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Fear and White Supremacy

White supremacy has been the GOP’s organizing principle for more than a half century. The “Great Replacement Theory” is the 21st century version of a historic trend. The Republican Party’s “Southern Strategy” successfully mobilized white Americans fearful of the Black movement for social justice into a formidable political bloc. Ronald Reagan’s ascendancy transformed the racist rhetoric within the Republican political establishment into a coded war on “welfare queens” and “crime.” The “Great Replacement Theory” is another iteration of white supremacist ideology which posits that Black Americans, immigrants, Muslims, and non-whites generally are invading the Anglo world in a bid to eradicate whites.

There is no doubt that the influence of far right and white supremacist ideology has played a role in the more than one hundred mass shootings that have occurred in the United States over the past several decades. A society organized to dehumanize and wage war on the masses is ultimately a society at war with itself. However, it is too simplistic to view white supremacy as a purely ideological phenomenon. White supremacy is not merely a set of ideas that, once spread, sets the stage for racist violence. This idealist conception of history strips white supremacy of its roots in the system of U.S. imperialism and simplifies its existence to a matter of moralistic virtue.

In most of the thinking and planning of whites in the West today, it’s easy to see that fear in their minds, conscious minds and subconscious minds, that the masses of dark people in the East, who already outnumber them, will continue to increase and multiply and grow until they eventually overrun the people of the West like a human sea, a human tide, a human flood. And the fear of this can be seen in the minds, and in the actions, of most of the people here in the West in practically everything that they do. It governs their political views, it governs their economic views and it governs most of their attitudes toward the present society.

Malcolm X related white fears of replacement not to some unexplainable hatred but to the material reality that white Americans and Westerners were quickly losing their ability to control the destinies of oppressed peoples of the world. Malcolm X’s words have only become more relevant in the current period. The rise of socialist China has precipitated a Cold War response from imperialism that has poured gasoline on the fire of anti-Asian racism and violence. The Black struggle for self-determination has faced a severe backlash from the U.S. mass incarceration state, opening the floodgates of racist reaction. White supremacy is a global system of social control that is directed at any person, government, or movement (Russian, Chinese, Black American, Muslim, Arab, etc.) that is perceived to threaten the domination of Euro-American imperialism.

The entire system of U.S. imperialism is thus implicated in racist violence. This includes the Democratic Party, which has for decades been wedded to a neoliberal model of governance reliant upon austerity, state repression, and war. The Republican Party is but the loudest and most ideologically influential political branch of the U.S.’s racist and imperialist system. The more that the U.S. finds itself bogged down in its own contradictions, the stronger the tide of racist reaction becomes. A true fight against white supremacy involves popular organization against the forces that gave it birth: the U.S. military state waging wars fueled by dehumanization, the two-party duopoly enacting policies that deprive oppressed people of their needs, and the economic system of capitalism robbing the earth of public wealth and ecological sustainability to enrich its corporate masters.
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redredred · M
Bull shit. There’s more Kobe beef in a McDonalds hamburger than there is white supremacy in American culture.
Spotpot · 46-50, M
@Northwest A substantial majority of black church goers in Georgia are democrats like Warncock.
Northwest · M
@LeopoldBloom Interestingly enough, the white vote was in favor of the knuckle dragger. But they also voted for Trump.
@Northwest White conservatives love Black conservatives. "I'm not racist, I'm voting for Herschel Walker!" Candace Owens figured out that she would get a lot further as a conservative, especially if she was willing to trash other Black people, than she ever would have as a liberal where she would have had to compete with other Black women.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Yes. Everything is all about white supremacy .
Gloomy · F
@AthrillatheHunt Like I said the outcome of terrible racist and classist policies
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Gloomy yea you’re right .
@AthrillatheHunt Most American Jews and many Israeli Jews didn't want Trump to move the embassy. He mainly did it to appease Evangelical American Christians.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@jshm2 how do you think all those middle easterners became Muslim ?
Voluntary submission ? Lol
@jshm2 According to Stephen Pinker in "The Better Angels of our Nature," we are living in the most peaceful period of human history right now.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
This is what happens when your entire worldview comes from Academia and social media that confirms what you already believe.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Gloomy Sure agreed, but how does this angry screed against all Americans help accomplish your goals? You think admonishing and shaming Americans and their government is going to get them to change? You're literally advocating for the overthrow of the American economy and political system. Why do you think we would ever do that voluntarily?

This is why I chide you for your ideas rooted in Academia. It's not realistic.
Gloomy · F
@SumKindaMunster It doesn’t go against all Americans just the white supremacist ones and the system in general.
It's quite obvious that democracy and many institutions in the US are failing (its citizens) otherwise something like january 6th wouldn't even have happened and equality is severely lacking amongst many issues.
Americans are shaming their government themselves all the time this undemocratic two party system lead by elitists fails miserably and people are aware of that.

