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BibleData · M
I believe he was an intelligent person and enlightened if you mean rational, well informed and spiritually aware. Not enlightened if you mean modern, tolerant of traditional or political and social mores. Most Christians seem to think that through might or tolerance Jesus will bring peace through God's kingdom. Jesus didn't come to make peace in or fix the world, he came to destroy it. The first step was his previous existence as a man as recorded in the gospels and the final step is the actual destruction of the world as a spirit being as foretold in the book of Revelation.

Many often mistake the church or Christendom as being in line with or founded by Jesus when actually those things have more to do with paganism and politics. Constantine being the most obvious example, the USA being the most recent. What you think of as Jesus may not be anything to do with him.

Do you think Adam was a real person?

raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
Apostle Peter (May 27, 1966)

“Heralds, you are greatly interested in Christ’s life on Earth, and particularly in those places of the Gospel where, due to various reasons, the text is so expressed as to be incomprehensible to you people, and therefore is quite often wrongly interpreted. God understanding that, allowed me to alight to you and strive to make our, the apostles’ writings somewhat more understandable to you.”

“First of all, I wanted to make understandable to you the apostles’ relationship with Christ. None of us were specially prepared for the high task. We all came from low classes of people. I, for example, was a fisherman. Christ walked around talking to people, telling them that He brought love to people from God, for He has been sent by Him. He said that humanity would be able to become happy, and able to achieve Paradise only through love. Whenever He spoke, His words went straight to our hearts. He spoke simply, but so sincerely and with such conviction, that all doubts vanished as to the reality and correctness of what He had said. He revealed to us that He had been sent directly by His Father-God_ to redeem the sins of mankind.”

“We were ordinary people and we reasoned like humans. It was difficult for us to understand that the Son of God does not strive to display His divinity by displaying His might. It was difficult for us to understand why we have suffered like any other human, or why we have to struggle and have to eat coarse bread, when He, as the Son of God, could have had the angels provide for us. Yet, He said that if we want to prove to the people that we are better than they, then we have to prove that by utilizing our own abilities and deeds.”

“I recall one evening when, scorched by the sun, we had traveled a long dessert road. By evening, we were thirsty and deathly tired, when we finally reached a village and drank some water from the well. We ate a few bites of bread and rested in the shade of the trees. Christ settled down in the grass next to me and said, “How pleasant it is to rest after a long, hard journey.”

“He wiped the sweat from His brow and wearily closed His eyes. Doubt overcame me. My mind was unable to answers my questions. After a while, Christ opened His eyes, and I told Him, “Excuse me, Teacher, but I cannot understand with my foolish mind why You, the Son of God, tire just as we ordinary people do.”

“Christ took me by the hand and said, “Tell me, Peter, how does my hand differ from your?”
“It doesn’t, Teacher.”

“And how does my foot differ from your?”

“It doesn’t.”
“Why then, Peter do you want my feet to tire less than your? My entire body does not differ from your body. Just like you, I have been born from a woman. So, why do you expect my body to be different than your? Would a king’s son, if he traveled with us, tire any less than we do?
I laughed out loud and said. “How could a king’s son endure what we do? After all, he’d be ready to ride-even into a castle-on horseback.”
Silence ruled for a while. The disciple began to doze, but the Teacher looked thoughtfully at the sky. I felt that I had put myself into an embarrassing position with my question, and could not reconcile myself in any way.”

“Well, go ahead and ask, Peter” Christ barely whispered.”
“Forgive me a simple fisherman, that I ask You questions which seem foolish to other, more educated people.”
“No, Peter, they do not seem foolish even to the wisest people.”
“I became somewhat bolder. “Oh well, Teacher. With respect to the king’s son, even though he is the king’s son, he still is merely the same human as we all are. He differs from us only with his high position. But You, You are the Son of God. Everything is possible for you. With a wave of the hand, You could oppose the king’s thousands of soldiers with legions of angles bearing flaming swords in their hands. There is nothing that You could not do, if You wanted to.”

