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Do you think that snakes know why they have to crawl on their bellies forever?

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No, I don't think so, not since they're animals. I've not seen anything in the Bible indicating that have you
@IndianaJoes I somehow think they don't because they can't reason like people do, but then I wouldn't rule it out, because nothing is impossible with God.
@LadyGrace I agree with you on that and it seems feasible. I just wonder why he would punish all snakes forever instead of just that snake.
@IndianaJoes because sin brings a curse and it did to all of nature and mankind. The devil to me, is sin personified, just as Jesus is Love personified. He hates sin so much, because it keeps us lost, condemned, and separated from Him, until we repent. But there's so much more to this and I'll be writing about it. It's not what we think
Shaveit · 61-69, M
Yes they are democrats
@Shaveit I suppose I do have to agree with you on that... Lol
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Snakes don't read The Bible
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Because they evolved?
Blondily · F
Yes because they are reptiles and cool looking 🐍
Snakes are just tails with faces
Maybe they look at us and wonder why we have these seemingly funny looking appendages that flop about .

Maybe they think they are the epitome of sleek and efficient ?🤷

They are a pretty nifty design .
you know why snakes dont have balls?
.... no legs to dance with
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout that sounds like a Bon Scott theory.

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