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Believe 100 percent in the bible

I am starting a new post in which I address a topic that deeply concerns me. I want to make it clear that by sharing these messages, I do not intend to assume the role of teacher for anyone. They are simply personal reflections that I have decided to share with all those who read this article.

If you do not agree with what is expressed here, you can simply continue without stopping. However, if you share my perspective, I kindly ask you to spread it to more people.

What I want to talk about today is trusting the Bible 100%.

Frankly, this is just a wish, because although I say that I believe in the Bible 100%, my actions and my works say something else.

Let me explain. The Bible has many sections that are difficult to believe. We tend to believe that the most difficult are those paragraphs where the power of God is manifested in a prodigious way.

Examples: the flood, the sun stopping to make the day longer, the Red Sea parting on itself to make way for the chosen people, and so on of miraculous miracles.

About these miracles I can say: I definitely believe in them, but even if I believed in them with reservations, nothing would happen.

That is, I can say that the flood is a historical fact, or that it is an allegorical narrative that is based on common legends of ancient peoples. In general, I could continue with my life as is, whatever position I take regarding this story.

But there are other parts of the Bible, often subtle passages, that if we believe 100% in them, based on that conviction our life could not continue being the same.

For example, just to quote this paragraph from 1 Corinthians

“The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain. Therefore, let no one boast in men, “For all things are yours: whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future, all are yours, and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.”

I ask myself: Do I believe what is said here 100%?

And even if my mind answers yes, I know that I will only accept it with reservations.

I will try to explain myself. It is clearly stated here that everything belongs to me, since I am Christ’s.

Do you interpret the same thing as me?

It says that everything is mine. That is, as far as my eyes can see, everything belongs to me.

I lived for a while in Tijuana, on the border between Mexico and the United States. From the office where I worked, I could see the imposing border wall. I could also witness the desperation of migrants who encountered a steel wall that prevented them from crossing beyond the border. According to the Bible, that territory is mine. Why don't I go and tear down that wall that prevents these people from going where they want to go?

I could... no, that's not the right word. I should do something about it, since someone has taken what belongs to me.

But that's the easy part. The hardest part to understand is the reverse. If everything is mine, then everything is yours as a consequence. As far as your eyes can see, everything is yours. This includes MY HOUSE, MY CAR, MY MONEY, MY DOG. Everything that I consider MINE is actually yours too. Nothing belongs to me.

From this point on, my faith weakens. It's no longer convenient for me to believe 100% in what the Bible literally says. I prefer to look for alternative interpretations that make me feel comfortable in my weakness. And it's not hard to find numerous ways around this. I can invent a doctrine that "contextualizes" what was clearly stated. A little manipulation of the text here, a little there... and a deaf ear to the cry of the needy is all that is needed. And everyone will be happy, well, not everyone, but at least I will be.

I speak all this for myself, but I know that many of us are limping on this same foot.

Today I realize that I cannot say to the beggar who searches through the trash in "my" house: "Come, sit at the table, I will serve you. What would you like for breakfast?"

I sincerely hope that one day this can happen.

4meAndyou · F
I do sympathize with you. It's very hard to grasp some of the teachings in the Bible. And it is extremely hard to LIVE a life on this earth that is Christlike. Jesus said, to his disciples, over and over again, sell all that you have, and come follow me.

ALL the disciples of Jesus Christ at that time gave up every single earthly possession, sold it, and then shared the resulting funds with every single OTHER disciple of Christ.

There are even instances in the New Testament of the apostles killing one couple who tried to keep some of the money from the sale of their goods for themselves. I believe the sentiment was, that they were trying to cheat God.

However, despite what the Bible says, you should not focus so much on worldly possessions. In my opinion, that is a mistake. If you shift your focus to your own spiritual growth, then you will build up treasures in heaven, because nothing of this earth is of any importance.
4meAndyou · F
@OogieBoogie AND it makes a heck of lot more sense! Because why would cringey little milk-toast people inherit the earth, having done nothing to earn it?
@4meAndyou I KNOW RIGHT !!!!

