually did stuff.
LadyJ · F
She was a b**tch..made our lives hell
Zonuss · 41-45, M
I had one who was my least favorite. But even she had some good qualities outside as a woman. They all were good. 🙂
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