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In Biden's America - Our Rights Are Gone

Police Helped Elderly Pastor And His Son Find the Bathroom In The Capitol Building On January 6, Now They Are Facing 3 Years In Prison: ‘This is Outright Intimidation Tactics’… ‘You Have No Rights’

J6 defendants Casey Cusick, his elderly father James Cusick, and David Lesperance, a family friend who is also elderly, are facing up to three years in prison for walking into the Capitol building on January 6 for nine minutes to use the bathroom.

When they entered the Capitol building, a cop told them how to get to the bathroom while other surrounding law enforcement officials waved the massive crowd of peaceful demonstrators into the building as lawmakers certified the stolen 2020 election results.

Police are documented in videos of the “crime scene” taking selfies with the protesters who would be later listed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List as “domestic terrorists” for stepping foot in the building.

Casey, a father of three, James, a 74-year-old pastor and purple heart recipient and David, a 70-year old grandfather, are charged with four federal felonies for stopping to use the bathroom in the Capitol building, including Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority, Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building, and Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds, according to the Department of Justice.

To everyday Americans, the government’s charges against Casey, James and David are bogus, absurd and preposterous. But the litigation will not be an open and shut case.

The odds are stacked against J6 defendants on trial in the District of Columbia, where the pool of potential jurors has a 92 percent rate of voting for Joe Biden in the District of Columbia. District federal judges have almost resoundingly sided with the government against so-called insurrectionists, resulting in an overwhelming, unprecedently high conviction rate for J6 defendants.

The Justice Department’s U.S. Attorney’s offices have secured a 99.8% conviction rate on at least one charge in each case, including half through guilty pleas.

The Casey, Lesperance trial began Monday. At the time of this publication, Casey, James, and David are litigating their case in US District Federal Court.

“We are going to have to fight for fair jurors,” defense attorney John Pierce, representing the Cusicks and Leserpance, told The Gateway Pundit ahead of jury selection. “This is outright intimidation tactics.

“They don’t really care about throwing these guys in jail. What they care about are the millions of people, who will not simply bow to tyrants, that will hear about them being thrown in jail for going to the Capitol to raise their voices. I mean, that’s what it’s about.”

Casey Cusick described the trauma he and his family have endured after being terrorized by the FBI, surveilled and stalked by the bureau’s agents for two and half years, the financial burdens of being deemed a “domestic terrorist” by the federal government while facing the prospect of years in prison for the few minutes he spent in the bathroom.

“I believe, beyond a shadow of any doubt in my mind, this is political persecution,” Casey told TGP in an exclusive interview. “They are threatening every patriot.

“They’re going after our country — they’re coming after us because there’s one thing they’re trying to prove: Don’t you ever support Donald Trump ever again,” he said. “They’re are coming after all conservatives, but it’s mainly to send a message: ‘Don’t you ever support Donald Trump. Don’t you ever buck the system. Don’t you ever protest against the government because we’re in charge of you. You have no rights, You have no privileges, unless we tell you.'”

How many do we let this happen to before we rise up?
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Typical Buttwick post. Dial'F' for fake...
AbbySvenz · F
Turned in by his own parishioners.

You can read the the arrest affidavit at the end of this article: https://lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-siege/florida-pastor-charged-in-u-s-capitol-siege-after-one-of-his-own-followers-ratted-him-out/amp/
Budwick · 70-79, M
@AbbySvenz It's real and effective!~
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Budwick if this was all fake then why is Trump doing everything he can to get the case thrown? Can't go to trial or convict without evidence. And there are, unlike Durham's wasted effort, 37 felony charges! He better buy lots of spray tan. 🤣
Budwick · 70-79, M
Can't go to trial or convict without evidence

Sure you can. You just need to be a democrat trying to destroy a republican.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Yes, it was a most unfortunate coincidence that these three gentlemen were caught short during the riot 🙄

Irrespective of the voting habits of the potential jurors, it is just about possible that they might actually do their sworn duty and consider the evidence impartially and on its own merits.
@SunshineGirl and the cow will jump over the moon
gol979 · 41-45, M
@SunshineGirl riot? Are you disputing that the police showed the "rioters" round the building? If not then its a very, very strange way for the police to treat "rioters"?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Good has come from planned j6 episode.
Here judges won't allow a trail on an open investigation
@MarineBob the proud boys planned it well.
Imagin if Killdawg won in 16 and got 4x SCOTUS picks?
The constitution and bill of rights would be in the shredder by now
vorian · 51-55, M
One of your best yet. "Massive crowd of peaceful demonstrators" is a great line.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@vorian The truth usually makes for the best lines.
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How many 🤔 ?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@TrashCat Fibs - This story wasn't on FOX, but then you have no meme for that. Loser
TrashCat · M
@Budwick Where ever you find your bullshit is bullshit.
Tell the story of how and why you were kicked off of other opinion sites, loser.
You're a liar and always have been
Budwick · 70-79, M
@TrashCat Fibs - plenty of coverage on this. Most of horribly slanted to protect the left.
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
I like the 70 year old veteran in a wheelchair who never went in the Capital who in now serving 14 years in prison for being there.

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