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Another shooting in America on the 4th of July so let's not discuss it

What's the point SW? The rest of the world can shake it's head at the obvious solution being ignored. anyone who tries is called a commie or tyrant. How has America gotten to this point that there is such worship over guns and paranoia over any changes that could reduce these kind of shootings happening? It's always "This isn't the time" or "thoughts and prayers". All bluster no action then all the anger dies down till the next time. What's the point? I am an army marksman I'm not anti gun, I'm anti them being in the hands of civilians with little to no restrictions to type the of fire arms and who can acquire them. The 2nd ammendment says a well regulated milita being necessary for the security of a free state I've seen no form of milita being well regulated just free range access to firearms andcanybtalks of regulations met with "my rights are being infringed".

The 2nd ammendment is the equivalent of the old law in the UK saying all young men pratice with a longbow, it's a relic from the revolution and the early days of American independence. you don't see on the news of a mass archery attacks in Britain because we disregarded that law as no longer relevant America you have now got a military have police,bgone are the fears of imperialist nations waiting to invade. But you hold onto the shall not be infringed part like it is gospel ignoring the previous part about being part of a well regulated miltia just the right to bear arms nothing else.

If you strongly believe in your Constitution and that it is absolute then why do so many seem ok cherry picking and ignoring parts that don't agree with your narrative?

I just get saddened by this cause it is preventable with the right changes but unfortunately America change starts with you will you just turn to thoughts and prayers rinse and repeat everytime this happens or will you decide that enough is enough?
Enough parents burying children. Enough cleaners washing the blood from classroom floors. Enough empty spaces at dinner tables. Enough children asking why Mommy or Daddy isn't coming home anymore.

I know this is futile that I am no doubt going to barraged by trolls and right wingers I don't care comment whatever you want.

I have said what I wanted to say.

Nothing in the 2nd Amendment prevents gun licensing & national gun registration. Yet NRA types pretend licensing and registration are tantamount to "TaKiNg AwAy OuR gUnS!!!"

It's interesting that the subject of the one-sentence 2nd Amendment is "a well regulated militia," yet most gun lovers have ZERO militia connection.

Constitutional originalists like to be guided by the wisdom of the late great Antonin Scalia, who opposed a "living" or "evolving" Constitution. Scalia said judges should look to what a law meant when it was adopted and not “to what society today thinks it ought to mean.” He also spoke of the meaning of the words as they were understood by average people at the time of adoption (of a legal text) AKA "original public meaning".

On that basis he opposed gay marriage, because that's not what marriage meant at the time the Constitution was adopted.

Which brings us to the question, what did it mean to "bear arms" in 1789? Well, you can't carry a cannon, so that's out. Bearable arms meant muskets and blunderbusses - muzzle loaders with a low refire rate. That's the sum total of the "original public meaning" of arms a person can bear.

Conservatives like to think of themselves as "keepers of the flame" of the "original Constitution." But in truth, they evolve it where they like, and try to prevent evolution where they don't like. Fact: you can't have it both ways; either the whole document evolves, or none of it, not even the Second Amendment, evolves.

This idea of connecting the Second Amendment (2A) with militias does not originate with me. It goes back to the 1934 National Firearms Act (NFA) which "requires certain types of firearms, such as fully automatic firearms and short-barrelled rifles and shotguns, to be registered with the Miscellaneous Tax Unit."

Some guys were caught transporting a sawed off shotgun, and SCOTUS (US v Miller) ruled the NFA Constitutional and said sawed off shotguns had no place in a militia, therefore were not protected by the 2A.

Fast forward to 2008 (DC v Heller) when Scalia overrules the Miller decision and says we can ignore the words about militia in the 2A.
"Scalia wrote that it was essential that the operative clause be consistent with the prefatory clause, but that the prefatory clause did not limit the operative clause."

So originalist Scalia says we can ignore the clause about militia even though SCOTUS took it into account for a solid 75 years. So much for precedent, so much for stare decisis, so much for the actual text of the subject of the one-sentence 2nd A!!
Isn’t murder illegal?

Ppl sure are following that law huh?

[image deleted]
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout All those (Compensators for a tiny dick) would be illegal in My Country. And we haven't had a massacre in the 25 years since we banned them.
@Thevy29 that’s nice
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Until there's is a ⅔ thrds majority in Congress nothing can be done.