Why do you think we would ever do that voluntarily?

Seriously stop it, I noticed you doing that, speaking for your country as if it was a homogenous collective for which you are the spokesperson.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
It doesn’t go against all Americans just the white supremacist ones and the system in general.

These are your words: Emphasis mine:
A true fight against white supremacy involves popular organization against the forces that gave it birth: the U.S. military state waging wars fueled by dehumanization, the two-party duopoly enacting policies that deprive oppressed people of their needs, and the economic system of capitalism robbing the earth of public wealth and ecological sustainability to enrich its corporate masters.

You're quite literally advocating for the destruction of the American system. Again, do you really think people will volunteer to do this?

Seriously stop it, I noticed you doing that, speaking for your country as if it was a homogenous collective for which you are the spokesperson.

I was speaking directly to your point and don't feel I am speaking for all Americans, rather I felt it should be obvious.

Finally, I don't believe I do what you say, but if you see it again, let me know ok?
Spotpot · 46-50, M
There isnt much distinction between the far right an todays alt-right christian nationalist GOP.
gol979 · 41-45, M
When pushing the pigmentation or ideological supremacy, the well known characters mentioned (malcolm x) were allowed to preech. When he came to the conclusion that pigmentation was not really a reason just a manufactured excuse for the system to exploit certain demographics but the real oppression came to all (including white ppl) and when he started expressing this, he was killed.

Skin colour is being used as a tool to divide us and unfortunately you are contributing.

The vast, vast majority of people are decent. White supremacy is massively overblown. Now eugenics on the other hand.....
DogMan · 61-69, M
How long have you lived in America, Gloomster?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Gloomy Is that right? What did you do on your visit here?
DogMan · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster She went to the Grand Canyon in New York, ill bet. 😉

and saw the Rocky Mountains in Tennessee.
@DogMan hump on in a lying team. Snide liars pretend they've found a foreigner? How's the weather in Langley,? Smirkin' Murkan again? Say an insult spook.
You might enjoy this post by Doug Muder that covers much of the same ground.

I used to ask my Dad why we sided with the westward expansion and not the Indians.
He said we always pick winners if we can.
vorian · 51-55, M
Well said. Youre awesome.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Total nonsense.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@Gloomy One sick puppy.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@LordShadowfire psycho moron.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Strictgram I know you are, but what am i?
HannahSky · F
You're not American are you?
HannahSky · F
@bijouxbroussard I was just noticing the difference between the way Americans talk and analyze and people who aren't living here.
originnone · 61-69, M
@HannahSky Yeah, It came off as more confrontational than I think you meant it. I think we're all good...
HannahSky · F
@originnone I got that impression too lol
I think this is way too broad:

In most of the thinking and planning of whites in the West today, it’s easy to see that fear in their minds, conscious minds and subconscious minds (etc.)
Gloomy · F
@SomeMichGuy Not at all if you look at policies and rhetoric it is fear based.
It's obvious when analysing the way people talk about migrants and asylum seekers, about societies in the middle east, ....
@Gloomy ALL whites? I don't think so.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
The Democrats founded the kkk and the gop was against it. So how can you accuse them about white supremacy? Besides nowadays all the leftists claim every white guy that goes against their agenda is a white supremacist.
Gloomy · F
@specman already has been brought up and discussed and you are blind towards the paradigm shift and i'm tired of the "what about Democrats" response when the vile shit of the Republican Party gets brought up and no Democrats are not good either 🙄
specman · 51-55, MVIP
To declare or even assume that white people are racist or responsible for the bad in the world or even be against them then that person would be committing a racist act. Just letting people know who are behaving this over whites.
Gloomy · F
@specman That would be a racist generalisation yes. Do you believe all white people feel superior due to the color of their skin?

