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What’s with the new font?

So unnecessary 😐
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SW-Admin · Admin Pinned Comment

I'd like to clarify that while this change may not be seen as "necessary" to the users,
this change was a technical need in order to make SimilarWorlds load faster on a number of devices and/or networks (such as a very slow wifi/3G).

In those extreme cases, it could well go from "taking 5 seconds to load SW", to "load SW almost instantly".

While "5 seconds" may not seem much, studies and stats show that every second causes frustration and users to drop-off.
@SW-Admin Let me rephrase, sorry as I'm tired.

The font is NOT hard to read.

It's just smaller, so it's not as easy to read (especially when tired), when compared to when it was larger.
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@SW-Admin I dunno... I can see the value in weeding out SWeeps with less patience

ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
It just came through for me out of nowhere. Was a shock on the eyes
I don’t like it. 😶
Lol….. thought I was imagining things. 🤔
@OlderSometimesWiser I did wonder if I was drunk for a moment too
LilPrincess · 46-50, F
I thought something was wrong with my phone
I didn't like it at first because any change feels off, but it is easier on the eyes to honest and I'm sure in a few days this will feel normal and if it ever went back, that would feel off just as much.
i like it better. it's not the best but the other was just wrong
@BeefySenpie that dude hates me. it's another recent update 😌
@SW-User does he like anyone? Seems like everyone says he hates them
@sstronaut 🤷🏻‍♀️
If it ain't broke... fix it until it is...
I honestly didn't notice
@sstronaut That’s what I’m here for 😎
Lilliesandlight · 41-45, F
It looks the same to me?
@Lilliesandlight The headings are all in a thicker font. Nuno has a type
AndrewG · 22-25, M
I just noticed that too
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
It's unnecessary and silly
It looks dyslexia friendly
DDonde · 31-35, M
Oh yeah I was wondering what was different...
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s a bit aggressive 😁
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Oh, I just now noticed that the heading font is new.

I don't like it.

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