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After getting both shots, my first booster, wearing a face mask, working from home and being very careful about being in crowded areas I have now come down with COVID. Last Tuesday I thought I was getting the Flu but my body temperature went to between 102 and 103 so I got a COVID test and it was positive. This was done at a testing center not at home. Friday I was given a medication called PAXLOVID, taking 3 pills twice a day. No I have no aches/pains no problem breathing but people tell me I sound congested. Not sneezing or coughing so I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Kind of late now. You lowered your immune response by getting vaxed. Not a good thing to have done. However you will most likely recover. What ever you do do not get any more boosters.
AFC1886 · 51-55, M
@hippyjoe1955 I know 5 other people who got ill after the shot. My wife’s personal trainer is a long distance runner and 10 of her fellow runners died of heart attacks after the shot.
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@IreneInBoots No, but in the medical field.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
That’s why all the masking,distancing and lockdowns were useless
strongbow · 46-50, M
It’s a point you can’t counter which is why you constantly change subject. It’s what people do when they lost the argument

Yup, liberals constantly strawman when they have nothing
Elessar · 26-30, M
@strongbow Have you come here to defend/impress your boyfriend? If you have comprehension issues too, like him, re read what was the initial comment, and what your loved one pathetically tried to strawman into.

Keep me out of your mating rituals please. Book a room or something, idk.
Confined · 56-60, M

I have had multible side effects from this vax. Wish I had never had it.
Nothing can prevent the flu, but getting a flu shot is the most effective way to protect yourself against flu virus. Flu vaccination provides several benefits for you, your family, and your community.CLICK TO TWEET
Why do some people get the flu after receiving a flu shot?
It is possible to get the flu even if you receive a dose of flu vaccine. Flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness between 40% and 60%.
Sometimes people are already exposed to flu virus before getting a flu shot.
It may take a couple of weeks for a dose of flu vaccine to protect against the virus. Get your flu shot as soon as it is available.
Some children require two doses of flu vaccine for protection against flu virus.
While it’s possible to get sick with the flu even after getting a flu shot, you can not get a flu infection from a flu vaccine. Some people may feel ill or have a reaction after a dose of flu vaccine, but this reaction is not a case of the flu.

If you can still get the flu after receiving a flu shot, why get a flu shot?
Vaccinating against the flu provides several benefits:

It decreases the risk that you will get sick from the flu. Getting a flu vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the flu.
Getting flu vaccine reduces the severity of flu symptoms if you do get sick.
Flu vaccination reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from the flu.
It helps prevent the spread of flu virus, keeping your family and community safe from the flu.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that flu vaccination prevented an estimated 7.1 million flu illnesses, 3.7 million flu-related medical visits, 109,000 flu-related hospitalizations, and 8,000 flu-related deaths in the 2017-2018 flu season.,to%20protect%20against%20the%20virus.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Spunkylama I believe in health care but I do not believe that big pharma is honest. There is a huge difference. Now try to be honest. How would you quantify 'lessened symptoms'? Serious question Here is one example. A senior citizen male comes down with a mild flu and shakes it off in a few days. A 30 year old female comes down with the flu and is bed ridden for 2 weeks. Which one was vaccinated and which one was not? Here is a hint. That senior citizen male doesn't get vaccinated. The 30 year old woman gets every vaccine that is available. Hmmmm BTW This is a true story. So how can you quantify the severity of an illness based on vaccine status?
@hippyjoe1955 I guess you can't read or take a clue.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Spunkylama Not only can I read but I can detect lies when I am reading. Sadly you seem rather deficient in that regard.
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
I’ve had covid twice.1st time I was just fatigued. 2nd time I had strep throat and was tested negative. But got a letter in the mail a month later saying I was positive. Didn’t really know I had it.
My advice to you is just ride out. I hope you feel better soon.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Stay warm, take lots of fluids and please remain at home until the temperature goes down. And thank you for taking the vaccine and booster (which may have saved you a visit to the hospital) and contributing to the international recovery from the pandemic. I got Covid in April, despite two shots and a booster. It was disappointing, having avoided it for two years, but perhaps inevitable given that most people have now decided to leave their masks at home.

Jonathan Crosbie, D.O.
September 21, 2021 | Last Updated January 10, 2022
We asked you to share your questions with us regarding vaccines. Dr. Crosbie is up first answering the question, “Can the COVID-19 vaccine give you blood clots?”


We got a question; can the vaccine give you blood clots? I’m really glad somebody asked that because it’s important that we clear it up. The short answer is no, almost certainly not.

The Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine, that’s that two-dose series that you’ve probably heard about. That has not been associated with any blood clotting events at all. Now the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which is that one dose vaccine, that’s been associated with blood clots in 28 people of over 9 million doses administered. 28 out of 9 million, that’s a really small number.

Now, it’s really important to note that blood clots are associated with COVID-19, not the vaccine, I’m talking about the disease. In 20% of ICU people who are admitted with COVID 19, they develop blood clots. So short answer is, you need to worry about blood clots from COVID-19, not from the vaccine.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@Spunkylama Well I know several families, that have had members of their family died within 24 hours of getting a Covid shot with blood clots. I know more people that have died after a Covid shot than people that have died of Covid.
@Shaveit If that was true we'd have billions dead..

Doses given
Fully vaccinated
% of population fully vaccinated
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
Well, this is what I THINK I know about covid.

Getting the vaccine doesn't make you immune to covid or any less contagious. All it does is help your body fight it.

I've had covid before, even without the vaccines. I just weathered through it like any other sickness. And limiting contact with other people.

Take care and get well soon. I know it sucks.
jimjim1969 · M
I think everyone will get it. It's probably the weaker variant. Just take it easy. Your young, you will be all right
Scarfface · 46-50, M
All you can do is take care of yourself. Stay warm inside and do the normal stuff for colds and flu. Try to relax and just make use of the lazy time 👍
JestAJester · 31-35, M
No shots here. Got it once, minimum symptoms. It seems the shots actually increase the severity of the illness. Ironic isnt it
@JestAJester same, my daughter who is vaccinated had it much worse. I was under the weather for 3 days. I didn’t even know I had it until she tested positive.
It's good you did everything you could. Being vaxxed means you are less likely to end up in the hospital for it. Plenty of rest and fluids.
Once you’re over and done with it, start taking vitamin D supplements and Zinc with copper. That will help boost your immune system
doong · 56-60, M
The first jab is in fact the covid's eggs.
The second is the fertilizer
The booster is the hatcher, thus you're infected.

That's the only way to interpret
smiler2012 · 61-69
sorry too hear this 😮[shannon27]
REMsleep · 41-45, F
What suggestions are you looking for? You've done all you can. Just rest. Take your vitamins, treat symptoms and carryon.
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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
If you are fully vaxxed, it's usually going to be more mild if statistics show true. I got it, had one day of rough breathing and fever and then just felt like I had a bad cold for a week.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@ViciDraco Statistics are based on polling. You can put anything into a group and you can filter other items out and you can make anything a statistical fact, However that does not mean that it is a true fact.
I had it and I’m not vaccinated and was fine lol, my daughter who is vaccinated has been really poorly, statistics mean nothing.
Shaveit · 61-69, M
@SW-User Just remember to these Democrats if it’s on the Internet it’s real!
Honestly if right wing morons don't want the vax and get sick and die, oh well

We tried telling you. Reap what you sow.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Spunkylama A person is probably better off if he gets the virus and dies right away rather that spend months being sick. The long-term effects of being seriously ill from the virus are reportedly very bad. The virus is very dangerous and people should take it seriously. I'm getting my second booster this month.
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