THAT always confused me as a kid.

I also thought that you gotta be strong to be good.....esp in this fucked up world.

I could never work out how being shy and submissive was this godly way. Wasnt it giving in or 'not standing up to ' the evil stuff and just letting it happen?

But being quiet and strong , reserved but powerful makes it all make sense.

It gives us the toughness to be good despite the evil, combat the evil, stand alone when everyone else gives in.

It blew my mind when i found this out.
So much then just 'clicked'.
4meAndyou · F
@OogieBoogie Thank you for sharing a VERY important piece of information!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I focus on the cross
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
I think it is much more to do with understanding the Bible than with believing each and every word.

Here is a short word or two on how to approach understanding it, drawn from the Catholic position:-

To search out the intention of the sacred writers, attention should be given, among other things, to "literary forms." For truth is set forth and expressed differently in texts which are variously historical, prophetic, poetic, or of other forms of discourse. The interpreter must investigate what meaning the sacred writer intended to express and actually expressed in particular circumstances by using contemporary literary forms in accordance with the situation of his own time and culture. For the correct understanding of what the sacred author wanted to assert, due attention must be paid to the customary and characteristic styles of feeling, speaking and narrating which prevailed at the time of the sacred writer, and to the patterns men normally employed at that period in their everyday dealings with one another. (Dei Verbum, III, 12, 2)

In my own experience, "believing" every word in some sort of purely literal way only leads to misunderstanding, which then leads to dogmatism and all the other woes of Religion in general.

A good guide - in my opinion - is Karen Armstrong. Two books, "A Case For God" and "The Lost Art of Scripture".
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Well If you believe in the bible 100%
There's a passage on page 147 of the New Testament and it says " The whole purpose of the bible is to believe in God ( Jesus) which will help you live " .
That's good enough for me .
Why do I say that ?
Just look around at everyone and there spirits are dead
@riseofthemachine Everyone's spirit is dead? You haven't met a single person with a living spirit?
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@LeopoldBloom I met people with wisdom from life experiences through pain but yes have a look around and you notice it , either there spirits are dead or else there heading that way .
Conversations are dead do you get me ?
It a repetition in conversation that you hear as you get older .
It's like you can't say this , you can't say that .
It's like there too private . I know it's nice to have a bit of privacy but not to the extent when conversations are repetitive.
You get sick of it .
Or else the other option is that I'm off my game 😊😊😊.
@riseofthemachine Maybe you're the problem.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
That's fine... I believe in 0% of the bible and my life didn't particularly change. I just found new ways to function my belief on how life works. And it didn't need a god.
The problem being…
It’s been re-written by man with an agenda how many times now?
I’ll stick with the deadly 7 and thatl do me…
walabby · 61-69, M
I'm glad that it works for you, but I can't get around the contradictions and historical inaccuracies...
I think each of finds solace and meaning in what best suits us and 'feels' right for us.

For those that search, we each find our own path.💜💚
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@OogieBoogie hello Oogie boogie 😊
@riseofthemachine hiya 🤗
You know, i never knjw how to shorten your name to something more familiar 🤔😏

What seems appropriate? Rotm? Mr.M ?🤷‍♀ Help me out here😂
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What is the point of the two testaments of the Bible???

From what I can see, it's basically highlighting the time when Christianity moved further away from worship that was based around sacrifice and closer to what we are familiar with today.
What does "believing in the Bible" mean? I believe the Bible exists; does that count? Or does it mean believing it as literal truth? Or believing it as true in the sense of being a guide to behavior, even if the stories in it are metaphors or allegories?
JSul3 · 70-79
The United States is a nation of laws.
Do you follow the rule of law of the United States, or do you ignore it, and only follow biblical law?
I totally believe it 100%. We we refuse to believe even 1% of it, then we call God a liar.

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