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This old man came rolling home

A long time ago I had a surgery for which they gave me oxycodone. Avoiding addiction I took only two or three to stave off anticipated pain. I kept the rest. It's nice to know I have the means to take my life whenever. There have been a few days where I just pop the cap and stare into bottle and as I stare, the promise of death draws me in. I've noticed my hand drifting closer in those times and not just because the bottle is eventually at my mouth. If I can ever work up the nerve to tip the bottle, that will be the end. Once I've compromised the integrity of the medication I won't have another way out and that would be worse.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
You should talk to someone about these urges.
And, you should give that medication to a trusted friend and let them hang unto it for you until these thoughts no longer trouble you.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Well I know you don't know me in real life but you always have someone that cares about you. Me obviously. Just saying.
I too had surgery from a back injury, ( Ironically sustained at the hospital I worked at) Unlike yourself, I remain habituated on Norco (Not addicted big difference) for me, it's a quality of life issue otherwise, I can barely walk. I do take medication "holidays" where I titrate down to almost 0 pills per day for about a month each year.

After so many years there really isn't much of a "high" I've had the same Pain Management Doc. for nearly two decades. Have never O'D'd
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
You're stronger than those pills.

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