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I have no ability to flirt with women.

Working at this casino I’ve come to that realization with the fact that every other day I have some woman hitting on me and I’m completely clueless on how to respond.

Last week the new cafe girl exited the cafe to go to the prep room and she stopped to talk to me by the front door. She was giving me that look. You know. The look of interest. She asked me, “How much sweet talking you do with that voice, hun?”

Having idea what to say I blurted out honestly. “Not that much.”

She looked at me confused like she was thinking, Seriously? That’s your reply? In a panic I tried to fix the situation and added, “but I should do more!”

Gah! I’m so lame. 🤦 Nothing in life has prepared me for this!
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blow kisses and make air humping motions bro.

works every time
being · 36-40, F
@Reject oh me too 🤣 all of the above !!! They can either put a woman totally off... Or make her laugh, and then you can laugh along and 💖🐒 hahaha

MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I can relate. I never knew how to flirt either.

I ended up marrying someone I was friends with first.
Reject · 26-30, M
@DrWatson That may be the route I have to take if I ever do marry.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Reject It's not a bad route at all! Get to really know someone first.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@Reject I only flirt when I'm drunk and then it's with everyone, gay dudes, women, hahaha
Reject · 26-30, M
@MyNameIsHurl Liquid courage! Funny enough at least half of all the women who flirt with me have some of that as well.
being · 36-40, F
@Reject no no alcohol is the wrong way to go...sry
Better awkward than drunk .
AJS30 · 31-35, M
I don't even know what "flirting", "hitting on" and "sweet talking" are. "She asked me, 'How much sweet talking you do with that voice, hun?'" I would have said none.
Reject · 26-30, M
@AJS30 I can relate to some extent. I’ve never even had a relationship before so I’m completely out of my element even if I can sort of understand what those things are.
@Reject Say you are a virgin and want someone to teach you how it works.
Repete · 70-79, M
I never was any good at flirting really, I always second guessed myself and was afraid of going to far 😂 I settled on just talking and somehow it works better for me, starting slow . If they start fast I’m lost also.
Repete · 70-79, M
@Reject it didn’t help much with me , I didn’t smoke or do much drinking so I was an outsider basically and it took time but finally I did meet a great lady that liked some of the things I liked .
Reject · 26-30, M
@Repete I don’t smoke or drink either. Being in a casino where those things are the social norm, it makes me stand out a bit. So I get that. I’m happy you found someone though. How old were you when you met her?
Repete · 70-79, M
@Reject I knew her when I was around 18 but only as a friends sister we talked a little then I went into the Marines for 4 years then we sort of met again and got together and had a beautiful daughter .
Practice that wink, my friend! 😉😊😌🤩
Reject · 26-30, M
@CookieCrumbs Cookie! All I got to do is talk and it gets into that kind of trouble. 😅 I’ve lived a mostly sheltered life all things considered. Now that I’m in the public as my job and people are hearing me it’s a whole new world.
Isn't that a good thing? Enjoy the attention. 😉🥸
Reject · 26-30, M
@CookieCrumbs Well sort of. Love or even the potential of it is a precious thing and this is a lot of responsibility I’m not used to. 😣
Keeper · M
Try a deeper voice. You'll score

Reject · 26-30, M
@Keeper Lol. I don’t think I could make my voice any deeper and that’s the thing. That’s why these women keep trying to talk to me. They really like my voice.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Having heard you on here, you really do have a great voice! Do you think you could maybe ask the cafe lady out for something very casual like a coffee? See if you hit it off.
Reject · 26-30, M
@AntisocialTroll Thank you. ☺️ She gave me her number and wants me to text so we’ll see where that goes. She was very forward wouldn’t let me get away without it. 😂
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@Reject Good luck! If nothing else it'll be good practice for you.
Bobby2905 · 26-30, M
You should have been like depends how much time do you have
Reject · 26-30, M
@Bobby2905 I know! It’s always easy to think about what would’ve been better to say after the fact. 😑 I’ve already come up with a few ways I could’ve handled that better.
PatKirby · M
Never poop where you eat.
Reject · 26-30, M
@PatKirby If I needed this job then sure. Thankfully I don’t. Actually, I’m ready to go at any time and I’m just waiting to see what happens with my coworkers right now.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
you have the appearance of Brad Pitt but the voice of PeeWee Herman?

seriously I get noticed by women probably a fraction of what you get from the sound of it. I'm not a rockstar by any means. but I know I'm going to blow it so I don't even bother. ☑️
Reject · 26-30, M
@pancakeslam It’s sort of the opposite. I don’t think I’m anything special to look at, but my voice is so surprisingly deep some people who meet me tell me they didn’t even know a voice could get that deep. It’s a part of my identity, and that’s what gets me noticed more than anything. I feel the same way though. Like I’m going to blow it somehow too so this attention does worry me at times.
that’s rly cute 😅
Reject · 26-30, M
@deathfairy I like being cute but this is going to get me into trouble. 😣
Felina · F
🤗 go get em tiger 🐯😌🥴😘
Felina · F
lol , well dealing with new feelings is never easy … trust the process and relax 😌

You’ll see.

Enjoy the ride my friend 😁😘
Reject · 26-30, M
@Felina Relax. That’s something I didn’t do enough of for sure. I’ll have to use one of my different versions for that. There’s 4 of me you know and we’re all certifiably insane. 😌
Felina · F
all the good one’s are a little bonkers 😜 my other self can relate Lool 🥴⭐️😘@Reject
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PatKirby · M

You have to look at the math.

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