Actually I have been pushing for a change in the constitution which is twice as hard. And not just on this one issue. There are multiple issues that need to be addressed. Such as the abortion, gay rights, environmental and even rights for health care.

All of that requires constitutional amendments. Until these issues are address in the constitution there will always be going back and forth endlessly.

Now I know that some of these issues many might be for one or two yet not all of them. Yet nothing will be addressed until there's a ¾ major to address each of them.

If the people want change they absolutely must vote for change. Or this will continue endlessly until there's a real revolution.

This is very likely to happen. Jan 6th was the closest we have come in over a hundred years to a revolution yet the timing is just about right for one.

Please remember slavery was once legal, even of children. And MALE black people once were only considered 3/5ths of a vote! It took a full scale revolution to change just those two things.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Talk about overlooking the obvious to cutting down on these type of situations.
The media needs to stop pushing these actions.
The people that commit these crimes are not well in the head.
Also you cannot uninvent the gun.
Look what outlawing alcohol did in the United States.
It didn't make it go away. It just opened the door for organized crime to get a stronger foothold.
Blame the media and hold them accountable for glamorizing these actions to the copycat culture that also has severe personality disorders.
@Dainbramadge fancy exploring the avenue that these ppl are on 6 different medications ..
Then big pharma might come into Q…

Nope. It’s the guns.

Kinda bewildering these shootings only happen in election years during a dem gun grab..

[image deleted]
room101 · 51-55, M
I too have constantly tried to get Americans to understand that there are solutions to this blight. Solutions that have been tried and tested in developed nations around the globe. All have succeeded.

And yet, I get the same responses that you are getting below.

Sadly, I'm left with one conclusion: a significant proportion of Americans are a combination of frightened bullies and homicidal maniacs!
@room101 A lot of us here do understand and always have. There are too many in power who either don’t, or are pandering to the interests of groups like the NRA.
room101 · 51-55, M
@bijouxbroussard I know that you understand Bijou, as do all of my American friends. Sadly however, you guys seem to be outnumbered by those depicted in your GIF below.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
This is one of the best posts I've ever read today and I agree with every single word you are saying.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Interestingly enough, most States DO have a "Well regulated Militia" in the form of the National Guard. The 2nd Amendment says we have the "Right to keep and bear arms" it says nothing about regulating ammunition, that would be an easy thing to fix, no one is allowed to buy more than 10 rounds a year, unless they are at a gun range and must expend all of their ammo there and take none home...
Thank God for our independence from the U.K.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
@Stillwaiting lord forbid if the US had anything
to say over any of the British laws lol
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I live just under an hour away from where the shooting took place. I was afraid to go see fireworks, he was onnthe run for 8 hours and still didn't get far. We opted to find a secluded area where we could watch. No big crowds for me. I love going to fairs and all those summer things..but anymore.....I am fearful because you just never know. I don't want to live in fear, but I also don't want to go about life as if it can never happen to me.

I am sick of it.

A witness yesterday said "the kids knew what to do"

That isn't a good thing. Not really.
Gillian30 · 70-79
What can I add to this? Nothing. So we'll put. Can only hope that one day something, whatever that turns out to be can be done.
I am reminded of something I think Chris Rock once said. "Guns don't kill people. Bullets do! Make bullets very very expensive."
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
Well said and argued.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Changing gun laws will have no effect.You can't legislate away crazy.
Gillian30 · 70-79
@kodiac So so true but what is making these people do this. One can only wonder.
God help us all.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Gillian30 For one thing i believe all the media attention is driving some of them .No other way i know of to get world wide recognition for their sick acts.
Well stated. A lot of good information here. Sadly those who are listening know the truth of what you’re saying. The others still have hands over their ears with a "la la la don’t take my guns" deliberate deafness.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard This meme fits it perfectly.👍
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I don't know how anyone could watch the sad rap videos by that little freak and consider him representative of a "well regulated militia". Dude looked like emo Gullum
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Sad about Denmark 🇩🇰 too. This is not going away anytime soon, sadly. 😔
Gillian30 · 70-79
@2cool4school Indeed. Will it ever end . . .
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Gillian30 it’s human nature. So I don’t think so 😔
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I think China should take control of the US for a year, they will get rid of all the drug gangs, guns and all the undesirables lol
In that context "well regulated" just means well equipped and prepared for duty.

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