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Reincarnation was removed from Bible after 500 years.

Because they had no concrete evidence. But what would be the convincing proof of reincarnation. Only you can ask god himself.
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Charity · 56-60
I've never read the word reincarnation in the Bible, now maybe some of the Bible's printed after the 1960s decided to use the word reincarnation in a descriptive manner.

John the Baptist could be classified under incarnation.

The two prophets in Revelation could be classified under reincarnation.

Concrete proof, it seems people who have said they've lived past lives wasn't accepted as concrete proof. So how could one give concrete proof that one lived in a different time having a different life.

Since the spirit is determined to be eternal, and the spirit is the thought process and they say the subconscious mind remembers everything, (sort of like a computer), it is possible.

Also possible like what is written in the Bible, what we now call telepathic communication, Jesus even while in a flesh body was able to read minds. It is written in various places throughout scripture God knows the mind or God knows the heart he reads minds. So it's possible that all things spiritually are telepathically connected. And somehow those who feel they live other lives are actually experiencing telepathy.

Food for thought!
@Charity well sir... when a person writes to me and ends their conversation with "that is why Paul advised Christians not to argue over the scriptures", to me, that is directly saying you are accusing me of wanting to argue. That works both ways, but I'm tired of your accusations, so I'll let you be on your way since you're clearly in a bad mood and seem to be looking for something to beef about.

To answer your last statement, no, that is not a form of reincarnation because the Lord never had a body to begin with. He is Spirit. But you just want to argue instead of discussing. Don't write me again. I don't like your attitude.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M

Adam and Eve were created by God. Similarway, always new people are created/procreated. God does not keep sending the same spirit in different bodies and playing the jumbled up games.

Book of life is created because God knows the future of who will be on Earth. Striking out from the Book of life means "Hell" penalty.

No alternation to little could be attributed. It was 1600 and not 2024 where we have Lots of wicked minds. Back in those days, anyone could not write or amend Bible like we can do it on wiki as open source web. Also, what I have read is there were more than one copy of every script for they know that singular one could be lost.
Charity · 56-60
@DanielsASJ I didn't say or indicate that God keeps sending the same Spirit into bodies.

I know what the Book of Life represents thank you. Because our names are already written in the Book of Life and because God told Jeremiah he knew him before he was born, and because all spirits go back to God, because Jesus said that Lazarus is just sleeping, all of that says that the spirit is eternal.

And I am not talking about flesh bodies and spirits continually coming into flesh bodies.

I am speaking of the Bible indicating that the spirits that are in these flesh bodies once existed in heaven. Spirits coming from heaven being housed in a flesh body is a form of reincarnation.

You two people are focused on a single body and a single Spirit going from body to body // when I am speaking of individual spirits from heaven into individual flesh bodies that has lived and do live and will live on Earth.

And as far as any of us know all spirits outside of the flesh could be telepathic.

Thank you for your input.
I'm sorry but there never was reincarnation even mentioned in the Bible, let alone written. Let's not add to God's Word, what is not in there. He didn't leave us to guess.

"And as it is appointed unto men, ONCE to die, but after this, the judgment." Hebrews 9:27
Matt85 · 36-40, M
i think that Star Trek fans are people who sacraficed themselves in war and have been given a 2nd chance
its all military language they use in that show
1490wayb · 56-60, M
and what biblical book\verse explained reincarnation??
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
@1490wayb [media=https://youtu.be/uMHpIVclE5A]

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LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@jshm2 It was in there, though.

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