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Hospital transport.

As some of you know from previous posts, my mother in law had a leg amputated a few months ago and was sent home from hospital with a care package in place ( carers 4 times a day) but very little else to help her cope with her disability.
Shes 83 and has dementia. With one leg, she can't do anything unaided. She cant get to the loo so is considered incontinent. She wasn't supplied with a ramp for the house so was totally housebound. She has been given a manual wheelchair but isnt strong enough to wheel herself about the house. Shes been promised an electric chair, but 6 months later...still no sign of it. No physio sesions are happening and shes eating very little. Most days shes refusing to get up.
Running up to Christmas, we have paid ( almost £3,000) to have a ramp installed so we can at leased get her out in her wheelchair for a bit of air. We have just bought an all singing all dancing relining chair (£800)... again....we were told she might be entitled to a free one...or a grant towards one....but it never happened.
There are now concerns for her other leg. Since the begining of December she has been for 3 hospital appointments. Her doctor had to arrange ambulance transport as we cannot get her into our car.....and the ambulance service were really unhappy as 'it wasnt an energency'.
Last week she had another appointment. Her other leg isnt looking good at all. But....they have finally listened to our concerns about her not eating, and bouts of sickness. 12 months ago she was supposed to have investigations...but refused to go. So last week they wanted to keep her in to do a scan. She said no so they sent her home saying they'd call her back for a scan at a later date.
Today, we reveived an email ( about 5.30) saying mums scan is this Wednesday st 9am!!
How the f**k do we get her there?? Hospital transport has to be booked 2 weeks in advance, plus, her carers dont do their first visit to get her up, changed and dressed until 9am!!
My sister in law will ring the hospital in the morning to see what can be sorted.....but its very unlikely we can get her to that appointment.
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Coralmist · 41-45, F
I hope things work out ... thinking positive wishes for her.🌷
My dad is in a nursing home and he lays all day every day. They don't help him up, they don't even sit him up. He had a blood clot from being bedbound. They helped him a few times up then just never did again. 😟I have to email again asking please help him at least sit up. It's like advocating for others or ourselves is a job in itself.
@Coralmist Yes. Pretty frickin' sad
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@Coralmist im sorry yr Dad isn't getting the support he should be. 😟
i really feel for you. my mom had her foot amputated in 2022. her blood vessels were clogged from years of smoking. then they said they had to amputate her entire leg an probably the other one. she probably wouldn't have survived that amputation.after 2 months in the hospital she was put in palliative care and passed 5 days later.....i hope all works out for you
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@beermepleasethank you.

I'm so sorry you went through this with yr mum.
I'm so sorry to hear this Ruby. It's so difficult to get help these days. I pray she gets better and things improve all the way around for the family. ❤
Very sorry to hear. My gf just went thru a lot of this with her mom. Her mom passed about six months ago. It was rough.
4meAndyou · F
Here in the USA people who are on scooters or in wheelchairs can order a special bus with a lift in back. You wheel the person onto the lift, and the lift goes up and then they can be wheeled into the bus.

Southwest Tail Lift Services Ltd in Lydney, Wales is just such a Lift service.


And if they don't service your area, they MIGHT know who does, with a tail lift bus.
4meAndyou · F
@RubySoo It's quite true that in the USA it's VERY difficult for us to understand the horribleness of the NHS. I am VERY sorry for what you have to deal with.

Your sister-in-law, apparently, lacks the mental capacity to imagine anything other than her own little world. It's probably for the best that you don't speak with her. It will be OKAY, Ruby. I KNOW it will be okay...this time, at least.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@4meAndyou just wanted to let you know the taxi arrived this morning and it was perfect. Hubs said taxi driver was really helpful. It was very expensive, but at least we know its a reliable service next time we cant get hospital transport. 🙂
4meAndyou · F
@RubySoo That's AWESOME, Ruby. It takes SO much stress off of you. I am so, so glad.
(Holy shit. I really don't know what to say.)
Fortunately, you are not the only person dealing with this all (you have family).
*It is so vital to not have this all on your shoulders*

My dad was in hospital for a month, it took years off my life:
I had never screamed more (at home, alone and swearing) or suffered from so many anxiety attacks.

It was a battle almost daily, with the 'system', which is a crappy and in many places, a broken system.

I know I didn't offer any advice, and I am sorry about that.

Hugs, L.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON thanks for yr kind words. Mum does have other family yes.....but its only us local. one daughter in US, other 4 hours away near London. Our relationship with the sisters is tricky at the mo. Mum tells lots of fibs to the girls.... but they choose to take her word over ours. Hubs gets very hurt by it all. I've personally made the decision not to join in 'family' discussions concerning mums welfare anymore. I shouldered it for 3 years.....after her op things changed and our relationship became very strained as hubby and I were doing more and more despite the carers involvement.
I still do all i can to support my husband. He goes to mums each evening from work, and i go at least 3 times a week. We know shes in bed and hasnt got up for three days. We know shes not eaten, we know if she fell out of bed ( coz she called hubs to go and help her) yet she tells her daughters shes fine and they believe her because its easier for them to believe that.

But anyway......getting her to the hospital. A five minute car journey from her house. We cannot physically get her in the car. We have tried and oc health said it was unsafe and mum screamed in pain. So i've absolutely no idea why they'd email an appointment for 2 days time and assume we can get her there.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Having taken care of a mother that was intransigent, I know what you're going through.

Sorry I can't offer any help. 🫂
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@cherokeepatti Smiley thumbs up?? Really? 🫤😟
@RubySoo she prolly meant to hit the sad hug emoji below it and didn't see she hit the wrong one.

Ive dont that before 🤷‍♀
4meAndyou · F
@OogieBoogie Me, too...scared my cousin, once, because I accidentally hit the sad faced emoji.
@4meAndyou Oops , bit of a faux pas 😂
Lilnonames · F
Awe ruby I'm so sorry🙏🙏🙏

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