Because it's not all people but there are white people and even people of color who believe in white supremacy and uphold structures that are a product of racism.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
@Gloomy there is also a lot of blacks that do not like white people too. The difference is we don’t call the race card as much as black people do and the left biased media doesn’t highlight or even accuse black people of that. Maybe it’s the fear of being a racist. Like black people do whenever someone goes against their opinions or just if they do something they don’t like or when bad things happen to black people. TBH I’m sick of people not calling the black people out.
A lot if not most or all black people will also find ways to make them look like the victim. Usually by trying to fit that race card in. This reparations crap proves the point that they think everybody owes them. They are even calling the reparations payments as a sin bill or something like that. The money that will be given out are taxpayers dollars. Guess what my family wasn’t even here during slavery. Except for my great grandmas. One was 100% Choctaw Indian and my other great grandma was 100% Cherokee Indian.
I grew up dirt poor like them people referred to us as white trash. We were always harassed by the cops and weren’t able to go to college. Hell we were poorer than some black people that was on welfare and we couldn’t even get welfare . It took fighting for it. Our only source of income we had was from my grandparents and that wasn’t much. My real dad left shen I was seven. Our break away was our mom marrying our stepdad. He had a good paying job that was steady . I didn’t let anyone hold me back and I still don’t. I kept working at bettering my self so my kids would not have to experience what I experienced. I took and still do take accountability of my decisions and actions. I’m not gonna let my past ruin my future.
I don’t believe black people need reparations. Also not everything is racist that goes against your opinions.
Puppycat23 · F
It’s disheartening that people believe White supremacy is not the issue when the evidence is there. WS may not be an issue to them but we can’t deny that it’s becoming a problem. From the tragedy that happened at the AME church, El paso Walmart, Pitsburg Pennsylvania synagogue, and the Tops store in Buffalo, NY. With the latest would be mass shooter (also a white supremacist) who got caught before he could target a synagogue and murder attendees.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Fear of The Aryan Brotherhood is real
Taking your clown show on the road? 🤡

In the meantime at UC Berkeley
graphite · 61-69, M
@BizSuitStacy Not to mention: https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/off-campus-uc-berkeley-housing-bans-white-people-from-common-areas/

Excerpt: "Many POC moved here to be able to avoid white violence and presence, so respect their decision of avoidance if you bring white guests,” the rules declare. “White guests are not allowed in common spaces.”
Gloomy · F
@graphite 🥱
@graphite Imagine if the:
NAACP stood for National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People?
Or if we had
HCUs...Historically Caucasian Universities
CLM...Caucasian Lives Matter
CCC...Congressional Causasian Caucus
UCCF...United Caucasian College Fund

Lib heads would 🤯
graphite · 61-69, M
Bunch of nonsense. Which party is fanatic about abortion, which kills a disproportionate amount of black children?
Gloomy · F
@Heartlander No leftist believe that people deserve the fruits of their labor without a capitalist class that merely owns the means of production to accumulate insane amounts of wealth.

and yes there should be a system that does redistribute wealth into infrastructure, healthcare, social services, etc... that improves society for everyone.
In this way there would be no people who need charity in the first place and charity means people or organisations are at wealthier peoples mercy.

Like to a certain extend european society has already done a better job than the US when it comes to that.
Also a state is an organising tool it depends in which framework and under which ideology and with how much democratic control it operates.

The right wing talking point "state bad" is intellectually lazy and is built on a false premise and cold war propaganda.
graphite · 61-69, M
@Heartlander The state is supposed to be in charge of absolutely everything under failed Marxist doctrine. Liberty be damned. Marxism is a philosophy of failure, whining, and jealousy. That's why it's never worked.
Gloomy · F
@graphite Someone watched pragerU 😂 Are European countries marxist? Scandinavian countries?

Economic Libertarianism ends in monopolisation and the destruction of social cohesion and the end of workers rights.
Your lack of education is showing again.
Budwick · 70-79, M
What a load of crap!
@Budwick big balls behind a screen old man.
You should stay there.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User You ain't so bright, are you?
Taunting a text message. LOL
@Budwick you crossed that line. What would Jesus do? Would he be flipping people off?

I am white as well. Just educated.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Jesus H Christ on a popsicle stick! I knew the US education system was a total failure. And this tripe proves it if this is the kind of crap people actually believe🤦‍♀️😳
@SlaveEt it’s amusing to me when people say that “public education failed them” .

Students get out of the experience what they put in …
Socioeconomics plays a small part in this equation.

There are no after school Cabal meetings, like ever.
Teachers are on a contract with specified hours in a day.

Administration is too stupid to carry out grand design schemes.

Garbage in, garbage out.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
A person can put in the effort but if the stuff they are being taught is skewed, biased, twisted or just plain propaganda then the outcome of that education is not beneficial to the student nor their society.
@SlaveEt I can speak to this specifically. Textbook publishers produce texts specifically for Texas,California and New York. Those three states control a great deal. However, versions of the exact books are adapted to sell to each state.

There are states that use books where the US Civil War and slavery are glossed over.

I don’t know when you graduated. That could be part of the issue.

Seriously, though there are conservative and liberal researchers and writers.

We do have to be concerned about divisions in society and their origins.

There is one thing that the US has consistently done going back to the colonial era….that being divide people.

Yes, E Pluribus Unum…
Some are more equal than others.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Just posting this response to say:
1. Dead on, bravo!
2. I can't wait for @BohemianBabe to charge in and tell you why it's all wrong, and the only victims of racism in America are white people.

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