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Elessar · 26-30, M
"So long, and thank you for all the fish"
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Elessar My father loves this quote. 😆
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
The only breakup I had was just a relationship trailing basically we didn't break up, we stopped meeting and communicating because we both were busy and it just stayed that way. It suited me and I have no idea how he felt about it at that time to this day but about 3 years later he suddenly wrote to me "if you're still mad at me, why don't you untag me on your Facebook photos?" or something about those lines. I was pretty much taken aback because I thought it suited him just as much as it suited me and thought we were good. I still have no idea what should I have been mad at him for. 😆
SailorMarz · F
I've only been in 2 relationships lmao.
I don't think anyone has broken up with me, the first one, I did it because the other person was obviously too afraid to.
The 2nd one, there was so many "discussions" and vague "well maybe this isn't gonna work" sentences that I don't even remember how the break up happened lmao. I honestly don't know who exactly broke up with who. It must've been traumatic 😂
But there was never a hard "we're over", discussion I Believe. I don't even want to remember
I don't think anyone has broken up with me, the first one, I did it because the other person was obviously too afraid to.
The 2nd one, there was so many "discussions" and vague "well maybe this isn't gonna work" sentences that I don't even remember how the break up happened lmao. I honestly don't know who exactly broke up with who. It must've been traumatic 😂
But there was never a hard "we're over", discussion I Believe. I don't even want to remember
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
I rarely breakup with anyone. Usually I'm the one getting dumped. Idk why. Maybe because I try.. but people give up on me
Classified · M
I'm not sure. 😳
I haven't really been in that situation. 😅
I haven't really been in that situation. 😅
Long years on & off with the ex I have always struggled to *really* break up, kinda wasting my life away. Whenever I thought I was finally over him he would get in touch when I least expected it and do something that rekindle those feelings, even though my conscious mind thought I hated him. It's been some time now and things have been peaceful. I think growing up helps, lol
MiserableAtBest · 22-25, F
I despise beating around the bush. I prefer telling it as it is, and appreciate when others do the same.
I’m not one to hold grudges against exes if we ended on good terms, so getting over it as quickly as possible at the very least preserves the friendship.
I’m not one to hold grudges against exes if we ended on good terms, so getting over it as quickly as possible at the very least preserves the friendship.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
In the past I’ve waited for it become impossible to go on. Almost abusive. I always wait too long. That’s why I don’t want a bf anymore. It’s always toxic.
CestManan · 46-50, F
My last excuse for a relationship ended badly.
The one before that basically just ran it's course.
About half and half for breakups before that.
The one before that basically just ran it's course.
About half and half for breakups before that.
Clean cut. The one time I let myself talk back reminded me why never giving someone treating me wrongly too many chances.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Idk. I haven't been in any relationships to know aside from a weird ldr
caccoon · 36-40
@deadgerbil those breakups count as well 💙
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I get it over with and move on. I'll cry once or twice, then, I'm good. #FireSignThings
Northwest · M
No point in dragging tings out. Causes pain for everyone.
Straylight · 31-35, F
Got to tear that bandaid off quick.
Never had a breakup
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Let it drag out
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I've only broken up with one person. It was quick, pull the bandage off, but it was apparent they didn't care before i did so, so i didn't have any reservations about hurting feelings.
Get it over with. Which is why I would go slightly nuts when someone dragged it out.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I feel like I take abuse for way too long so it’s dragged out