WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
“Seamus, is the map upsoid down again, or is it the plane?”
LushMagic · 46-50, F
It looks like it shoots potatos. 😂
Is it not time the freeloading English got their own airforce bases instead of relying on the Scottish to give them somewhere to take off and land from???
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@HootyTheNightOwl Ireland isn’t an ally, they are pathetically neutral. Neutral to the Nazis. Neutral to the Soviets. Neutral to the jihadist. They turn their back. Why shouldn’t nato turn theirs?
Also my nation has never been threatened by invasion from Germany. Dumbass
Also my nation has never been threatened by invasion from Germany. Dumbass
@blokeinpub Thank you for showing us all that you are incapable of having an adult discussion.
@HootyTheNightOwl I accept your surrender.😂
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Is it not time the whole free-loading UN got their own military and stop relying on US equipment and personnel to fight their battles for them?
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
If we were really only interested in our own supply of oil we'd tap our own reserves and not bother with the rest of the world.
If we were really only interested in our own supply of oil we'd tap our own reserves and not bother with the rest of the world.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
@SlaveEt It’s as if two Gulf wars never happened…
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@WintaTheAngle The alt is liking the posts. I’ve caught him liking his own posts before…😂
I am 100% for Ireland upping its military forces.
@Morvoren That is a fair point but that is not what you are paying for
Morvoren · F
@Ozymandiaz What else would we be doing in Latvia?
@Morvoren I only know about Ireland sorry
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Yep! And Lichtenstein needs a navy against Russia! 🙃
Don't worry Ireland is making good use of time restricting people's freedom of speech instead.
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Bumbles · 51-55, M
Probably makes more sense from an intelligence and coordination perspective for the British to keep doing it, especially as the two islands are so close. The Brits would need to rely on the Irish who would need to ramp up capability which would be extremely expensive and take a long time to recruit, train, etc.
Sorry, not sure if you were being literal!
Sorry, not sure if you were being literal!
jackrabbit10 · M
why spend money when others country's fund the money, sounds kind if smart,
@jackrabbit10 Ireland help Australia? I doubt it.
jackrabbit10 · M
@blokeinpub the U,S, will help you, if things go wrong, we got out nose in every country's business ,
@jackrabbit10We’re not talking about the Yanks. We’re talking about the lazy Irish.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Can you afford it… ?
We spend about 52B a year.. 🇦🇺
For being in absolutely no real danger of a physical attack.. with NATO and america as (supposed friends)
It’s never been tested that they have our backs..
We spend about 52B a year.. 🇦🇺
For being in absolutely no real danger of a physical attack.. with NATO and america as (supposed friends)
It’s never been tested that they have our backs..
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Mooed78 · F
🤨we are only an island and very small
@Mooed78 No I’m Australian. That’s got nothing to do with scrounging off nato countries - a treat your not a member of. You’re just reinforcing the lazy Irish stereotype
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@blokeinpub Just gonna pop this in here. It is a list of productivity by country. Notice Ireland is top. I tried to find Australia but I got too tired while scrolling down 😂
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@MarmeeMarch Or beating his wife
Viper · M
Does the UK really want the Irish to have new weapons?
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Population 2 million? Dafuq they need fighters for.
To protect their potatoes?
To protect their potatoes?
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Sure, we will.
Gtfo out of Northern Ireland first though, Sassenach.
Gtfo out of Northern Ireland first though, Sassenach.
@basilfawlty89 I’m not a Brit but I’m pretty sure the Protestant Irish will disagree with you.
MethDozer · M
@blokeinpub those aren't real Irish,. English settlers.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@blokeinpub Protestant English settlers aren't ethnically Irish.