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JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I am on Ozempic, which is keeping me around 120 (yet I only check it about twice a week now, since my A1C is below 6).
When I first learned I had diabetes it was often over 200. At first I was on insulin, which got it into the low 100's. Once it dropped to 70, which insulin can do. Ozempic is different since it causes the body to produce its own insulin and my guess is if sugar drops it stops. My lowest was 92.
Good luck!
When I first learned I had diabetes it was often over 200. At first I was on insulin, which got it into the low 100's. Once it dropped to 70, which insulin can do. Ozempic is different since it causes the body to produce its own insulin and my guess is if sugar drops it stops. My lowest was 92.
Good luck!
Coralmist · 41-45, F
My sister is type 1 and when she eats oatmeal her sugar goes high. It has quite a bit of carbohydrate so she tries to avoid it. But when she does have it she will use almond milk in it and Equal for sweetnener, and I believe she only has about a half cup of it. It sucks, b/c even healthy foods can have carbs :( She is having a lot of trouble w/her sugars ... they always stay high EVEN when she eats an omelette or peanuts. I think the rice cakes may have contributed to your elevated sugar too.. maybe . I know she can rarely have rice as it is super high in carbs.. although not sure about rice cakes per se. I think just trying mainly protein based meals is the key, and I think they told her around 40 carbs per meal.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
You ate a lot of carbs, carbs is sugar. Eat meat and eggs better for you. Eat cut oats instead of processed oatmeal,it has a lot of sugar..
RockerDad · M
@masterofyou it was steel cut oatmeal, but I think the other stuff was the problem.
RockerDad · M
My sugars usually stay really stable during and after the meal. It’s not until 2-3 hours later that things start to go sideways.
Jessmari · 41-45
i've been dealing with my mom's crazy sugar levels and I am constantly told proportions are key and that protein goes a long way to help with insulin. Right now the doc has doing a sliding scale thing, but i don't think that applies to your situation since you don't take short acting insulin.
davidstorm · C
everything you had has a high sugar content, oatmeal h/sugar, strawberry h/sugar, pecans h/protein, cream cheese h/sugar, brown rice cakes h/protein, tut, tut. but it's your life with maybe being blind or a foot amputation
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