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Will Zombie Viruses Cause The Next Plandemic? 🧟🦠

Along with disease X, zombie viruses are back in the news again. Got love the imagery...a dead virus that comes back to life and seeks the flesh and brain of humans...maybe turning humans into zombies themselves. Hey...this is The Guardian, so please take their 🐂💩 seriously.

The culprit, of course, is...drumroll please 🥁: global warming!

Global warming is ultimately the result of too many humans on earth. So, to prevent a deadly zombie virus from killing millions of people, the elites will simply eliminate 90q of the world's population first. Problem solved.

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This was laid out years ago. The elitists et al seek their new world order and have no problems doing what they feel is necessary to accomplish their agendas.
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It’s already happened lol
nobody knows anything about disease X.
but the WEF and bill gates somehow know its going to be 20x deadlier than covid.

somebody get these soothsayers. these Nostradamus-esc prophets a beer..

Funny how they keep predicting everything that’s about to happen.

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carpediem · 61-69, M
Better re-elect old Joe. He'll fix it. 🙄
ron122 · 41-45, M
I imagine the democrats have something in mind for this coming election. They seem very confident that they will win.
@ron122 Don’t forget Biden’s boast about doing everything legal” (?) to keep Trump from winning.
The Democrats and their followers those not smart enough to see the reality of how they’re sing shafted, are terrified of a Trump return to the White House.
So are the globalists…
@ron122 both sides say, rather confidently, that they'll win. The one thing I haven't seen are solutions to the multitude of election related issues. We still have the same voting machines, we still have mail-in voting, we still have dirty voter registers, and we'll probably have yet another election that isn't decided on election night.
ron122 · 41-45, M
@BizSuitStacy It's going to be a shit show up to and after the election.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
I doubt it, the more we talk about it, the more they get scared and back down, awareness is key.
@therighttothink50 which is why we mock this crap on social media. It's both fun and effective.
Confined · 56-60, M
They used covid 19 to fix an election before, and they will try it again.
@Confined perhaps, or use idiotic articles like this to scare and distract the public from the next false flag or black swan event they have in mind.
I think they blew their wad on that scam!
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Oh, please not this shit again!
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
🤦‍♂️ Must be an election year.

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