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Wimbledon Contamination

It's disgusting that barbarians have been allowed to play at Wimbledon this year. They should be sent back to their benighted country and told to stay there.

Despite my great love for Wimbledon I will not be watching any matches that include a barbarian.
Ontheroad · M
Assuming you mean Russian and Belarusian players, I have to agree. No international game should allow them until they leave/stop supporting the invasion of Ukraine
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Ontheroad The Wimbledon organisers think that sneaking them in by omitting their nationalities makes it all OK, but in fact it merely highlights that special arrangements are made for them.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
You have my support. Orcs playing any international sport should be banned.
emiliya · 22-25, F
Did you watch your precious Wimbledon last year? Russian players were allowed to play then too. The ban on Russian and Belarusian tennis players was not widely supported, and a number of very successful and prominent players have condemned it since it was introduced. It was the British government, not the AELTC, who wanted a ban. Its lack of popularity and the very clear neutrality of Russian tennis players are why it was dispensed with. Most of these individuals have not lived in Russia for a long time. One of the females playing at Wimbledon lives in Spain, and another lives in Italy. Some live in Kazakhstan. One of them has grandparents from Ukraine and resides in Miami! There are several Russian and Belarusian players who live in USA. Daniil Medvedev lives in Monaco! Another named Karen Khachanov lives in Dubai!

I will not be watching any matches that include a barbarian.

You will not be watching a match that includes one of the many Russian players who have trained for most of their lives, who are not fighting in the army or advocating Russian interests, and who with the exception of two players do not live in Russia?

Racist fool.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@SW-User I take it you're a big supporter of russia's invasion of the sovereign democracy of Ukraine... or are you just trying to earn this week's potato?
@newjaninev2 All of the above 😜
Elisbch · M
I think it's a marble issue.....
Someone has lost some and is panicky, argumentative and confused. ☹️

emiliya · 22-25, F
@newjaninev2 What part of your hatred and racism do you think needs to be addressed?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
needs to be addressed

russia...always the victim.
russia... always so innocent
russia... always honest and transparent
russian athletes... bemoaning the unfair 'racism(?😂?)' directed against them... while loading the coordinates for a paediatric oncology hospital.

The Russian Olympic Committee is sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Defense, and almost half of the Russian medals at the last Olympics in Tokyo were won by privates, sergeants, ensigns and officers from the Russian army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard.

However, the final data for the Tokyo Olympics showed that the contribution of Russian athletes in uniform was even more significant., a Russian sports website, reported last July:

“CSKA [Russia’s Central Sports Club of the Army] athletes made up a third of the Russian national team and won 45 medals out of 71 — that’s 64% of the total. ... Another 16 medals (6+5+5) were received by athletes of the Russian National Guard."

Military athletes won 61 out of the 71 — or 86% — medals that Russia won at the 2020 Summer Olympics.


Out of the 335 Russian athletes who went to Tokyo for the 2020 Summer Olympics, 109 were serving in the Russian Army and 26 in the Russian National Guard. A total of 135 athletes with various military ranks – 40% of Russia’s Olympics roster – participated in those games.

According to Postnews, a Moscow-based news site, 78 of the 212 Russian athletes who participated in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing — more than a third — had contracts with the Russian army (61) and the National Guard (17).
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@emiliya Russia took home 71 medals at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics - its best result in 17 years. But how did it come about that almost half of the victories can be credited to the military?

Sofya Velikaya, who took home fencing gold in the singles and silver in the doubles, is an Armed Forces captain. Vitalina Batsarashkina, who won two gold and one silver medal in shooting, is a lieutenant with the National Guard.

CSKA player Denis Denisov and Olympic fencing champion Sofya Velikaya

It turns out that more than half of the Russian champions who found themselves on the Olympic podium in Tokyo this year also wear a uniform! But where did all these ensigns and sergeants come from? Is Russia really in the business of forging champions out of select companies and battalions?

It’s actually a little simpler than that. It’s true that the military was, indeed, the forerunner in Soviet sports: in order to decide who the strongest individuals were, the armed forces would hold various sports competitions. In Soviet times, soldiers were considered elite in the field of sports. In the mid-1930s, army-based clubs and societies were set up - it was common practice to accept only the strongest athletes. It was not uncommon for football and ice hockey teams of the Soviet Union to almost entirely consist of army officers.

Major Elena Isinbaeva and Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Major Alexei Mishin

Many of these sports structures, which existed at the departmental level, exist to this day - and still produce some of the best athletes the country has to offer, in part due to having the best schools and foremost coaches. The most popular ones you’ve probably heard of are ‘CSKA’ (‘The Central Sports Club of the Army’) and ‘Dinamo’ (the sports society of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which used to be comprised of internal police forces, before they became ‘Rosgvardiya’ - the Russian Guard).

In reality, no one actually forces athletes to do some expedited version of military service and live in the barracks. In these departmental sports societies, rank is simply awarded for athletic achievements.

