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USA dept of education dismantling

Poll - Total Votes: 11
Homeschooling --formal schooling is for liberals
You get eduction through the church stupid that is the way we been educated for 10 thousand years
Europe (tell us what country)!
Canada if they let us in!
China becausing they are winning the AI war ! (or other reason)
other tell us!
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As the USA decommissions, / dismantles / reduces dept of education where should USA K-12 kids go for schooling?
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I read this book "How the Scots Invented the Modern World" about the Scottish Enlightenment. The author argues, it was the widespread introduction of public schools to serve all people, not just the aristocracy but all regular and poor people that drove the literacy, science, and innovation in Scotland. Buy using all the human capital, thought flourished.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Well my experience with my kids in the system was,
My kids spent 6 hrs at school learning the curriculum that was set by the district.
Then we spent 3 hrs at the kitchen table learning the old school ways of doing math and things that involved critical thinking skills so my kids would have enough common sense on how to pour pee out of a boot.
Science was not included in the early grades so I had to fill that one in too.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@ArishMell I taught them english too.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@Adrift If anyone in my English class had not put a capital letter in front of that proper noun, they would have been corrected. I'm sure it was a typo, though.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Adrift My school PE teacher's second teaching subject was Woodwork. We learnt that one day when bad weather enforced five-a-side football indoors, and the teacher said he'd built the portable goals himself during the school holidays!

One thing you can tell me... I have often asked this and no-one seemed sure.

How is Maths arranged in US schools and colleges?

For I frequently see its various areas referred to as if totally separate curriculum subjects, rather than as topics within an overall mathematics syllabus. I've read posts about taking "Algebra" or "Calculus", say. So is Maths split up like that, e.g.:

Wednesday - History, Trigonometry, English Language, Science (or one of the Sciences),

rather than -

History, Maths (the course includes Trig.), English Lang., Science ?
I'm glad my son is almost done with school
I feel sorry for the younger kiddos
swirlie · F
Why do you not feel sorry for your son?
@swirlie I do .
But I'm thankful he is almost done
swirlie · F
Okay, but why do you feel sorry for your son then?
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
There is literally nowhere for kids to go for a rounded education if an ill-disposed state removes balanced education accessible to all. It's as true of Russia as it will be true in the US if ideologues get hold of classrooms.
swirlie · F
I've been meaning to bring that up with you sunsporter, so why do you wear blue dreadlocks around your grandchildren anyway?
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@sunsporter1649 That's not my idea of a rounded education, but it''s interesting that that's what came your mind when you read the expression.
@FreddieUK Ideologues run the classrooms now .. that's why there is as much or more concern for teaching lgbtq/trans/critical race theory agendas as there is for reading, history, math, and science in U.S. schools.

I attended through sophomore year of high school with no US department of education existing and graduated before it began meaningful changes. Public education was available to all then .. and a better quality one that achieved better results than the track record under the federal department of education, especially as that has declined significantly the last 10+ years.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
LOL! The Dept. of Education was started under Carter. Since then our students have been steadily going downhill with test scores. Education should be turned back to local control like it was before and get our kids educated with what they need to know and not all the "California Standard" junk!
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@fanuc2013 Has the thought struck you that maybe the DoE was established because the standard of education was already dropping?
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@fanuc2013 Would the "local control" ensure schools use curriculae and syllabi sufficient to give students a fair chance of obtaining further-education or reasonable employment, which could be, or may have to be, anywhere else in the country?

In the UK and probably many other nations, schools do have some flexibility but must still use a fairly standard curriculum to minimum standards to meet those needs.

It may have become somewhat limited though thanks to an insistence on subjects under the "Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics" umbrella, plus cost-cutting that sadly often neglects the Arts. I do not know what is "Technology", nor what the "Engineering" might cover.


Oddly though, the authorities here do not seem to act against unregistered "private schools" (some are dubious "faith schools"), parents who use so-called "home-schooling" (an absurd self-contradiction), and parents so wanting holidays on the cheap they take their children out of school for that week or fortnight in term-time. These are all of dubious legality, even downright illegal, and act against the child's own needs, interests and ambitions. Some parents have been fined quite heavily for this truanting.

(The home is not a school; the standard of home teaching probably abysmal; the social aspects of school non-existent. The child taken away merely for its parents' off-peak beach or ski-slope fortnight, has then to try to catch up on a lot of lost work across many subjects.)

So avoid those mistakes.


The aim of any decent school system is that pupils have the opportunity to the best of their own ability, to leave school with a wide range of knowledge, the ability to think for themselves, and with formal qualifications any employer, college or university anywhere in the country can recognise. Remember, it is their future that matters, not that of the parent, teacher or some local-council committee.

So in wishing for local control, do please care for what you wish.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Has the thought struck you that maybe the DoE was established because the standard of education was already dropping?
No, because Daddy Donald didn't say so.
eMortal · M
The same schools they attend now, but state run without the federal bureaucracy layered over the top like they were pre1980 .. and education in the U.S. was far more effective and focused on school subjects instead indoctrination into liberal social engineering.
Punches · 46-50, F
With all these govt depts supposedly being shut down because they are "Wasteful spending", what are they planning on doing with all this money they will save?

SURELY it is not going to line the pockets of those who are already rich?

Why does the govt even complain about wasteful spending anyways, they are MADE of money. It's not like they have to really budget. Even if it is the deficit, not like that will ever be repaid anyways.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Punches It's because saving money is regarded as an obvious good in a domestic economy. 'Common sense' regards government debt as the same kind of thing as personal debt and this gives license to those who would wreck the economy of the state.

