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Where can I find one of those vampire lovers?

You know, the one's that require my blood for sustenance.
there's a guy like that here. you have to have seen him
notavery · F
@SW-User I shot my shot
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
@SW-User thanks for the meal
Why don't find a normal lover, and donate your blood to blood banks regularly.
Lostpoet · M
There's gotta be at least a few here on sw
Pharmaplus sells them by the dozen
OneDayMore · 36-40, M
I believe they hang out in schools and search for underage sexual partners,

That was the moral of twilight right?
notavery · F
@OneDayMore really I thought those guys just went home and watched porn all day
OneDayMore · 36-40, M
@notavery well I think that’s every guy. Do you think vampires watch porn? I think they do. They don’t sleep right? What else is there to do?
notavery · F
@OneDayMore vampires can get pussy whenever they want, they dont need porn
Poeticdiva · 31-35, F
Try Louisiana
notavery · F
@Poeticdiva never been, why there?
Poeticdiva · 31-35, F
@notavery True Blood, The Originals, and Interview with A Vampire make me think they may secretly be there.
notavery · F
@Poeticdiva booking a flight now
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
The looney y bin 🤷🏻‍♂️
notavery · F
@zerofuks2give oh right haven't checked there yet
@notavery different series 😁
notavery · F
@YukikoAmagi I will put this on my reading list, looks so cute!!
@notavery it's a good one, you won't regret it
bikelover · 51-55, M
Transylvania 😝
lovelyguy143334 · 31-35, M
Im here 😁

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