“Advancing through the ranks rests on one’s athletic achievements. The official rank that these athletes can aspire to is Captain, so each athlete has the opportunity to rise to the level and even surpass it, given exemplary performance,” CSKA manager Colonel Artem Gromov said.

Biathletes Matvei Yeliseyev, Sergei Klyachin, Eduard Latypov, and Alexei Kornev

“We have a specialist panel, whose job is to recommend those among the country’s leading athletes who would be a great fit for military service and those who would do well with a contract,” according to the club’s press office. It’s not a bad safety net for the athletes either, as they receive a salary from the sports club, as well as additional pay for any military rank held - a profession they can continue to advance in after leaving sports.

Luger Albert Demchenko, bobsledder Alexander Zubkov, gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, and bobsledder Dmitry Trunenkov
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
I'm sure they shall be devastated to learn of this. 😅
some of my best friends are Ukrainian"

"I had no idea what was being done in Ukraine"

"I personally didn't do anything... it was all putin"

Diverting aren't we? 🤣😂
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@emiliya russian is a nationality, not a race.

If neutral athletes are, in reality, russian, then they're not neutral.

They're russian, but trying to appear to be something else. Still, that's understandable.
smiler2012 · 56-60
@newjaninev2 🤔 no way i can endorse what putinis doing but this is about sport not politics,those russian and belarus plays may even think the same you know
helenS · 36-40, F
@emiliya You can, of course, criticize Western leaders any way you want, but French president Emmanuel Macron, or British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, or German chancellor Scholz are not warmongers. They do not violently attack foreign countries, they do not kill or abduct children. They do not bombard cities.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@helenS All attacks are violent in some way. Why do you think that western attacks are nonviolent? Do they not destroy infrastructure and kill civilians? USA and UK both support Israel, and the estimated death toll in Gaza since the start of the war in October last year is 40,000 civilians.

Do you recall the Iraq and Afghanistan wars? They happened in recent years, and the combined death toll is hundreds of thousands of civilians. Some estimates suggest millions. At least 300,000 civilians were killed in the war in Iraq. USA and UK said they needed to invade due to the existence of nuclear weapons, but these weapons were never found. What did these people die for? Did you express the same hatred toward these countries at the time, helen?

Moreover, what do the actions of the Russian government and military have to do with athletes who no longer reside in Russia and do not appear to support the war? If they support Russia, why aren't they living there?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@emiliya I
f they support Russia, why aren't they living there?

Good question, and exactly the point... they denounce russia's barbarism, or we send them back to their beloved russia.

Works for me!
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
Who are these barbarian of whom you speak.
ffony · M
What is wrong with you?
A very god question. Don't expect an intelligent answer! 🤣
emiliya · 22-25, F
Nor are they... despite the pretence

Do you know who they are? Can you name any of them? What are you basing this accusation of "pretense" on?

They live in the West? That's parasitic

Why? If you don't want the tennis players in Russia where they could be conscripted, where should they go? Should they go to Donetsk and Lugansk, places that have not been governed by Ukraine since 2014? Is this their home?

they claim 'neutrality? That's merely disingenuous.

emiliya · 22-25, F
@ffony It is a troll
ffony · M
Obsession with sports is almost as unintelligent as rabid nationalism.
ffony · M
@ffony And the Olympics is just another big scam to make more money for the already wealthy; by feeding egotistical, largely fake, pumped-up national rivalry.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@ffony Absolutely! It's entertainment, and big business
GypsyKiss · 31-35
Sport has nothing to do with Politics and shouldn't be used for political purposes if you can't have the best players participating in a tournament the tournament itself ends up being the loser and valueless itself.
ffony · M
@GypsyKiss I just despise people thinking 'sport' has to mean competition for bragging rights.
Keep politics out of sport.

Although, in this case, still make an exception for any athlete who says they openly support Russia's actions in Ukraine (and Israel's in Gaza for that matter).
helenS · 36-40, F
I would like to inform you that somebody considered this post of yours as racism and hate speech.
emiliya · 22-25, F
@helenS She refers to neutral Russians who do not support the war as "barbarians" and says their presence, as Russians, is "contaminating" another country. What makes you think this is not racist?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
What makes you think this is not racist?

I have not addressed 'neutral russians', but principally because 'russian' is a nationality, not a race.

Your reference to 'russians' is nationalistic... please stop it.

You should speak only about people generically, otherwise you're a nationalist
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@emiliya I also note that you don't deny the veracity of what I wrote.
Ynotisay · M
I totally get it but...
Athletes aren't countries. And professional tennis players don't play for their country. It's an individual sport. So it's a tricky issue.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I wouldn't blame you for not watching that one match.

Yet why not the other matches?

I would think it speaks louder if EVERY single match was packed but that one!
ffony · M
Why does Wimbledon sound so much like Simpleton?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@ffony Well, the wombles weren't very bright...
What about the British and American barbarians???
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Yeah! Free the Wombles now!!!😷
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Who are these barbarians?
Didn't she retire?

tenente · 100+, M
you mean the russian players?
@tenente Pretty appalling isn’t it

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