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@DisenfranchisedNativeAmerican global warming and NATO actually threaten life as we know it -. That rabbit hole you're in helps hide your eyes from everything adults have a responsibility to mention. You're in fiction, drowning out the possibility of survival. Murka babbling.
@Roundandroundwego since you haven’t read the Bible, and let me go out a limb by saying you know nothing about Kabbalah or Esoteric religions, I’m sure you wouldn’t know a Devil worshipper even if you were a background singer for KLF. https://youtu.be/XP5oHL3zBDg


These are the people that society had confidence in to manage what we do for our health. We trusted their education, experience, character, and judgement. What have we learned about them over the last two years? The Hippocratic oath is a joke. Science means shut up. Healthcare is a privilege reserved for the insiders. And doctors are evil, stupid, corrupt, and insane, just like everyone else on TV. I have never been so clear on how history such as slavery and the Holocaust happened. I watched it happen all around me like a bomb went off. Everyone just seemed to lose their collective minds. It was truly a breathtaking experience, every minute. Congratulations. I really didn’t think that was possible.
All can say as I watch everyone swear off their hangover is, “Bro, don’t eat the bugs. It causes cancer.”
@Guitarman123 No, actually woke is a filter, sort of like a litmus test, to separate the true Christian from society.
Without a foundation in scripture, you see the world in artificial terms. It’s actually based on spiritual rules. And there is a shabby facade for the spiritually ignorant.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@DisenfranchisedNativeAmerican it's not, the right use it as an excuse to justify showing their bigotry and need to be victim. Most people don't follow any religion these days which pleases me
@Guitarman123 Religions are sliding scales. What you have for a moral framework today, what you inherited from our Christian forefathers. As fewer traditional Christians inhabit the halls of power, society is shifting and lurching around its unstable moral foundations. This is deliberate. Even China enforces moral standards, but now is a dynamic period with the potential for serious consequences. Global thermonuclear war. Mass starvation. Economic collapse. Civil war. There is no moral framework today. Just a moral authority in the left. Hollywood elite flaunt their Pedo predilection.
AbbeyRhode · F
Typical liberal hypocrisy, calling for kind thoughts for his wife, who pushed the death shot on others, followed by hatefully labeling those who had enough sense not to take it as loathsome and despicable.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@AbbeyRhode That's a much more civil way to say it.
Thank you Abbey.
AbbeyRhode · F
@Budwick I'm half British, diplomacy comes naturally, when I decide to use it, lol. :)
Lets just say KARMA 🤷🏼‍♀️

So she and many got experimental vax without knowing what was really in it. They should have listening to what was being told by people they harassed, bullied, censored and more bad things said and done.

Lots of deaths after the vax. And who got richer in all this. Look at countries where there is LOW Vaccination and you will see the difference and the truth.

Do research and think for yourself before willingly do things that are said of you to do by people who don't give a shit about you!

People should wake up and stop being brainwashed!.

As a child u are taught things also adults lie, say for example Santa, tooth fairy and many more this happening throughout so they seemingly forget about this and believe lies of mainstream media, governments, medical big companies and many more when they do not give a shit about us..

And people seem to forget about THE Nuremberg Code!!

Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy that's a weak excuse to hide what a state the NHS is currently in because of the Conservative government
@Guitarman123 Do you think this increase in excess deaths is limited to the UK?
4meAndyou · F
The Pfizer vax was on Tucker Carlson last night...Pfizer is finally admitting there is really quite a bit of evidence that their vax causes strokes in people over the age of 65. much more often than is safe or normal.
I am NOT an anti-vaxxer, but refuse the Covid "vaccine." True vaccines have saved many lives. But the Covid-19 vaccine is not only not a true vaccine, but has been clearly shown to be the cause of death of many people.

If Dr. Hall was otherwise healthy, I can't help but suspect the Covid vaccine contributed to her sudden death. She would be just one of so many who have received the same fate.
@PhoenixPhail Exactly...not taking the covid jab doesn't mean you're an anti-vaxxer. It means you're anti-lunacy.
@BizSuitStacy Spot On! 👍
Abstraction · 61-69, M
1. With respect, she didn't call antivaxxers despicable and loathsome. You are quoting someone else there.
2. Proverbs 24:17. Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." If you're a Christian, have you read these things? Do you think they don't apply to you?
CestManan · 46-50, F
@DisenfranchisedNativeAmerican Yeah I have heard that some people's version of Christianity is basically evil.
@CestManan of course.

Funny, you mention that, because I’m wondering why all the religions were started by devil worshipping Freemasons. Pharisees didn’t just evaporate. They are still here today.

@CestManan I hate the world because it’s evil. You’re supposed to come out of it, but just like the matrix, folks will defend the system and return to slavery/ Egypt.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
When has health been a majority rules thing instead of a personal choice. Where are all the "my body, my choice" libs on this?
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@Roadsterrider that was the stance I took, if it works for abortion, why wouldn't it work when I refused the vaccine ... Voluntarily putting carcinogens into my body?
"The antivaxxers are a loathsome, despicable group..."
I thought we were deplorables.
@BizSuitStacy Oh, not necessarily. They're just throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I thought we were deplorables.

We're gonna need bigger T-Shirts to show all the descriptors!
chelseabi · 22-25, F
not really, and I find that the fact your gloating over someone’s death totaly despicable never mind who’s right or wrong about the vax you won nothing hope your death is slow and painful
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Budwick I will as weird for being more scared of a vaccine thats saved millions of lives and enabled us to go out of lockdowns than you are of a virus that's killed many more people
Budwick · 70-79, M
a vaccine thats saved millions of lives

We don't actually know that. There's certainly more people that lived through the pandemic than died, but I don't know that anyone was 'saved'. I mean, I lived, and never got vaxxed.
I know of others that got vaxxed and have gotten Covid repeatedly - but haven't died from it yet.
And still more that got vaxxed and subsequently died from thos weird blot clots that 'science' says have nothing at all to do with the vaccine.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Budwick ye sure, not getting vaccined saved people. You can maintain that delusion if you like but it dosent take much thinking to realise how silly that sounds as the virus spread really easily. Vaccine decreases the chances of getting seriously ill from the virus and doctors were pretty clear about that. Heart problems is a big cause of death in the UK and US which was even the case before covid
rfatoday · 61-69, M
"So, I didn't get the vaccine so by her definition I am loathsome and despicable. I am seven yeas older the she was and a Christian looking forward to an eternity of bliss - not just rotting in the ground." --- well said!
TexChik · F
She should have asked Biden for the exemptions he gave to the drug manufacturers, CDC, NIH, FDA, Congress , and White House staff.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
She died at 78 years old, had been in frail health for several years before the pandemic and vaccines, and this is your argument against vaccines. 🙄
@GJOFJ3 Good point.
Budwick · 70-79, M
She died at 78 years old, had been in frail health for several years before the pandemic and vaccines, and this is your argument against vaccines.

With her comorbidity factors it should have been HER argument for not taking the vaccine.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
You're hope is not of or in this world. No matter what happens down here, we know Who holds the future and already knows the ending.
Earlier and earlier death is the capitalist way. America leads the race to a life of work with nothing else.
@Roundandroundwego “Capitalism” is used by the same people to destroy small and medium businesses. It’s supposed to be simply man farms and sells his harvest. What it actually is is closer to fascism. Combined government and business. Soon it will be religion government and business combined. Satanism.
A woman dies at 78... this could just as easily be proof that having too many H's in your initials is lethal.

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