Those intent on the wrecking spree don't need to benefit directly in financial terms, the mere fact that they are doing it is regarded as positive by their economically ignorant supporters.

Similarly with the return to mercantilism in the form of broad tariffs. The tariff by itself will not magically generate new jobs and industry. Unless paired with financial support for the industries that use that use the products hit by the tariff and strict regulation of the local producers it will put out of work those who used the products. At the same time the local producers of those products will simply raise their prices and profits without needing to increase supply or jobs or to invest in improved processes.

I'm actually not totally against the idea of tariffs but they are only one component of the machinery of supporting one's local industry, they will not have a positive effect by themselves except in the sense that the ignorant will cheer when they are implemented.
@Punches it goes into Trump's checking account
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
@OrionInTheNight Offshore, and undocumented I am sure. He has learned a few things from his last attack on USA.
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Thrust · 56-60, M

How can you type with that giant red handmaidens tale robe straight jacketing you?
@Thrust the sleeves help hide the phone.
acpguy · C
All k-12 schools should be tuition based and teachers given a very strong test for the subject(s) they teach before given a teaching certificate. We have terrible teachers in the USA for the most part as they are getting a terrible education by liberal /socialist idiots in college and the elementary and secondary schools they attended prior to college. I graduated from college with a degree in education and my wife teaches college courses at our state college. I never taught classes as I did not like the politics and the pay was terrible in the 70's when I graduated. Kids today coming out of high school are dumber than a box of hammers and the teachers they had are even worse. Part of the problem also is poor parenting and helicopter parents.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@hunkalove i like that voted other and filled it out in the comments. annoying when soeone says other and skips the "what is the other" part of that assignment---or are assignments only for school? and now for nobdy in the USA
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
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Don't worry you guys are goin be reall educated.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
@JimboSaturn This jest is actually not far from the truth (if i can still use that word).
Might as well Given they let states drop the standards for teachers
Adrift · 61-69, F
@JimboSaturn Theology and philosophy is great but proof is in the dirt.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Adrift Well they weren't trying to "prove" anything, we were learning how other people thought about God
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Adrift If that is how it went, and no one could explain you the goals of the class... then no matter what he got to read, you should pull him out of the class. That's a strange story though.
Ynotisay · M
Education is where the evangelicals have been most focused. They know that the cult demands indoctrination and they'll do what they can to make it happen.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
The DOE didn't exist until 1977. Almost 10 years AFTER the moon landing.
swirlie · F
Oh, I see. I never came to that conclusion after reading your original post and it's relationship with the moon, not even close actually. In fact, it never occurred to me that since the creation of the DOE, the education of American's has faltered.

I DO know that 60% of all high school educated Americans have dropped out of college and only 3% of all Americans who never dropped out of college have acquired a professional Degree like a Masters or PhD from university and only 1% of all Americans have earned a Doctorate from university, but I never knew from any source that the average American high school graduate today is less educated than the average American high school graduate of 1976.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@swirlie My point was that American education in the 50s and 60s was adequate for the US to land a man on the moon. Now? pfffffffttttttt!
swirlie · F
Well actually, what landed the US on the moon were German aerospace scientists who were granted conditional American citizenship at the end of WWII after working for Hitler, but conditional only if they worked at advancing US technology in atomic weaponry, atomic energy and aerospace dominance over the USSR. It was not the American mind that put the USA on the moon nor into space just orbiting the earth, even back in the 1960's.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Of course, because there is no correlation between an educated citizenry and an innovative successful nation :P
Thrust · 56-60, M

And 100% correlation between a bloated, corrupt, incompetant and venal bureacracy and school existing right?

You bozos really believe there will be no schools without this giant grift stomping on it. Really, Really, sad
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@Thrust I can easily see less money for public schools while private and home schooling becomes more prevalent. Private schools are for the rich, neglecting much of the human capital of the country, and home schools are prevalently religious indoctrination over knowledge, critical thought, and the scientific method.
You believe that all American institutions are bloated, corrupt, and incompetent? What evidence do you have for this?

The only thing that is sad is your mean-spirited hatred of your own country and the ground breaking institutions it created that caused it to be so great.
swirlie · F
Well first of all, Canada won't let you in. Secondly, the dismantling of the Dept of Education is only being dismantled at the Federal level, not the State level. This means that each individual State will be responsible for maintaining their own Dept of Education.
Ynotisay · M
@swirlie Which means religious indoctrination across large swaths of the country.
swirlie · F
I doubt that you'll see large swaths of religious indoctrination across traditional blue States, but if one lives in a red State, might be time to dust off the old testament because that's what they live by.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
What is the mission of the US Department of education? To dumb down American children? That’s seems to have been its achievement.
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@bijouxbroussard It's already happened. I just saw a user here say "I don't believe in evolution and all the science nonsense, along with public schools and the mainstream media"

Scary stuff.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Canada is closest.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@LordShadowfire I would welcome an dissenters with open arms.
swirlie · F
"Closest" only counts in a game of 'horse shoes'. There is still the little issue of Americans being allowed across the border into Canada on a day-pass, let alone to seek education they never paid for through Canadian taxation.
Thrust · 56-60, M
Hey genius, the DOE aint a school. So amazing your love affair with bloated, corrupt, wasteful and downright destructive bureaucracies 🤡
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Welcome to the dumbing down of America the first building block on our step to becoming a bedroom community and a footnote of the past
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@KingofBones1 you forgot to vote the poll!

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