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Diabetes really sucks

I sometimes think I should just give up. Trying to eat healthy as a truck driver is extremely difficult and expensive. This morning I had 2 flavorless sausage patties, scrambled eggs and a diet coke at McDonalds and it cost me $9.37 (USD) that is absolutely ridiculous! I sometimes wonder if I would live longer if I just gave up on trying to eat better (dietician has recommended a version of Keto) because I think the stress of worrying about my numbers, what I eat and how I will afford to eat is going to give me a heart attack or a stroke!
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OverTheHill · 61-69, M
You might want to try getting an app that can help monitor your carb intake.

I am a type 2 diabetic. I joined Weight Watcher, changed the way I was eating, got more active, and lost over 90 pounds. They list out restaurants on their app, and tell you which things would be better choices to eat than others. My A1C went from nearly 9 to 5.9.

It's not easy whatever you choose, but your health is important. I hope it works out for you.
@OverTheHill I go through a health coach/app/doctor that is paid for by my insurance. The problem is they are geared more towards a person who eats meals at home rather than in fast food restaurants. I get really tired of burgers without buns and nothing else. They keep saying to eat salads to fill myself up but guess what? none of the fast food restaurants sell salads anymore and most don't even sell grilled chicken anymore.
OverTheHill · 61-69, M
@istillhaveanameitsrick Culver's or Chik Fil A are a good choice. They both have very good salads and grilled chicken. Quadoba or Chipolte are great options too.
akindheart · 61-69, F
my daughter was type 1 and that is what eventually took her life.
@akindheart I'm sorry to hear that
akindheart · 61-69, F
@istillhaveanameitsrick she was 33. I.miss her every day
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@akindheart thank you....
Coralmist · 41-45, F
My sister has had Type I for 25 years, its very draining. As a kid she couldn't have cookies like other kids. Well she could have just one. So yes lots of portion control for carbs. She now eats protein only most of the day. She has to take half tge bun off at McDonald's. But bringing most of your own snacks and maybe one out of two meals a day will help cost wise. She likes deviled eggs as a snack, and so just boiling a couple the night before, you can have a small lunch with those or snack. Bring deli sandwiches from home, peanut butter with crackers or veggies, yogurt. You could buy some chicken salad or make it and take that too, or tuna. Hope these ideas help.
I had a friend who was a truck driver and he developed diabetes. It was far healthier to pack a cooler prior to hitting the road. It could save your life in the long toad. Short term it will make you feel better and save you money. Only costs time.
@PoetryNEmotion Food goes bad too quickly. I am on the road for a month at a time and it is not always easy to get to a grocery store
@istillhaveanameitsrick What is the cost of your life? You tell me. Find a way to make it work. Choices.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
It would be better to buy real food in healthier choices and keep it in a cooler and have that instead of McDonald’s or any fast food.
@cherokeepatti Yes it would and I have tried that, problem is food tends to go bad before I eat it and it isn't always easy to get to a grocery store in a 72 foot long vehicle
Doomflower · 41-45, M
Do you have a microwave in your truck or are there microwaves at truck stops you can use? Healthy steamer meals are a lot less expensive and better for you.

What about having a bag of raw veggies? Like in an insulated lunch box. You could get some hummus and hard boiled eggs to go with it. Cucumbers, peppers, carrots, and broccoli are pretty portable.

If you ever wanna talk diabetes HMU it's about 50% of my job as a nurse to help people with their diabetes.
@Doomflower I do not have a microwave or any way to power one, raw veggies are nasty.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@istillhaveanameitsrick there are other solutions like nutrition shakes and meal replacement bars. When you are on the road and stop to take a shower there's no way to heat food? Yikes. Rough.
It's a constant battle for me. It doesn't get easier. You must learn to live with disbetes. I don't believe a great many diabetics lose weight, exercise more (difficult for you on the road I imagine), and become nondiabetic again.
@SW-User When I was on a dedicated route last summer I was exercising daily and lost over 30 pounds. Unfortunately I am now back on the road and my schedule isn't as simple, more appointment driven than it used to be so I generally don't have time or a safe place for exercise.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Keep up the good fight. It is hard but uncontrolled diabetes is harder. Don't lose your feet, damage your kidneys or heart or die. I am sure you have things you still want to do. If you need help or ideas feel free to message😊
Can they not change your insulin type so you can eat a more normal diet?
@istillhaveanameitsrick really? That’s crazy! America is so different to England. I am on slow release insulin and basically pretty much eat what I want
@SW-User I could get on insulin and eat what I want but I would be unemployed which would leave me unable to purchase the insulin...or housing, a car, know little things like that
@istillhaveanameitsrick it’s weird, it doesn’t stop me from doing any job like that in England
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Type 2 for 20 years here. Not fun, but only myself to blame
1pebbles · 56-60, F
Living is a choice.... Keep on keeping on!
Penny · 46-50, F
if it's that difficult maybe you need to rethink your employment for your health's sake. youre not going ot be driving anywhere if you go blind or lose your legs
@Penny I'm too stupid to change careers, hell i'm hanging on by my fingernails as it is because driving a truck is getting more complicated and computerized
Penny · 46-50, F
@istillhaveanameitsrick well, there have been a lot of keto products new to the market. you could try some . like breads and wraps.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I was diagnosed last october. Ive managed to lose almost 3 stone since.
I dunno how much weight you need to loose, but for me, 2 stone was easy to loose simply by cutting down on the carbs and crap. You have to take it seriously. The damage you could ve doing to your body is scary. I had such a fright being told i could have liver bad as a heavy drinker simply by eating too many sweets!! That was enough to spur me into action.
Give ya head a wobble and find the healthier options......being healthier has got to be worth it....right?
Think of the people who love and want you around for years to come.......
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
It’s worth it!!
@Quimliqer is it really? I am miserable most of the time, I don't get to eat any of the foods I really enjoy, I'm old so I really don't have much to look forward to in life, so is it really worth living?
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@istillhaveanameitsrick Yes, sometimes life sucks and having to avoid food can be challenging.
Think of the loved ones though, losing you would be devastating!

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