“Wanted to.” said Christ. Here, you see is the real word- wanted to! You must understand how difficult that is, to want to do something and be unable to!”

“Be unable?” I asked in wonder, You can do anything.”
“Yes. Anything that benefits mankind as well, but not only merely Myself, or only Myself and merely you. Do you know, Peter, that people’s heart can only be conquered with love…..only with love and nothing else? It makes no difference if you are a man, the Son of God, or God Himself.”

“But is that possible?”
“Yes that is a good question, but if that is not possible with love, Peter, then that is not possible at all. So then, what is left for us to do? Reply to God, Peter! When then is there left for us to do?”

“I raised my head and said “What is left for us to do is what You are doing teacher. Forgive me my questions, but, you see, we are merely humans, but you are the Son of God. You are much closer to God.”

“Why do you think that you are more distant from God than I am?”

Christ waited for about a minute, and then said, “Do you have a soul, Peter?”
“I obviously do, I replied, almost indignantly at such a question.
“And who gave you this soul?”
“God…obviously! Who else could have given it to me?”
“Similarly, He also gave Me a part of the very same spirit of Himself that He gave to you. What difference is there between us, then?”

“I didn’t know what to reply. It seemed that there was no difference, but at the same time, the difference was tremendous.”

“You see, Peter, the difference in only in the task which God has given everyone. My task is to bring God’s teachings to humanity, and your task, as well as that of the other disciples, is to spread this teaching throughout the entire world.”

“Yet, how will You, while conducting Yourself like a human, be able to fight against legions of evil people, and how will You be able to defend Yourself against their swords?” They will kill You!”

“You express yourself incorrectly, Peter. They may kill My body, but by doing so, they will set My divine spirit free, and with His help, you will bring God’s light to all nations, and no swords will be able to hold you back.”

"The Tidings, The Book of tidings from the Almighty and His Spirits" Nick Mezins, Strafford Publishing, 2016.
akindheart · 61-69, F
thank you. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. and that is very kind of you.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@akindheart ye his teachings from what I understand are admirable
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So smart he rose from the grave.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
I think it's more likely than not Jesus was a real person, but the books of the Bible were written decades after his death and were propagandist in nature. I think they should be read with some skepticism.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
@Guitarman123 Yes, I like that part. To those who are are lost in the world, suffering, I think it's a beautiful sentiment and message, and has saved many.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@Fukfacewillie definitely a great message which is really to not judge a book by its cover
@Fukfacewillie I recently finished reading How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher From Galilee by Bart Ehrman. While it’s possible Jesus existed, I’ll go with legend.
Yottado some more research. Used to think like that too. Keep seeking truth. What one makes of Masiach is the most important decision and should not be made based off of YouTube videos/high sounding philosophies, and most dangerous of all… the opinions of others.
@Guitarman123 You will find the Bible is right when it says “Narrow is the gate, and few find it”

I will never be certain I have found it, either.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@SW-User I'm assuming that's reffering to being narrow minded
@Guitarman123 In a way. It’s a full illustration.

Jesus talks about a wide path that many people walk on, following like sheep, taking the path everyone else is taking, simply because everyone is on it.

Then He talks about the Truth, and warns his followers not to turn from it, not to the left or the right. He says “this is the narrow path, and few will find it”.

He goes on later to say that many people will expect Him to know them and save them in the end because they went through the motions and had the appearance of being Christian. “You washed the outside of the cup, but the inside is still filthy”

We see this everyday, whether we are Christian/atheist/straight/gay/trans/cis/republican/democrat/whatever
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I absolutely agree. With the part about him probably being a real person. The reason being that if someone had made him up, his exploits would fit the Old Testament prophecies perfectly. What we have is someone whose life seems to superficially fit, if you have an imperfect understanding of the Old Testament.

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